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Here you will get Health related tips and Doctors’ advice.

Have A Healthy Winter

It takes time for the body’s immune system to adjust to the sudden change in temperature. In this season, various diseases and germs become active in the body. As a result, several diseases including respiratory infections increase during the change of season. Apart from this, due to the increase in dust and humidity in the […]

Tuberculosis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Tuberculosis is emerging in patients recovering from Covid. According to the World Health Organization, drug-resistant tuberculosis increased by 3 percent last year. However, awareness can help anyone the harmful effects of tuberculosis can be avoided a lot.Symptoms of TuberculosisTuberculosis is an infectious disease. Mainly due to ignorance, tuberculosis spreads rapidly if the disease is not […]

Colon cancer Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments

The job of the colon and rectum is to hold and excrete feces. Colon cancer is a very complex and difficult disease. However, it is curable in most cases if we know Colon cancer Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments in time. Colon cancer Symptoms, Diagnosis, and TreatmentsSymptoms of Colon CancerThe colon contains billions of bacteria. They are […]

নিয়মিত যৌন মিলনের অভাবে যেসব সমস্যা হতে পারে

নিয়মিত যৌন মিলন স্বামী-স্ত্রীর মধ্যে শুধু সুস্থ ও স্বাভাবিক সম্পর্কই ঠিক রাখে না, এটি শারীরিক ও মানসিক স্বাস্থ্যের জন্যও জরুরি। নিয়মিত যৌন মিলনের অভাবে দেখা দিতে পারে নানা সমস্যা। যেমন— নিয়মিত যৌন মিলনের অভাবে উদ্বিগ্ন বোধ করতে পারেনআপনি যখন মানসিক চাপে থাকেন তখন যৌনতাই আপনার মনের শেষ জিনিস। কিন্তু এটি আপনার উদ্বেগ কমাতে সাহায্য করতে পারে। […]

Remedies of Dust allergy in Winter

Dust mites, tiny dust particles, or insects float in the dry winter air. Dust particles and these harmful germs enter the body with the breath. Therefore, the incidence of dust allergy increases. It can cause various problems including itching, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, and difficulty breathing.Why Dust Allergy occurs and Remedies from Dust allergy in […]

ফুটবল খেলতে থাকতে হবে ফিটনেস, করাতে হবে চেকাপ

ভক্তদের অপেক্ষার প্রহর ফুরাল। কাতারের মাঠে শুরু হতে যাচ্ছে ‘দ্য গ্রেটেস্ট শো অন আর্থ’। এই একটি খেলাই অনুপ্রেরণা জোগায় লাখ লাখ ফুটবলপ্রেমীর মনে। তারাও হতে চান মেসি-নেইমার। কিন্তু ফুটবলার হওয়া চাট্টিখানি কথা নয়। এর জন্য থাকা চাই দারুণ ফিটনেস। যাতে সামান্য ঘাটতি থাকলেও দেখা দিতে পারে মারাত্মক বিপদ।সাম্প্রতিক সময়ে মাঠেই হৃদরোগে আক্রান্ত হয়েছেন ছয় ফুটবলার। […]

Thalassemia : Reasons, symptoms and Treatment

Reasons of ThalassemiaTwo genes are responsible for the expression of any characteristic in the body. One comes from the father, the other from the mother. If there is one good and one bad gene for hemoglobin production, less hemoglobin is produced than normal (10-50 percent). Such a patient is called thalassemia minor. Among them, the […]

Uterine tumor: Symptoms and Remedies

The uterus has different layers. One is the myometrium. A type of benign tumor arising from the myometrium is called a fibroid or uterine tumor. There can be various reasons for this. It can also be caused by an excess of estrogen hormone or trauma to the uterus.Fibroids are most common in women of reproductive […]

How Should Diabetic Patients Exercise?

Exercise is more beneficial than medication for diabetic patients. It keeps the glucose level under control very well.Exercise expends energy, which leads to weight loss. It increases the production of insulin from the beta cells of the pancreas. Exercise also increases the effectiveness of insulin. As a result, the little insulin produced in the body […]

Stretching for a healthy body: Stretching Tips

Exercise is very useful. It makes the body light. Muscles are toned and strengthened. Again, the body and the mind are calm in stretching. However, if you suddenly start stretching without knowing, there is a risk of injury.  Do some warm-up movements before stretching. You can also take 5 minutes of walking, jogging or dancing […]

How to detect asthma? Here are the symptoms and remedies

Allergies to various substances and inflammation of the lungs cause airway obstruction. As a result, it is difficult to breathe normally. Asthma attacks slow down the breathing rate and make breathing difficult. A few main triggers have been identified for asthma—including dust, pollen, insects, exercise or physical exertion, certain medications—aspirin, strong emotions (may be due […]

Why Glycerin is important in winter

Glycerin can clean the skin very well. You can use it instead of cleansing milk to remove the accumulated oil and dirt on the face.Glycerin can retain water in skin cells. It has the right humidity. So in the coming winter, regularly massage glycerin on the skin.In winter, mix glycerine with rose water and do […]

Holding urine is a dangerous habit for women

Many women hold urine for a long period. This habit can lead to serious physical problems. The infection may appear simple at first, but may later develop into a chronic form.A healthy person drinks two to three liters of water a day. It should pass urine at least six to seven times throughout the day. […]

Dry Eye Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Remedies

Dry eye problems were usually seen after reaching the age of 50. But now this problem is increasing significantly among younger people. Experts think that this is happening due to a long time of looking at the screen, use of lenses, staying in air-conditioned rooms, and smoking.What is Dry Eye?If the eye produces less water […]