Class 8 English 1st paper Seen Passages (10-11)


Class 8 English Seen Passages Part -4 (10-11)

Class 8 English 1st Paper seen passage
Class 8 English 1st Paper seen passage

Read the text and answer questions 1, 2, and 3. (Unit–5, Lesson–04)

At the farthest corner of Bangladesh, there is a village called Tarapur. In this village, there lives a man named Kartik Poramanik. He is a hairdresser by profession, but a nature lover at heart.

His passion is to plant saplings, which grow into gigantic trees. He started planting trees when he was only 10 years old. He remembers what his father once told him, “My son, you can earn the blessings of God by planting trees.” He has never forgotten what his father told him. At present, he is 63 years old.

He has planted hundreds of trees in his village. Many of the trees are now 35-40 years old. Once there were hardly any trees in this village. Kartik used to go to different houses for his job. At times he would get tired in the scorching sun, but there were no trees under which he could sit and rest for a while. Thinking about how people suffer in the heat, Kartik began his tree-planting mission.

Occasionally Kartik would wake up early in the morning, take one or two laborers with him and set out to plant trees. He would walk long distances to plant trees, carrying with him some dry food and water. He would pay all the expenses from his own pocket. Kartik has planted trees beside the roads, in and around the Bazar, schools and colleges, open fields and many other places. At times it so happened that Kartik would go to water his plants at 10 or 11 pm. People asked him, “Kartik, are you mad? What are you doing so late at night?” Kartik would smile and say, “What to do, sir. I have to work hard the whole day to earn money for my family. I don’t get time during the day. But my trees would die if I don’t water them. So I come late at night to look after them.”

Even today this old man continues planting trees as many as he can. A man, who can hardly sign his name, is leaving his signature all around in nature.

Set 1

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives :

(a)   Kartik was a ¾¾ by profession:

  1. tree planter ii. barbar                                       iii. barber                               iv. barberer

(b)   The similar meaning of the phrase ‘set out’ is ¾¾.

  1. awarded ii. went                                          iii. set trees outside               iv. wanted

        (c)    In the passage ‘water’ is used as a/an ¾¾.

  1. i) noun    ii)   adjective     iii)  verb

                which option/options is/are correct?

  1. A & B ii. B & C                                       iii. A & C                                iv. C

        (d)   “I come late at night to look after them,” Here ‘them’ refers to ¾¾.

  1. the people of Tarapur ii. the customers                          iii. the saplings                      iv. Kartik’s frind

(e)    The word ‘passion’ in the passage means ¾¾.

  1. obsession ii. outburst                                    iii. apathy                              iv. hobby
  2. Give short answers to the following questions :
  3. a) Who is Kartik Poramanik and how old is he now?
  4. b) How do you understand that he is a nature lover?
  5. c) Why did he plant trees?
  6. d) What do you understand by the saying, “A man who can hardly sign his name, is leaving his signature all around in nature?”
  7. e) Why did people call Kartik mad?
  8. Summarize the above text in around 85 words.


  1. (a) (iii) barber; (b) (ii) went; (c) (iii) A & C; (d) (iii) the saplings; (e) (i) obsession.
  2. (a) Kartik Poramanik is a hair dresser and lover of nature. Now he is 63 years old.

(b)   His passion for planting trees proves that he is a nature lover.

(c)   He planted trees to protect people and himself from the burning sun during summer.

(d)   It means that Kartik is an illiterate man but he left his mark by planting trees.

(e)   Kartik went out late at night to water the plants. so the people called him mad.

  1. Kartik Poramanik is a hairdresser by profession. He is also a great nature lover his father advised him to plant trees to earn the blessing of God. Never forgetting that advice and always thinking of the sufferings of the people from the scorching sun, he invariably plants trees at various places and takes care of them. he bears all the expenses for this. Sometimes, coming home at late night, he goes to distant places to water the trees though he is an illiterate man, he has left his signature all around in nature.

Set 2

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives :

        (a)   Kartik was a ¾¾ by profession.

