Cooking tips you never heard before : 30 Tips


30 Cooking tips you never heard beforeHere are some extra ordinary cooking tips that you never heard before (I am almost sure about that).

The cooking tips listed here are mostly useful for South Asian cuisine. But this tips will be helpful for anyone who want to save time in the kitchen and get prepared for any situation.


Cooking Tips You must know

  1. If you want to make a crispy fish fry then mix little bit sugar before deep fry.


  1. Before putting the fish into the hot oil, put A Pinch of turmeric powder into the pan. The oil will not fall into your face.


  1. While frying carp fish, the fish often broken into pieces. To avoid this problem, wash the fish steaks thoroughly and then soak it on tamarind water for 5 minutes.


  1. If there is too much oil in the fish for meat curry, then take a clean paper and move it gently on the curry. The paper will soak the extra oil from the curry.


  1. If fish bone stuck on your neck, take a tablespoon of boiled rice immediately and swallow it. This might be very helpful.


  1. Add some mashed green papaya while marinading the meat. This will help boiling the meat neatly.


  1. Soak the eggs into calcium carbonate water; the eggs will remain fresh for long time.


  1. If you want to cut boiled egg slices nicely, then put your knife in the freezer for a while. Also you can put the knife in some ice. The yolk will not break.


  1. If you do not want to keep your eggs on the refrigerator, then soak the eggs in lemon water.

  1. While making cake or omelets, put one teaspoon lemon juice in the egg. The taste will be different and there will be no smell of egg.


  1. Before cutting a coconut, soak it in the water for few minutes. The coconut will be divided equally.


  1. After grating a coconut, dry it at sunlight. Then keep it on an airtight jar. It will remain fresh for a month!


  1. If you want to boil the potato faster, put a tablespoon of vinegar. The potato will not be broken too.


  1. If you want to boil the potato with skin, put some salt while boiling. You can peel the potato easily.


  1. When the vegetables become dry out and faded after two three days, Soak with few drops of lemon juice in cold water for an hour before cutting those vegetables.


  1. If you want to reduce the bitterness of the bitter gourd, soak the bitter gourd on the rice-water.


  1. Here is another excellent kitchen tips. If you want to keep apples fresh for a long time, then soak the apples in room-temperature water. Take the apples and wash those with a clean cloth. Then rub the apples with a pinch of cooking oil.


  1. To fully ripen a semi-ripen fruits quickly, put a ripe banana along with the desired fruit and kept both in an airtight container.


  1. If you can’t tolerate the smell of the boiling water of cabbage, then take a slice of bread and tie it in a silk cloth. Put the bread in the water. The cabbage will not smell.


  1. Before cutting taro, rub some mustard oil in hands. Your hands will be protected from itching.


  1. If you don’t like the okra to be slobbery or greasy, then put 2 tea spoon lemon juice while cooking.


  1. If you want to cook eggplant, cut the eggplant into slices and put them immediately into a pan full of water. The color of the curry will not get dull.


  1. Do not through the pineapple if it tastes sour. Make small cubes and mix some sugar. Then boil it in pressure cooker. After that, mix a little bit pineapple essence and keep it in refrigerator. You can use it in juice or dessert.


  1. If you want to make sweet pickle of mint leaves, then use honey instead of sugar.


  1. If you are not sure whether the mushroom is safe or poisonous, then boil a piece of mushroom with 2-3 clove of garlic. If the water becomes black, the mushroom is poisonous!


  1. This is pre cooking tips. While washing the leafy vegetables, put 2-3 drop vinegar. The insects will go away.


  1. If you use lettuce leaf in the salad, don’t mix salt too early. This will make the leaves soggy. Instead of salt, marinade the salad with lemon juice.


  1. White making roti (round bread) mix a little curd-water. The bread will be soft. This is a nice Indian cooking tips.


  1. If the sugar becomes dry and stuck in the jar, put a slice of bread upon it. The sugar will be crumbly again.


  1. In the rainy days, put a clean tissue paper inside the sugar jar. The sugar will be neat and crumbly.

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