Friday, September 20

How to avoid food poisoning

Food poisoning makes the body very weak and does not want to eat anything. It is very important to drink plenty of water during food poisoning.

As the incidence of bacteria increases due to excessive heat in summer, it is very important to be careful about food during this time, it is necessary to stay clean, as the possibility of food poisoning increases a lot during this time. Food poisoning makes the body very weak and does not want to eat anything. It is very important to drink plenty of water during food poisoning.

Keep your hands clean in the summer, be sure to wash your hands before eating, before going to the toilet, or after touching a pet in the house.

Don’t  eat stale food. Do not eat refrigerated food for a long time. If food has a slight odor, don’t put it in your mouth. Wash the sliced ​​vegetables well before cooking, it will be possible to get rid of bacteria.

When cooking, boil all the ingredients very well,  it can kill bacteria. When food is boiled well, the toxins inside it are quickly destroyed.

When you buy a food, don’t forget to look at its expiration date, never buy expired food, it has more chances of food poisoning.

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