Tuesday, October 1

Author: abc

There are Two good news from Canada

There are Two good news from Canada

Cover Story, Health
Two good news from Canada : the mobile phone is ringing with strange sounds. No, the phone is not a problem. I took the phone in my hand and saw two urgent text messages. In French and English. This is an urgent message to warn Canadians returning from abroad to comply with quarantine. For so many days, the issue was just a request. The state of Ontario announced the emergency message on March 26, and from now on it will be the law. From now on, it will be considered a crime not to go back from the country for the mandatory 14-day quarantine. During these two weeks, even going to the store or meeting relatives or friends is forbidden. The facts are fairly clear. Canada is tougher this time around to deal with the difficult situation. Sophie Trudeau of Canada recovered This is a time o...

Myanmar has informed ICJ about the steps to protect the Rohingya

Cover Story
Myanmar has informed the International Court of Justice (ICJ) about the steps it has taken to protect the Rohingya people. The country has submitted a report to the court in this regard. However, the steps taken in the report were not disclosed. This is the first such report from Myanmar submitted to the ICJ. The news agency Reuters reported this information. A Reuters report said the matter had been confirmed by the ICJ. In the wake of the Gambia case against Myanmar over the Rohingya issue, the ICJ found evidence of genocide on January 23. And instructed Myanmar to take four-point interim measures. Myanmar submitted its first report after the directive. The Reuters report said the measures taken by Myanmar within four months were mentioned in the report. However, the ICJ did not s...

Tips to clean hairbrush with easy steps

Health and Lifestyle
How to clean your hair brush? follow these effective tips. After brushing our hair, most of the time we do not clean the hair that has accumulated inside the brush. As a result, the brush became dirty after a while. In addition, if you do not clean the hair regularly, dirt accumulates inside the brush. Learn how to clean hair brush instantly. First, insert something thin into the brush and push the curly hair upwards. Then cut the hair with scissors. You can use toothpick, comb or pen for this purpose Take lukewarm water in a bowl. Mix a little shampoo and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. oak the brush in pot water for 20 minutes. Clean the brush by applying shampoo on the old toothbrush. How to make donut hair bun (with photo) Try these, The age will not aging skin Are you...

বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তারদের টিপস : অবশ্যই মেনে চলবেন

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
এগুলো গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তারদের টিপস । এগুলো যথাসম্ভব মেনে চলার চেষ্টা করবেন। তাহলেই থাকবেন সুস্থ ও সবল। বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তারদের টিপস টানা ৪০ থেকে ৪৫ মিনিট হাঁটলে রক্তে চলমান চর্বি ফুরিয়ে আসে। তাই অফিস থেকে বাড়িতে ফেরার পথে খানিকটা পথ হেঁটেই ফিরুন। শারীরিক সক্ষমতা থাকলে অফিস কিংবা বাড়িতে লিফট ব্যবহার না করে সিঁড়িতেই চড়ুন। অধ্যাপক ডা. মোহাম্মদ সাইফউল্লাহ ************ প্রতিদিন ৩০ মিনিট করে সপ্তাহে পাঁচ দিন হাঁটুন। সপ্তাহে মোট ১৫০ মিনিট হাঁটলে শরীরে ওজন সাত শতাংশ কমবে। এতে টাইপ টু ডায়াবেটিস হওয়ার আশঙ্কা কমে ৫৮ ভাগ। দিনে এক ঘণ্টা করে সপ্তাহে পাঁচ দিন হাঁটলে স্ট্রোকের ঝুঁকি ৫০ শতাংশ।-অধ্যাপক ডা. মোহাম্মদ সাইফউল্লাহ ******* যারা দিনে আধা ঘণ্টা হাঁটেন, তাদের হৃদরোগের ঝুঁকি ৪০ শতাংশ কমে। হাটলে ভালো কোলেস্টেরল বা হাই ডেনসিটি লাইপো প্রোটিন বাড়ে। এতে রক্তনালীতে সহজে ব্লক হয় না। না...

John Wick game coming soon on PC and MAC

Cover Story, New Jokes and Articles, Tech news
The game is based on the Hollywood action movie 'John Wick'. The John Wick game, called 'John Wick Hex', will be released on October 7 for Windows and Mac users. According to technology site Engadget, it is designed as a strategic game, not an action. Engadget also states that the graphics for "John Wick Hex" are designed in comic-book style art. John Wick game As a result, John Wick game gamer will enjoy graphics of different tastes while playing. Obstacles like short amo, limited reload time have been kept in the game. Jojo Yousebo, the stunt coordinator of the original film, acted as a consultant during its making. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. However, online site Game-Debate estimates that the game will require a minimum of 64-bit Windows 8...

Which are the suitable plants for the Balcony?