  1. cultivate ii. tree planter                        iii. day labourer                    iv. hair dresser

        (b)   The word passion means ¾¾.

  1. job ii. emotion                      iii. good feeling                     iv. bad feeling

        (c)   Some of Kartik’s trees are big and ¾¾.

  1. great ii. gigantic                       iii. kingly                                iv. enormous

        (d)   The word gigantic refers to ¾¾.

  1. miniature ii. tiny                                     iii. big                                      iv. very large

        (e)   Some of his trees are ¾¾ years old.

  1. 15–20 ii. 25–35                                iii. 35–40                               iv. 40–45
  2. answers the following questions.

(a)   Who is Kartik Poramanik?

(b)   Why did he plant trees?

(c)   Where has Kartik planted trees?

(d)   When does Kartik water the plants?

(e)   What is Kartik’s mission?

  1. Summarize the above text in around 85 words.


  1. (a) (iv) hair dresser; (b) (ii) emotion; (c) (ii) gigantic; (d) (iv) very large; (e) (iii) 35-40.
  2. (a) Kartik Poramanik is a hairdresser but a nature lover at heart.

(b)   He planted trees to protect people and himself from the burning sun during summer.

(c)   Kartik has planted trees beside the roads, in and around the Bazar, schools and colleges, open fields, and many other places.

(d)   Kartik waters the plants at 10 or 11 p.m.

(e)   Kartik’s mission is to plant trees more and more so that people can save themselves from the burning sun.

  1. Same as Set 1

Set 3

  1. Guess the meaning of the following words and choose the correct meaning closest to the text.

        (a)   gigantic

  1. diminutive                          ii. minuscule                          iii. colossal                             iv. pygmy

(b)   mission

  1. end ii. profession                         iii. assignment                       iv. goal

(c)   blessing

  1. bright ii. grace                                  iii. bliss                                   iv. disapproved

(d)   Scorching

  1. severe ii. burning                              iii. serious                               iv. warm

(e)   expense

  1. sacrifice ii. rate                                     iii. liability                              iv. cost
  2. Answer the following questions.

(a)   Give detailed identity of Kartik Poramanik.

(b)   What motivation worked behind his planting trees?

(c)   Who would give monetary support to him in planting trees?

(d)   How do you conclude that Kartik is a nature lover?

(e)   What do you understand by the saying ÒA man, who can hardly sign his name, is leaving his signature all around in nature.

  1. Summarize the above text in around 85 words.


  1. (a) (iii) colossal; (b) (iv) goal; (c) (iii) bliss; (d) (ii) burning; (e) (iv) cost.
  2. (a) Kartik Poramanik is a hairdresser living in the village of Tarapur. He is 63 years old. His passion is to plant trees. He is a nature lover.

(b)   His father’s advice worked behind his planting trees.

(c)   Kartik would pay all the expenses from his own pocket.

(d)   Sometimes Kartik went to water his plant at the late house of night. Because he had to work hard to earn his livelihood. That proves that Kartik is a nature lover.

(e)   From this saying, we can realize that a man can door achieve great things if he has strong willpower.

  1. Same as Set 1

 Set 4

  1. Guess the meaning of the following words and choose the correct meaning closest to the text.

        (a)   nature

  1. character ii. spirit                                   iii. natural world                   iv. feature

(b)   plant

  1. plough ii. cultivate                            iii. lodge                                 iv. sow

(c)   gigantic

  1. huge ii. minute                               iii. diminutive                        iv. miniature

(d)   rest

  1. break ii. balance                              iii. place                                 iv. relax

(e)   profession

  1. job ii. professor                           iii. occupation                       iv. process
  2. Answer the following questions.

(a)   How do you understand that Kartik is a nature lover?

(b)   How can we get the blessing of God?

(c)   What will happen if we do not water the plants?

(d)   Where does he plant trees?

(e)   What do you understand by the saying: “A man who can hardly sign his name. is leaving his signature all around in nature?”

