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Here you will get Health related tips and Doctors’ advice.
Brushing our teeth twice each day is essential. Whether we see it as a daily chore or a grooming ritual, we’ll likely try to get it done as quickly as possible. what percentage of us brush for the recommended period of two minutes? Probably not many. Those jiffy can feel like forever when you’re rushing […]
জলবসন্ত বা চিকেন পক্স সংক্রামক রোগ। ভাইরাসের কারণে হয় এটি। গরম শুরু হওয়ার সঙ্গে সঙ্গে শুষ্ক আবহাওয়ায় ভাইরাসটির আক্রমণ বেশি দেখা যায়। ছোট-বড় সবারই জলবসন্ত হতে পারে। শিশুদের আক্রান্তের হার বেশি।ডাক্তাররা বলেন, জলবসন্ত এক সপ্তাহ বা তার বেশি সময় অস্বস্তিকর অবস্থায় থাকে। প্রথমে জ্বর, এরপর ফোসকা পড়ে, চুলকানি হয়। অবশেষে ফোসকা থেকে শুকনা চামড়া উঠে […]
মিষ্টি কুমড়া একটি বেশ প্রচলিত সবজি এবং প্রায় সবজায়গায়ই পাওয়া যায়। বিশেষ করে শীতের ঋতুতে। রান্না করার সময়ে অনেকেই কুমড়ার বীজ ফেলে দেয়। কিন্তু জানেন কী মিষ্টি কুমড়ার বীজ এর আছে অনেক স্বাস্থ্যগুণ। এটি সবথেকে পুষ্টিকর বীজগুলোর মধ্যে একটি, যাতে প্রচুর ম্যাগনেসিয়াম, ওমেগা থ্রি এবং অ্যান্টিঅক্সিডেন্ট রয়েছে। আমাদের প্রতিদিনের শর্করার প্রায় ৭০ ভাগই কুমড়ার বীজ […]
Osteoarthritis is a disease of the joints that can occur in people of any age due to wear and tear, injury, family history, obesity, or physical disability. 520 million people worldwide suffer from osteoarthritis, 60 percent of whom are middle-aged. Every 10 in the world.The number of people with osteoarthritis is increasing by 48 percent […]
Coconut oil is often used in hair care. However, nutritionists recommend keeping 1 teaspoon of coconut oil in your daily diet to stay healthy. Just what? It’s also in unparalleled dental care. Know about 5 uses of coconut oil.Coconut oil keeps the body healthyCold pressed coconut oil can be safely used in cooking. Eating 1 […]
Almost everyone loves spicy foods. Spicy foods are very beneficial for the body. This can be the solution of various diseases.Eating spicy food causes a burning sensation in the receptors of the tongue. This is caused by the capsaicin in a chili. Studies have shown that eating food cooked with cayenne pepper can reduce total […]
Various natural herbs and spices in the kitchen can solve various physical problems. One such ingredient is fenugreek. Fenugreek is used to prepare various dishes starting from curries and pickles.But many people may not know, that drinking fenugreek-soaked water in the morning on an empty stomach also has many benefits.Fenugreek water is considered a magical […]
“Children do not want to eat” is the common complaint of almost all parents. Instead of healthy food, they are interested in chocolate or chips. How to make children interested in nutritious food? Know the tips.How to get your child interested in nutritious food Everyday at a certain time, sit together to eat. As the […]
A stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain is blocked or torn. 85% of blood vessels are blocked in stroke, 15% of blood vessel ruptures.A stroke causes a blood vessel to clot and close. Its risk factors are similar to heart attacks. Controlling these risks can prevent 90% of strokes.Generally, stroke can be […]
Water is a very important ingredient in keeping the skin healthy. Apart from managing body parts, skin also protects us from dust and germs. To keep the skin good, we take care regularly and use various cosmetics. But do you know that water is the most important ingredient in skin care? Lack of water in the […]
Health experts recommend regular exercise to stay healthy. People’s interest in physical exercise has increased after Corona. Many have built a gymnasium at home. Here are some tips on how to make a home gym.What will be neededThose who do not have the opportunity to walk or exercise regularly by going to the gymnasium or […]
Adequate rest and proper sleep are essential to eliminate body fatigue. There is no substitute for 6-8 hours of deep sleep daily to stay mentally and physically healthy.However, many people may not sleep on time, as a result of which the body feels tired throughout the day. Apart from this, there are 8 other reasons […]
Groin pain or adductor pain is a type of pain that mainly occurs in our groin. This type of pain develops very slowly and lasts for a long time.Causes of thigh painAnytime during our movement, if the adductor muscles are stretched, an inflammatory problem develops. Sudden severe pain later subsides; But since there are no […]