Agriculture Tips, Cover Story
Lots of leisure in hand now. If you have a garden hobby, you can easily fulfill it at this time. Plant your favorite tree on the roof or porch. Just find suitable plants for the Balcony . You can also easily cultivate leaves that can be used for cooking. Find out which trees you can plant in the tub. Plants for the Balcony You can plant tropical flowering plants for the Balcony. If the sun is shining on the balcony, you can plant rose. Besides night-blooming jasmine , normal jasmine, mint are also very easy plants for the Balcony. You can plant money-plant or fern type trees. These are fancy plants. If you hang it from above, the balcony will get a new look. You can put aloe vera in the pot. Aloe vera is a very necessary herb. It has many uses in health care starting from beauty tr...

How to make donut hair bun (with photo)

Glamour, Health and Lifestyle
Can't decide how to tie hair at the party? You can easily decorate your hair with gorgeous hair donut bun. This donut hair bun can be easily removed. For this you will need a comb, long comb, rubber band, a thick band, bobby pin and hair spray. donut hair bun Step 1 Raise your hair and tie a ponytail. Tie tightly. donut hair bun Step-2 Put the thick band on the rubber band. Step-3 Bring the hanging ponytail hairs all over the head.   Step-4 Spread the top part of the hair and pull the tail part into the thick band by inserting the finger. The upper band should cover the hair.   Step-5 Now spread the bottom part and put the finger inside the thick band again and pull the rest of the hair from the middle.   Step-6 Turn the t...

Try these, The age will not aging skin

Glamour, Health and Lifestyle
Wrinkles begin to appear on the skin as it grows. As a result, the skin loses its natural beauty. You can rely on home and natural methods to prevent the aging skin. Tips to stop aging skin Vitamin C helps skin make collagen. As a result, include lemon, orange, mango, broccoli and other fruits and vegetables with vitamin C in your diet. Vitamin C can be used directly on skin. Use lemon juice mixed with rose water on the skin. Apply aloe vera gel on the skin. Its anti-bacterial properties will keep the skin well. Aloe vera also helps to reduce wrinkles by keeping the skin moist. Regularly massage with olive oil to keep skin taut. Put sour yogurt in the diet. This will keep skin moist from the inside out. The result will not be wrinkles. You can use egg white as a face mas...

Are you suffering from malnutrition?

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
An attack of any disease or virus occurs only when the immune system is weak and if you suffer from malnutrition. Just as it is important to have the right diet through calorie control, it is also important to make sure that you are getting enough nutrition. Some physical symptoms can tell if you are suffering from malnutrition. Symptoms of malnutrition Hair loss It is normal to lose 100 hairs every day. But whenever you see a lot of hair lying on your pillow after waking up, or while taking a bath or combing your hair, you notice that your hair is falling out more than you expected, then you are suffering from iron deficiency. What to do: Eat foods rich in iron such as meat, eggs, spinach, liver, broccoli, peas, etc. Physical fatigue Notice if you are getting less sleep and ...

Sleeping Problem for Corona Anxiety : Five Things to Do

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
In the world of sleeping a new problem arise along with insomnia, and that is corona-anxiety sleeping problem. Let’s see how to cope up with this new devil. Sleep is the third most important factor in overall physical and mental well-being after meals and exercise. If you don't get enough sleep, or have Sleep Problem the chances of getting sick very fast increase several times and the speed of recovery is also slowed down. According to the Mayo Clinic of America, when we sleep, the body releases a type of protein called cytokines, which work against any type of infection, inflammation and anxiety in the body. The effects of the global corona pandemic are growing at an unusual rate. Which has a direct impact on our daily work, rest and above all creating Sleep Problem, Someone's sleep...

Baking soda disinfects fruits and vegetables

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
It is very important to clean the fruits and vegetables brought from the market during this outbreak of coronavirus. Fruits and vegetables can be cleaned with baking soda. Baking soda disinfects capacity can also be used in many other ways. Baking soda disinfects Take water in a bowl. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda and soak vegetables or fruits. After 15 minutes, rinse well with tap water. Make a paste by mixing a little water with baking soda. Brush your teeth with it once a week. Teeth will be whiter. Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of lukewarm water and rinse. Bad breath will go away. Spread baking soda in the corner of the room or in the mouth of the sink pipe before going to bed at night. If you do this for a few days in a row, the insects will be removed. ...