  1. Summarize the above text in around 85 words.


  1. (i) (c) natural world; (ii) (d) sow; (iii) (a) huge; (iv) (d) relax; (v) (c) occupation.
  2. (a) Kartik’s passion for planting trees proves that he is a nature lover.

(b)   We can get the blessing of God by planting trees.

(c)   The plants will die if we do not water them.

(d)   He plants trees beside the roads, in and around the Bazar, schools and colleges, open fields, and many other places.

(e)   From the saying I can understand that a man can do or achieve great things if he has strong willpower.

  1. Same as Set 1

Set 5

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives.

        (a)   Kartik was a ¾ by profession.

  1. cultivator ii. tree planter                        iii. day labourer                    iv. hair dresser

(b)   “Farthest” refers to ¾.

  1. nearest                                ii. remotest                            iii. hilly                                   iv. coastal

(c)   What does the word ‘gigantic’ mean?

  1. Beautiful                            ii. Useful                                iii. Enormous                        iv. Herbal

(d)   The word ‘hardly’ means ¾.

  1. always ii. frequently                         iii. gradually                          iv. scarcely

(e)   “Mission” refers to ¾.

  1. hobby ii. interest                               iii. behaviour                         iv. task
  2. Answer the following questions in your own words.

        (a)   Who was Kartik Poramanik?

(b)   How do you understand that he is a nature lover?

(c)   What does his father tell him?

(d)   Why did he plant trees?

(e)   How did he begin his tree-planting mission?

  1. Summarize the above text in around 85 words.


  1. (a) (iv) hairdresser; (b) (ii) remotest; (c) (iii) Enormous; (d) (iv) scarcely; (e) (iv) task.
  2. (a) Kartik Poramanik was a hairdresser and lover of nature.

(b)   Kartik’s passion for planting trees proves that he is a nature lover.

(c)   His father tells him that he (Kartik) can earn the blessings of God by planting trees.

(d)   He planted trees to protect people from the burning sun during summer.

(e)   There were hardly any trees under which one could sit and rest for a while Kartik thought how people suffered in the heat. Then he began his tree planting mission.

  1. Same as Set 1

Set 6

  1. Guess the meaning of the following words and choose the correct meaning closest to the text.

        (a)   scorching

                i flame                                   ii. fire                                      iii. burning                             iv. fiery

        (b)   gigantic

  1. pigmy ii. tiny                                     iii. huge                                  iv. tall

(c)   blessing

  1. bliss ii. curse                                   iii. accusation                       iv. conviction

(d)   continue

  1. stop ii. put off                               iii. carry on                            iv. adjourn

(e)   saplings

  1. trees ii. supply                                iii. young tree                        iv. sappy
  2. Answer the following questions.

        (a)   Who is Kartik Poramanik?

(b)   When did he plant the first tree?

(c)   Why did he water the plants at night?

(d)   What does his father tell him?

(e)   Is Kartik Poramanik a nature lover? If yes, how?

  1. Summarize the above text in around 85 words.


  1. (a) (iii) burning; (b) (iii) huge; (c) (i) bliss; (d) (iii) carry on; (e) (iii) young tree.
  2. (a) Kartik Poramanik is a hairdresser and lover of nature.

(b)   He planted the first tree at the age of ten.

(c)   He watered the plants at night because he had to work hard the whole day to earn money for his family.

(d)   His father tells him that he can earn the blessings of God by planting trees.

(e)   Yes, he is. His love for nature is revealed in his planting saplings and looking after them even at late night and expending on them.

  1. Same as Set 1

Set 7

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives.

        (a)   ‘farthest’ refers to ¾¾.

  1. nearest ii. remotest                            iii. hilly                                   iv. coastal

        (b)   Kartik is fond of ¾¾.

  1. nature ii. natural                               iii. naturally                           iv. naturalization

(c)   Kartik is a ¾¾ person.

  1. lazy                                     ii. cruel                                   iii. spirited                              iv. dishonest

(d)   What does the word ‘gigantic’ mean?

