Friday, September 27

7 ways to stay healthy with arthritis

We are all more or less familiar with the term arthritis. Arthritis is inflammation of the bones or joints.

Why arthritis occurs

One of the reasons is aging. As we age, the amount of water in the cartilage increases and the amount of protein decreases. For that, the cartilage also starts to decay. If the bodyweight is high, the disease can be due to excessive pressure on different joints. Some people may have this disease at birth.

Symptoms of this disease

The symptoms of this disease are unbearable pain in the neck, shoulders, back, waist or scalp. It can be very difficult to turn the neck, bend the body and walk. In addition, mild fever, loss of appetite and weight loss are the symptoms of this disease.

Who is more likely to get this disease

Usually after 30 years. People who work sitting or standing for long periods of time and those who have excessive tension are more likely to get the disease. There may also be hereditary reasons.


7 Ways to Stay Healthy

1. Seek medical advice as soon as possible. Try to find out about your disease type and cure.
2. Change the quality of life without using too much pain medication. Stay free from stress.

3. Try to stay busy at work instead of taking extra rest.

4. Make exercising a regular habit.

Other things to keep in mind-

Do not sit at the table and study. Do not use soft mattresses and high pillows.

In addition, reduce body fat – eat nutritious food, reduce tension, do some light exercise every day and do regular physical activity. Adults should be careful in cold winters and humid weather in winter.

What to do

Massage prohibited, use a pillow, sleep in a firm and even bed, use foam, mattress, lean forward, heavy work, hot roast prohibited, pray on the chair table.

Use high commode. No sitting down, sit up straight. Do not bathe in the mug, use the shower, wear a belt (corset) around the waist, the problem with the neck is that they will use the collar.

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