How to make egg food for budgerigar


egg food for budgerigarMake egg food for budgerigar for healthy babies and bird’s health. This will help you get healthy eggs and healthy babies. The fertility rate of the budgerigar will also increase.

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What is egg food?

The egg is a kind of soft food made for birds that is very important to feed the bird in its infancy. This food also works during breeding and to make up for the lack of various vitamins and minerals in the bird’s body. Egg food is mainly made from quail eggs, boiled chicken eggs, corn, and other vegetables. Here are the rules for making egg food for budgerigar.

One puree contains a lot of nutrients for birds but this egg food can sometimes become a threat to birds. In this case, you have to take care of several things properly. For example, the egg that you will use to make one foot must be a native chicken egg or a quail egg. This is because boiler chicken eggs can cause problems when broiler chickens are treated with a variety of harmful antibiotics and high doses of medicine that can cause damage to the bird’s health.

Another precaution in feeding egg food is that eggs should not be used in egg food all the time, because eating extra eggs can cause problems in the digestive process of birds. The method of making egg food for birds is an important issue. For example, the quality of boiled vegetables is often reduced. So when using vegetables in this food, try to give raw vegetables. Another good food for birds is sprouted seeds. It contains a lot of nutrients for birds. The biggest advantage of using sprouted seeds is that there is no risk you can give to as many birds as you like.


Rules for making egg food for birds


Recipe-1 for Egg food for budgerigar

1, boiled eggs of native chicken or boiled eggs of quail birds.

2. You can use Patal Sweet Pumpkin Chichinga Bean Broccoli etc. in crushed vegetables with raw vegetable and fruit vegetable grader.

Then mix the ingredients together with the chicken or quail eggs and make a very healthy egg food for the birds.


Making egg food for budgerigar


1. Moringa leaves

2. bean boiled

3. Black Beans


Moringa leaves (raw),

Boiled lentils, (30 minutes)

Black beans boiled (1 hour)

Mashed together and let your birds eat.


Creating egg food for budgerigar properly and following all the rules will play a vital role in protecting the health of birds.