  1. Beautiful                            ii. Useful                                iii. Enormous                        iv. Herbal

(e)   The word ‘scorching’ means ¾¾.

  1. pleasant                              ii. glowing                              iii. burning                             iv. heavenly
  2. Give short answers to the following questions.

        (a)   How do you understand that kartik is a nature lover?

(b)   Where did he plant trees?

(c)   Why did he water the plants at night?

(d)   What does his father tell him?

(e)   What do you understand by saying: “A man, who can hardly sign his name, is leaving his signature all around in nature?”

  1. Summarize the above passage in around 50 words.


  1. (a) (ii) remotest; (b) (i) nature; (c) (iii) spirited; (d) (iii) Enormous; (e) (iii) burning.
  2. (a) Kartik’s passion for planting trees proves that he is a nature lover.

(b)   He planted trees beside the roads, in and around the bazar, schools and colleges, open fields, and many other places.

(c)   Because he didn’t get time during the day.

(d)   His father tells him, “My son, you can earn the blessings of God by planting trees.”

(e)   It means that Kartik is an illiterate man but he has contributed a lot to nature and made his mark in his village by planting trees of his own accord and at his own expense.

  1. Same as Set 1








Class 8 English Seen Passages

Read the text and answer questions 1, 2, and 3. (Unit–5, Lesson–05)

Once upon a time, a dove and a bat were very good friends. One day the two friends decided to set out on a journey. They flew over the rivers and hills and came to a big jungle. Both the friends were very tired, they needed to sit down and take a rest. Soon night fell and it was dark all around.

A storm arose. It started to rain heavily. The dove and the bat started to look for shelter.

They came upon a century-old rain tree. An owl had his nest in that tree. The dove and the bat knocked at the owl’s door. The old grumpy owl opened the door. The dove and the bat requested him to give them shelter. The owl unwillingly let them in. The two birds were hungry too. They begged for some food. The selfish owl was not happy. However, he shared his dinner with them.

The dove was so tired that she could hardly eat. But the bat was sly. He ate greedily. He began to praise the owl with the thought of getting more food. The bat said, “O wise and brave owl, you are the most generous person I have ever seen. You are powerful and mighty.” The owl was very pleased at the bat’s flattery. He puffed and ruffled himself, trying to look as wise and brave as possible. Then he turned to the dove and asked, “Now little dove, what do you think about me?”

Set 1

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives :
  2. a) After flying over the hills and rivers they came to a ¾¾.
  3. tree ii. jungle                                        iii. river                                   iv. hill
  4. b) Both the friends became very ¾¾.
  5. fresh ii. joyful                                        iii. exhausted                        iv. delighted
  6. c) They took shelter ¾¾.
  7. on a rain tree ii. in the owl’s nest                       iii. in a hole                            iv. on a mango tree
  8. d) The word ‘generous’ means ¾¾.
  9. cruel ii. fine                                            iii. wise                                   iv. kind
  10. e) The owl was ¾¾ with the flattery of the bat.
  11. satisfied ii. tired                                           iii. displeased                        iv. angry
  12. Give short answers to the following questions :
  13. a) What did the two friends decide to do?
  14. b) Why did they look for a shelter?
  15. c) Why couldn’t the dove eat?
  16. d) Why did the bat praise the owl?
  17. e) What action of the owl tells you that he (the owl) wanted to hear more good things about him?
  18. Summarize the above text in around 85 words.


  1. (a) (ii) jungle; (b) (iii) exhausted; (c) (ii) in the owl’s nest; (d) (iv) kind; (e) (i) satisfied.
  2. (a) The two friends decided to set out on a journey.

(b)   they looked for shelter, to save themself from storm and pain.

(c)   The dove could not eat because she was very tired.

(d)   The bat praised the owl to get more food from him.

(e)   The owl turned to dove and asked her what she thought about him. This action of the owl tells me that he wanted to hear more good things about him.