Check out how Stefanie Sun spends her time at home

Entertainment, Glamour
On this day in 2002, Stefanie Sun held her first solo concert in Singapore, which was attended by a sell-out crowd at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. Sun, 41, who marks her 20th anniversary as a singer this year, is considered one of the country’s most successful music exports and has won numerous awards. Find out what she has been doing at home during the pandemic and how she is helping in the fight against Covid-19. Catch a web docuseries featuring Homemade, a replacement collection of labor by local artist Leow Wei Li, which features 16 paintings celebrating the heartland and products from local supermarkets, baking stores, also as convenience and hardware stores. the primary episode is out there on food and beverage outlet SPRMRKT at Dempsey Hill’s social media channels. It ...

করোনা রোগী ১১ দিন পর কাউকে আক্রান্ত করে না

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
করোনাভাইরাসে আক্রান্ত হওয়ার পর করোনা রোগী ১১ দিন পর আর অন্য কাউকে আক্রান্ত করতে পারে না। এমনকি নিজেরা পজিটিভ থাকলেও তখন আর অন্যদের সংক্রমিত হওয়ার ভয় থাকে না। সিঙ্গাপুরের সংক্রমণ বিশেষজ্ঞরা নতুন এ গবেষণায় এ ফল পেয়েছেন। সিঙ্গাপুরের ন্যাশনাল সেন্টার ফর ইনফেকটিয়াস ডিজিস এবং অ্যাকাডেমি অব মেডিসিন যৌথ ওই গবেষণা করেছে। গবেষকরা বলছেন, অসুস্থ হওয়ার ১১ দিন পর আর কেউ অন্যদের আক্রান্ত করতে পারে না। সিঙ্গাপুরে ৭৩ জন করোনা রোগীর ওপর পর্যবেক্ষণের পর এ ফল পেয়েছেন গবেষকরা। আর এই ফলের ভিত্তিতে সে দেশে করোনা রোগীদের চিকিৎসা এবং ছাড়পত্র দেওয়া হতে পারে। বর্তমানে সে দেশে করোনা রোগী পরের পরীক্ষায় নেগেটিভ হওয়ার চেয়ে তিনি অন্যদের আক্রান্ত করতে পারেন কিনা, সে ব্যাপারে গুরুত্ব দেওয়া হচ্ছে। সে দেশের স্বাস্থ্য মন্ত্রণালয় গবেষণাটি মূল্যায়ন করার কথা। সে দেশে এখন পর্যন্ত ৩১ হাজার ৬৮ জন করোনাভাইরাসে আক্রান্ত হ...

মৃত্যুর পর মুমিন ব্যক্তির আত্মা আকাশ ও জমিনে কিভাবে বিচরণ করবে?

Cover Story, Islam
এ বিষয়ে রাসূলুল্লাহ সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লামের হাদীসসমূহ থেকে এমন একটি হাদীস পেশ করব যার মধ্যে মৃত্যুর পর  মুহূর্তের একটি সূক্ষ্ণ বর্ণনা করা হয়েছে। আত্মার স্থায়ী ঠিকানা জাহান্নাম বা জান্নাত হওয়ার পূর্ব পর্যন্ত আকাশ ও জমিনে একটি দীর্ঘ ও শেষ ভ্রমণের বর্ণনা করা হয়েছে, যতক্ষণ না তার স্থায়ী গন্তব্যস্থল হবে জাহান্নাম বা জান্নাত (শাস্তি অথবা শান্তি)। আল্লাহ তা‘আলার নিকট তাঁর অনুগ্রহ চাচ্ছি এবং কঠিন শাস্তি ও অসন্তুষ্টির কারণ থেকে আশ্রয় চাচ্ছি। যে বর্ণনা করতে চাচ্ছি তা মুমিন, কাফির, পরহেজগার, ফাসিকসহ সকল প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক বান্দার ক্ষেত্রে প্রযোজ্য আর এটিই সকল শব্দ ও দীর্ঘ বর্ণনাসহ বিস্তারিত তুলে ধরেছি। হাদিসটিতে বলা হয়েছে, বারা ইবন আযেব রাদিয়াল্লাহু ‘আনহু থেকে বর্ণিত, তিনি বলেন, আমরা রাসূলুল্লাহ সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লামের সাথে এক আনসারীর জানাযার সালাতের জন্য বের হয়ে কবর পর্যন্ত গেলাম, তখন...

Singapore government set an example of humanity

Cover Story, New Jokes and Articles, Singapore News
The Singapore government set an example of the best humanity in the world. The minds of the people of this small country are so big that it is unimaginable. The Singapore government has been setting one example after another with expatriate Bangladeshis. This is a competition of humanity, in this competition the government of Singapore has achieved the flag of "victory of world humanity" by leaving all the countries of the world behind. A Bangladeshi expatriate is on the verge of death due to liver cancer, medical science is helpless to him. He had the last wish of his expatriate brother, to spend the last time of his life with his family. I want to see the faces of children, mothers and family members. The last wish of this helpless man's life reaches the hearts of the doctors, nurs...

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