With respect, we can put aside Sir Christopher Nolan from this list. He has no single type, he is creating a whole new genre of ‘types’. So, what are the other types of science fiction movies we love to watch repeatedly?
Time loop

12:01 (1993), ARQ, Before I fall, Groundhog Day (oh! it is THE Movie!), Christmas every day, The Endless, Game Over, Edge of Tomorrow, Happy death day… and the list goes on. This type of movie will happen again because this type of sci-fi movie somehow falls in the loop of time too (and our fondness). We can’t question ourselves, what happened to other people’s brain? Why they can’t remember except the main character?

AI apocalypse
From the Terminator to NEXT, from Ex-Machina to Westworld, we have the utmost reason to believe that, some 1s and 0s will soon go rogue and start thinking of human beings as a threat. Some AI apocalyptic movies plotted around the concept of cleansing the mother Earth. We don’t know why those AI could not find a way to live with humans.
Energy forms of Aliens
Nowadays, aliens are no more like ET. The Extant tv-series and Garland’s movie Annihilation clearly depicts a new form of aliens. These aliens are formed by pure energy. They have no certain forms or communication method. When they invade Earth, they are more likely to adept humanlike behavior and body-forms.
Not literally, but it’s all about manipulating the human brain. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a perfect example of such genre. Then there will be Total Recall, Vanilla Sky, Embers, Rememory, Black Mirror (tv series) etc. These movies have a common atmosphere and production process. These contain a lot less noise, visual effects, actions, and other hard-science staff. The main ingredient is the atmospheric pressure of thrill and unknown-ness.
Cliche types
We can put a whole lot of other sci-fi movies in this category. You want to hear those names, right? Avatar, Avengers, and all other aliens vs human movies including the upcoming Monster Hunter.