Cat Diseases and vaccines | My cat is sick | vaccines for cats


My cat is sickMy cat is sick ! Diana is shocked. Her Mini seems very weak and she was not doing her usual staff, like dancing, jumping, yawning and other cat stuffs.

Yes, you cat can be sick and there is no reason to too much worries. There are treatments and medicines for cats. So, next time whenever you heard someone shouting My cat is sick ! just give him or her a little comfort by saying, there are proper treatments for cats. We will discuss some of those. But, this is not a prescription for cats ! Remember, you must take your cat to the nearest veterinary hospital for proper treatments.


My cat is sick ! Here are some Vaccines for Cats

There are some vaccines for cats to prevent different sort of diseases. Those vaccines create antibodies in cats and help him/her fighting against bacteria and viruses. And, vaccines for cats are just not for the cats, those are for your safety also. Vaccinated cats will not pose any danger to human.

Vaccines are given in advance to cats because some diseases of cats are not recoverable. Such a disease is Rabies. This can infect human also!

When to give

Cats are ready for vaccines at the age of three months. One vaccine lasts for 1 year. So, you have to bring your cats to vet for vaccine every after one year.

There are usually Three types of vaccines for cats

  1. Nobivac Feline 1-HCPCh : This is a very useful and effective vaccine for cat, which can protect your sick cat from 4 types of diseases. The diseases are -Feline Calicivirus (FCV) (cat flu), Feline Rhinotracheitis, Feline Panleukopenia (FPV) and Feline Chlamydophila.
  2. Rabisin : This will protect your cat from rabies. This vaccine can be of 6 months to 3 years term.
  3. Quadricat vaccine : This will protect your beloved cat from calicivirus , rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia and rabies.

Side Effects of cat’s vaccine

” My cat is sick and I went to the vet. They gave her medicines and tell me to give her some vaccines as well. Is there any side effects?”

No Diana! you should not get worried much. There are no prominent side effects of cat’s vaccines. But your cat may shows some discomfort for 1-2 days, which includes- irritation, loss of appetite, Nausea etc.