Friday, September 20

Jokes : Brand New Jokes You never heard before

These brand new jokes are the lifeblood for those who already read all the jokes in the world. So, don’t just get depressed yet. Here are some more for your jokes platter.



Ways to meet beautiful women

A frog went to the astrologer

Astrologer: You will meet a beautiful girl very soon. She will know everything about you.

Frog: Really! Where will I meet her? Definitely at a party?!

Astrologer: No. In a biology practical class!



Jokes : brand new jokes


Husband: Will you be the moon of my life?

Wife: Of course!

Husband: Then stay exactly 384,400 km away from me.



Jokes : brand new jokes

Teacher: What did the college captain tell you for two hours?

Student He explained that he was a man of few words.



Seven saints are doing austerities on seven mats. A man came to them and asked

Man: Holly father, girls don’t look at me. Please do something for me.

Hearing the man’s words, the elder saint said to the younger saint sitting next to him:

‘Hey, bring another mat here’




Mr. Hafiz asked the banana seller

Mr. Hafiz: How much does 4 banana cost?

Seller: 2 dollar

Hafiz: Why! I bought that 1 dollar that day.

Seller: I used to sell at this rate, but not now.

Hearing this, Mr. Hafiz also walked with a banana in his hand.

The banana seller shouted: Hey sir, are you forgetting to pay?

Mr. Hafiz: I used to pay….



Jokes : brand new Jokes


Patient: Doctor, can I read ABCD if I wear these glasses?

Doctor: Yes, of course you can.

Patient: Then let me take the glasses, this time nobody will call me ignorant.

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