  1. One day the two friends, a dove, and a bat set out on a long journey. After flying over rivers and hills, they came to a big jungle. a storm rose and it started to rain heavily. So they sought for shelter from an owl. the grumpy owl reluctantly gave them shelter and food. The bat falsely praised the owl to get more food. The owl was very pleased and also wanted to hear some good comments from the dove.

Set 2

  1. Guess the meaning of the following words and choose the correct meaning closest to the text.

(a)   praise

  1. backbite ii. criticize                              iii. flatter                                iv. admire

(b)   grumpy

  1. cruel ii. greedy                                iii. coy                                    iv. moody

(c)   unwillingly

  1. eagerly ii. frequently                         iii. courageously                   iv. reluctantly

(d)   generous

  1. mean ii. shrewd                               iii. noble                                 iv. selfish

(e)   bat

  1. a piece of wood                                                 ii an imaginary creature

iii. an animal like a mouse with wings                             iv. playing instrument

  1. Answer the following questions.

(a)   Why were the two friends tired?

(b)   Where did the dove and the bat come?

(c)   Why did the bat praise the owl?

(d)   Which words indicate that the owl was not good at heart?

(e)   What action of the owl tells you that he wanted to hear more good things about him?

  1. Summarize the above text in around 85 words.


  1. (a) (iv) admire; (b) (iv) moody; (c) (iv) reluctantly; (d) (iii) noble; (e) (iii) an animal like a mouse with wings.
  2. (a) The two friends were tired because they had flown a long distance.

(b)   The dove and the bat came to a big jungle.

(c)   The bat praises the owl with the thought of getting more food.

(d)   The owl unwillingly let them in. These words indicate that the owl was not good at heart.

(e)   The owl puffed and ruffled himself, trying to look as wise and brave as possible. This action tells us that he wanted to hear more good things about him.

  1. Same as Set 1

Set 3

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives :

        (a)   The dove and the bat became very ¾¾.

  1. delighted ii. joyful                                 iii. exhausted                        iv. fresh

        (b)   They needed to take rest because of their ¾¾.

  1. freshness ii. mirth                                  iii. joy                                     iv. fatigue

        (c)   The owl gave them shelter out of ¾¾.

  1. willingness ii. unwillingness                    iii. kindness                           iv. pleasure

        (d)   The bat ate food ¾¾.

  1. stealthily ii. indifferently                      iii. slowly                                iv. voraciously

        (e)   The owl was not ¾¾.

  1. self-centred ii. ill-tempered                       iii. kind-hearted                    iv. ill-natured
  2. Give short answers to the following questions.

(a)   What did the dove and the bat search for?

(b)   Why did the bat praise the owl?

(c)   Why couldn’t the dove eat?

(d)   How was the owl?

(e)   What did the owl turn to the dove for?

  1. Summarize the above text in around 85 words.


  1. (a) (iii) exhausted; (b) (iv) fatigue; (c) (ii) unwillingness; (d) (iv) voraciously; (e) (iii) kind-hearted.
  2. (a) The dove and the bat searched for shelter.

(b)   The bat praised the owl with the thought of getting more food.

(c)   The dove couldn’t eat because she was very tired and flattering.

(d)   The owl was selfish.

(e)   The owl turned to the dove to know about him.

  1. Same as Set 1

Set 4

  1. Guess the meaning of the following words and choose the correct meaning closest to the text.

        (a)   Grumpy

  1. well-behaved                     ii. well-mannered                 iii. ill-tempered                      iv. courteous

(b)   unwillingly

  1. reluctantly ii. carefully                            iii. happily                             iv. eagerly

(c)   brave

  1. brief ii. brevity                               iii. courage                             iv. courageous

(d)   praise

  1. condemn ii. admire                               iii. perfer                                iv. dislike

(e)   generous

  1. tough ii. liberal                                 iii. cruel                                  iv. hard
  2. Answer the following questions.

(a)   Who were the two good friends?

(b)   What did they decide to do?

(c)   How was the owl?

(d)   Why did the bat praise the owl?

