Saturday, September 28

Understand the symptoms of breast cancer

Breast cancer is a very well known disease. Many women die of the disease every year. All the causes of breast cancer are still unknown. However, it has been possible to know several ‘risk factors’. Obesity is one of them.

Early diagnosis of breast cancer is possible with a little awareness. That reduces the problem a lot. The patient’s outcome is also good.

Different Symptoms of Breast Cancer –

1. Changes in the size or shape of the breast.

2. Lumps in the breast

3. Changes in the skin of the breast

4. Discharge of fluid from the nipple

5. Going inside the nipple or nipple.

6. Nipple changes

One of the causes of breast cancer is cancer. The difference with other wheels is that it is not easy to move, the surface is uneven and usually painless.

How do you understand the wheel of the breast?

Breast examination at home

Self-examination can be done by examining one’s own breasts. You can check this at home every month after menstruation.

When to go to the doctor?

If you feel any wheel, you must diagnose it by medical examination, especially if the wheel does not fit after menstruation, gradually grows bigger or there is pain.

No changes in the skin

If you notice any changes in the skin of the breasts, such as wrinkles, enlarged pores or a change in color. If the nipple is inserted inwards or any abnormal discharge or juice comes out of it.

What tests may be needed?

Some tests are needed to diagnose the cause of the wheel, such as ultrasonogram, FNAC, biopsy, mammography, etc.

Ways to prevent breast cancer

People with a family history of breast cancer need to be aware of this. In addition, proper diet, weight control, not taking hormonal pills for more than 3-5 years and proper breastfeeding of the baby works to prevent breast cancer.

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