How to Get rid of Fatty Liver ?


fatty liverFat in the liver is now a common health concern at a certain age. It is very difficult to distinguish the early symptoms of a fatty liver. Ultra sonogram can detect it at an early stage. Physicians said, it is normal to have a certain level of fat in the liver. But fatty liver is considered to be a matter of danger if you have 5 to 10 percent higher fat than normal range.

There are two types of fatty-liver diseases- Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and non-alcoholic diseases. First one happened due to excessive drinking. The reason behind another fatty liver is mainly unhealthy lifestyle which includes too much fast foods, lack of exercises and so on. The second type of fatty liver may also occur if you have a family history.


Don’t worry. There are much easier way to avoid a fat liver rather than precious/costly surgery.


How to avoid Fatty Liver ?

First : Drink a glass full of water mixed with honey and lemon. The vitamin C and anti-oxidant of lemon will create an enzyme which facilitate to melt the excessive fat in liver. Try this for several months. You will be excited to see the results.


Second : Apple cider vinegar is a wonder liquid. It has numerous health benefits including melting down the fat of the liver. Drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. To make it tasty, you can mix a spoon of honey too. But mixing honey, you should take precaution that the honey is pure and you don’t have problem with sugar.

Before having a heavy meal you can drink this mixture. It will prevent fat forming inside you.

Try these methods for at least few months to see some actual results. If you can consume this mixture for a few months according to the rules, fatty liver problems will be under control. However, those who suffer from alcoholic fatty liver problems should avoid drinking first.