10 Amazing fun facts about Popcorn


Popcorn is among the most favorite foods in the world. The taste is the same all around the world. The passion of popcorn is mostly eaten at fairs, parks, playgrounds, and cinemas. But there are many things about popcorn that we do not know.


10 Amazing fun facts of popcorn

  1. There are two types of popcorn or corn husk, snowflakes, and mushrooms. Snowflakes popcorn is preferred in movie theaters because they are larger in size.
  2. America produces 17 billion gallons of popcorn every year. With the same amount of popcorn, the Empire State Building can be filled 18 times.
  3. The biggest festival of popcorn is the Marion Pop Corn Festival. About 200,000 people attend the festival.
  4. In the late 15th century, Christopher Columbus introduced Europeans to popcorn.
  5. When frying,  popcorn can rise up to 3 feet high.
  6. Popcorn has fewer calories than other foods.
  7. Before frying popcorn, the grain of corn is called a virgin.
  8. Some movie theaters are earning more money by selling popcorn than tickets.
  9. American sellers began selling popcorn at the first fair in the late 19th century.
  10. In 1855, Charles Crater invented the first commercial popcorn machine in Chicago.
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