Singapore Chinatown : French Newcomer Discovers Delight in Hawker Fare


It’s hard to resist the allure of a steaming bowl of duck porridge, especially for this Frenchwoman who has found herself smitten by its flavors in Singapore Chinatown.

Juliette, a recent arrival in Singapore chintatown who is currently interning here, embarked on a solo culinary adventure to a local hawker center. She shared her experience on TikTok, recounting her journey to People’s Park Food Centre in Chinatown, initially planning to taste the famed fiery mala hotpot dish that had been highly recommended to her.

However, navigating the menu proved a bit of a challenge due to the Mandarin signage. Consequently, she decided to opt for a dish that was “easier to order” from a different stall.

Intrigued by the dish’s name and appearance, she selected braised duck porridge, and impressively even placed her order in Mandarin.

singapore chinatown
Eating porridge in Singapore Chinatown

As she delved into her meal, Juliette noticed curious glances from fellow diners. It dawned on her that she might have been slightly overdressed for the casual hawker center setting. She humorously remarked in her caption, “People were literally staring at me, I guess I didn’t have the (proper) dress code.”

However, she didn’t allow the attention to detract from her enjoyable dining experience. “I was really surprised because the taste was really good,” she praised in reference to the duck porridge in Singapore Chinatown.

Beyond the savory satisfaction, she was also taken aback by the generous portion size, especially given its cost of $5. The portion was so substantial that she found herself struggling to finish the entire bowl.

With her positive introduction to hawker center cuisine, Juliette sought recommendations from online users for more dining destinations.

For her next culinary adventure in Singapore Chinatown, maybe it’s time to give frogs’ legs a try, Jules.

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