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Lifestyle Tips

Lifestyle tips, lifehacks and different tips about lifestyle, Kitchen hacks and tips

Aloe vera as highlighter

Aloe vera when used as a highlighter For a long time, the first choice of women to enhance the beauty of various cosmetics. The popularity of cosmetics is still the same. It is difficult to calculate how many types of cosmetics are available now. Highlighter is one of the most popular cosmetics for makeup. However, […]

ঘরোয়া পদ্ধতিতে দাঁত সাদা করবেন কী করে?

আকাদেমি অফ অল্টারনেটিভ মেডিসিন অ্যান্ড রিসার্চ, টরোন্টোর গবেষকরা সম্প্রতি এই সমস্যা থেকে মুক্তির পথ দেখিয়েছেন। তাঁরা দেখিয়েছেন কীভাবে ঘরোয়া পদ্ধতির মাধ্যমে নিমেষেই হলুদ দাঁত সাদা করা যায়। কীভাবে? প্রথমে একটি গ্লাসের এক-চতুর্থাংশ ভিনিগার দিয়ে ভর্তি করো। সবচেয়ে ভাল হয় যদি অ্যাপল সিডার ভিনিগার ব্যবহার করতে পার। বাকিটুকু পানীয় জল দিয়ে ভরে নিতে হবে। এবার ওই […]

Innovation in home decor

No matter how expensive and varied the furniture and accessories are, the home decor creates a kind of monotony after a while. Sitting in the same place in the living room after returning from the office, sitting with a cup of tea in hand, the thoughts of the daily troubles of life seem to become […]

Why you should mix salt with shampoo

You can mix a little salt with shampoo to solve various hair problems. Dandruff will be removed, the roughness of the hair will also be reduced. Mix salt with shampoo. Massage with light hands. Then wash your hair with cold water. Hair loss problems will be reduced. Soak your hair in a little salt in […]

5 ways to stay stress free in life

Adolescents, young people and adults – no matter what they say, stress is now engulfing almost everyone’s life. Stress comes from thousands of factors such as education, work, family, the chemistry of relationships with close people and the expectations of society. Many can easily deal with these problems. Again, for many it is difficult to […]

The way to make makeup lasting

Here are some tips to make makeup last longer. To make the makeup last longer, rub a piece of ice on the skin before applying the makeup. Beige makeup will stay on the skin for a long time. Be sure to apply primer before applying makeup. The makeup lasts for a long time. Use a […]

Follow these rules after 30

Many things have to be adjusted with age. Besides taking care of one’s health, one should also pay attention to beauty after 30. We have to make some changes in our lifestyle. At this age you must adhere to certain things. Because 30 years have passed. After 25 years, the performance of the numerous cells […]

Home remedies to remove dirt from hair follicles

In winter, the dust in the air increases and the skin cracks more than other times. In addition, the skin is cracked and dead skin. Dust and dirt close the pores of the skin. This can lead to blackheads and acne and dry skin and loss of radiance. You can clean the dirt accumulated in […]