Who is N-13 of The Blacklist?


What could be the possible explanation of a father-daughter dilemma to such an extent where one is much willing to torture another or even kill? Who is N-13 ? The answer is obviously some sort of global pandemic or nuclear catastrophe. We saw these before, plenty of times.

So, who or what could possible the N-13 of The Blacklist tv series which has already created enough buzz in the first two episode of season 8? Obviously, we have to wait for a concrete answer until the mid-season. But before that, isn’t it obvious that, Reddington is not the N-13. Because we heard it from the confused lady Katarina Rostova.

Who is N-13
Who is N-13 ? Red or Keen?

So, my guess (almost sure) is, N-13 is no one but Agent Keen. And, it is not a ‘he’ as referred by Katarina in the second episode of season 8 of The Blacklist.

I know, like me many of the fans already predicted that Elizabeth Keen is N-13 as Red is trying to continuously ‘protect’ her. We already seen that he staged a fake death of Keen.

So, Who is N-13 ?

Maybe it is something or some information that hidden beneath the Keen’s childhood memory. We have repeatedly watched Keen’s childhood scenes but not getting a clue. There is more to her childhood than it appeared. N-13 is something that can be coded into her (maybe in brain or some sort of genetic code… not sure about that)

What or who is N-13 is quite foreseeable, but what can it be used for? Clearly such huge killing and emotional pinnacles are not for some cash or treasure or miracle cure. So, is it another apocalyptic conspiracy? Is it Some sort of secret organization rooted in every aspect of justice system? Sounds reasonable? Aghh… script writers must have to think a more subtle way to destroy world. We know how and what can be done by such clandestine society. We saw it on the new Macgyver, and hundreds of other movies.


The Sikorsky file is not obviously a blackmail file. Because it will be too cliché and not worthy of Reddington’s cold blooded killing of Keen’s mother.

So, no doubt, I will bet on some global crisis or `end of the word thingy’. Or there is another chance, that the sikorsky archive contains loads of cure or even a key to immortality (as we were given hints).


So, what’s your guess? Who is N-13 ?