(e)   How did the owl feel at the bat’s flattery?

  1. Summarize the above text in around 85 words.


  1. (a) (iii) ill-tempered; (b) (i) reluctantly; (c) (iv) courageous; (d) (ii) admire; (e) (ii) liberal.
  2. (a) A dove and a bat were the two good friends.

(b)   They decided to set out on a journey.

(c)   The owl was grumpy.

(d)   The bat praised the owl for getting more food.

(e)   The owl felt as wise and brave as possible at the bat’s flattery.

  1. Same as Set 1

Set 5

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives.

        (a)   ‘To set out’ in the passage is a ¾¾.

  1. verbal phrase ii. noun phrase                      iii. prepositional phrase       iv. adverbial phrase

(b)   The owl opened the door at the ¾¾.

  1. knocking ii. knocked                            iii. knoackaging                    iv. knock down

(c)   The bat is a ¾¾.

  1. hypocrite ii. hypocracy                         iii. hypocritic                         iv. hypocritically

(d)   The two heartless friends ¾¾ the dove.

  1. attacked ii. called a spade a spade   iii. fought with                      iv. started to torture

        (e)   The dove will be awarded by the ¾¾.

  1. romantic poet ii. ancient poet                      iii. love poet                          iv. love theme
  2. Answer the following questions.

        (a)   What made the two helpless creatures knock at the door of the owl?

(b)   Whose insistence has compelled the owl to give shelter in his house and how?

(c)   Why did the dove remain silent at the praise of the bat?

(d)   How did the bat praise the owl outwardly?

(e)   What is the moral of the story?

  1. Summarize the above text in around 85 words.


  1. (a) (i) verbal phrase; (b) (i) knocking; (c) (i) hypocrite; (d) (i) attacked; (e) (i) romantic poet.
  2. (a) Dark night and heavy rainfall made the two helpless creatures knock at the door of the owl.

(b)   The insistence of the bat has compelled the owl to give shelter in his house. It was possible for the flattery of the bat.

(c)   The dove remained silent at the praise of the bat because he did not like flattery.

(d)   The bat praised the owl outwardly by his flattery

(e)   The moral of the story is that justice is divine.

  1. Same as Set 1

Set 6

  1. Choose the best answer from the following alternatives.

        (a)   Generous is connected with ¾¾.

  1. general ii. generation                         iii. liberal                                iv. high

        (b)   What is the relationship between the dove and the bat?

  1. classmates ii. cousins                               iii. friends                               iv. brothers

(c)   The storm came at ¾¾.

  1. night                                    ii. dawn                                  iii. dusk                                  iv. noon

(d)   The owl was ¾¾.

  1. young                                  ii. old                                      iii. teenaged                           iv. tender in age

(e)   The term ‘grumpy’ refers to ¾¾.

  1. cruel                                    ii. directly                               iii. harsh                                 iv. ill-tempered
  2. Read the text again. Now answer the following questions.

        (a)   What did the two friends decide?

(b)   Why did the bat praise the owl?

(c)   Have the cruel bat and the owl been punished and the honest dove rewarded properly on the part of God? If yes/ not, how?

(d)   What happened after the journey?

(e)   Why did they look for shelter?

  1. Write the summary of the passage in around 50 words.


  1. (a) (iii) liberal; (b) (iii) friends; (c) (i) night; (d) (ii) old; (e) (iv) ill-tempered.
  2. (a) Two friends decided to set out on a journey.

(b)   The bat praised the owl to get more food from him.

(c)   Yes, they have been. The cruel bat and the owl cannot see and move in the daylight while the dove is rewarded for her truthfulness. The dove’s name shall be used by the poets as long as the world lasts to rhyme with love.

(d)   After the journey, they were very tired. They needed to sit down and take a rest.

(e)   They looked for a shelter because night fell and it was dark all around. At the same time, a storm rose and it started to rain heavily.

  1. Same as Set 1


Class 8 English 1st Paper : Reading Test : Seen Passage (Part-1)

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