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hair tips

How to get rid of chewing gum from hair

How to get rid of chewing gum from hair


Chewing gum can accidentally get stuck in the hair. Many times friends or children put chewing gum in their hair while having fun. Whatever the reason, picking up chewing gum can cause frizzy hair. Know how to easily remove chewing gum from hair in such situations.Keep rubbing a piece of ice on your hair. Try […]

These 7 foods can cause hair loss

These 7 foods can cause hair loss


These 7 foods can cause hair lossSugarSugar is very harmful for the body as well as hair. Refined sugars and carbohydrates can cause obesity, diabetes, and hair loss. To speed up the day by eliminating sugar from the food list. Instead of sugar, you can eat honey, dates, molasses, or palm corn. Foods that increase blood […]