Saturday, April 20

Are you suffering from malnutrition?

An attack of any disease or virus occurs only when the immune system is weak and if you suffer from malnutrition. Just as it is important to have the right diet through calorie control, it is also important to make sure that you are getting enough nutrition. Some physical symptoms can tell if you are suffering from malnutrition.

Symptoms of malnutrition

Hair loss

It is normal to lose 100 hairs every day. But whenever you see a lot of hair lying on your pillow after waking up, or while taking a bath or combing your hair, you notice that your hair is falling out more than you expected, then you are suffering from iron deficiency.

What to do: Eat foods rich in iron such as meat, eggs, spinach, liver, broccoli, peas, etc.

Physical fatigue

Notice if you are getting less sleep and are having anxiety and physical weakness. Then you are suffering from lack of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps boost immunity.

What to do: Apply sunlight on the body for 10 to 15 minutes every day. You can also get vitamin D from tuna fish, cod liver oil, salmon, eggs, mushrooms etc.

Physical fatigue

Notice if you are getting less sleep and are having anxiety and physical weakness. Then you are suffering from lack of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps boost immunity.

What to do: Apply sunlight on the body for 10 to 15 minutes every day. You can also get vitamin D from tuna fish, cod liver oil, salmon, eggs, mushrooms etc.

Nail changes

When the body is deficient in iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, nails may break or take the shape of a spoon. If you notice this change, check your electrolyte balance. It probably the symptom of malnutrition.

What to do: Add milk, eggs, spinach, mushrooms, bananas, sweet pumpkin seeds, etc. to your food list.

Swelling of the tongue
If the tongue is swollen or sore, you will be deficient in iron, folic acid, niacin, riboflavin and vitamin B12. Clear sign of  malnutrition.

What to do: Eat fish, meat, milk, eggs, liver, green vegetables.

Bleeding from the gums of the teeth

If the gums of the teeth turn red or blood gushes from the gums, you will understand that you are deficient in vitamin C.

What to do: Vitamin C is found in foods like mango, grapefruit, ambergris, guava, lemon, orange, tomato etc. Cracks in the corners of the lips
Notice if there are any cracks or rashes, pain and bleeding in the corners of your lips. If you see such symptoms, you will understand that you are suffering from lack of iron and B vitamins.

What to do: Add foods rich in iron and B vitamins such as eggs, milk, meat, green vegetables, especially spinach, broccoli, etc. to your diet.

Blurred vision

If you see blurred vision, you should understand that you are suffering from vitamin A deficiency disease

What to do: Add beta carotene, colorful vegetables, carrots, sweet pumpkins, spinach, milk and eggs to your diet.

Author: Nutritionist

Baking soda disinfects fruits and vegetables

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