Health and Lifestyle Lifestyle Tips Recipe ভেষজ How to make fenugreek oil By abc on Dec 02, 2021Dec 02, 2021 How to make Fenugreek OilFenugreek contains some nutrients including protein which reduces hair loss as well as brings shine to the hair. This oil is also able to prevent premature hair ripening. Using fenugreek oil at least two days a week will stop hair loss. You can make this oil at home in a chemical-free way. Learn how to make fenugreek oilTake half a cup of fenugreek powder. make fine powder of fenugreek seeds Mix half a cup of coconut oil and half a cup of castor oil with fenugreek powder. Heat water in a pan in the oven. Before the water boils, put the bowl of oil with fenugreek powder in the water. Stir constantly with a small spoon. Shake for 10 to 15 minutes and strain it. Store fenugreek oil in a glass jar. Massage this oil from head to toe before going to bed at night. The next day washes with mild shampoo and use conditioner. Post Views: 2,923 Related posts: কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য থেকে ডায়াবেটিস, নিয়ন্ত্রণে রাখুন মেথি চায়ে Cooking Steak : The secrets you didn’t know before করলার পাঁচ রেসিপি Lemon Garlic Butter Baked Shrimp Korean Bulgogi Recipe | The ultimate taste of Korea 5 effective ways to reduce hair fall 6 vegetables for skincare খুশকি দূর করতে নিম : ব্যবহার করুন নিমের প্যাক How to make cake without egg | recipe of cake without egg 3 packs of aloe vera for long hair রেসিপি : ঘি দিয়ে বেবি কর্ন ফ্রাই Recipe: Baby corn fry with Butter oil বয়স আটকে রাখার উপায় : ব্যবহার করুন ভেষজগুলো How to make Tuna Fish Kebab কাঁচামরিচের ঝাল রসগোল্লার রেসিপি | Spicy Rasgulla Recipe সহজে রান্না করার কিছু টিপস Mashed Cauliflower Recipe: A winter delicacy Quench your thirst at Ramadan with these extraordinary halal drinks চুলে পেঁয়াজের রস যেভাবে ব্যবহার করবেন ত্বকের জন্য টমেটো ও বেসনের ফেসপ্যাক Butterfly Pea Flower Tea Recipe essential oilfenugreek oilrecipe