Friday, September 20

Will there be Lost in Space 4? (Un)fortunately no! But why?

Everything ends. Even the FRIENDS series. So, why Lost in Space also deserves its RIP moment. Everybody is in their right place and the chemistry is never been good before.

The classic Robinson formula works just fine in this series. The family reunites and there are no more “who is contributing most’ matter. Though we have gradually developed a soft corner for will, who is tremendously changed physically just within a season.

We actually did not like some particular matter, scenes, and naming though. The Robot should be called at least by some name. After all, it is not so Robotic over the whole series. They called the character in such a tone, that sounds like- the Robinsons and others did not see a robot before. If you own a robot, just try to call it “Hey Robot”, it certainly will sound funny or not so accurate.

The dilemma of good and bad robots and ‘Danger Family’ situation is slightly confusing over time. The creators of the Robots are completely ignored. The planet of the robots- which has a storage sea and thunderstorm, was also ignored, and certainly deserves more explanation. The sudden appearance of blue sea creatures on that planet (perhaps a robot also) was also ignored later.

What happened to that little girl who lost her father due to the mischiefs of Dr. Smith? Does she know about the killer?

Ok, we know, there must be a lot of unanswered questions. But, the serene ending scene of Will and Robot was truly fascinating and clearly indicates the ending of the series.

But, we can hope, as it was a blockbuster sci-fi series of 1965, It will come back again with more realistic science in its scripts.

The latest seasons were actually good to see and the CGI was perfect. The scripts could be developed a little better and it will be much more enjoyable if we could hear more from Mr. Robot, such as, “Girlfriend Will Robinson”.


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