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health tips

Cycling can cure these diseases

Everyone has a good idea about the health benefits of regular cycling. Cycling can cure many difficult diseases. Cycling every day will save you money; Just like that, the body will be healthy. According to experts, cycling is a great workout, which keeps you active. It helps to lead a healthy life and stay fit […]

Don’t eat these while going to sleep

Many people go to bed after dinner. However, you should be careful about eating before going to bed. This is because eating certain foods before going to bed can bring serious health risks. Know what not to eat before going to bed. Dont eat while going to sleep Chocolate Chocolate should not be eaten before […]

What to do to enhance metabolism

In medical terms, what is called metabolism, we easily understand it as digestion. And a large part of it depends on this metabolism whether the body will be all right. If there is a disturbance in misery, the day is over. Follow some rules to get the matter under control permanently. Protein at all times […]

Can diabetics follow the Keto diet?

Diet is important for diabetics. However, the Quito diet can have dire consequences for them. In this regard, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Professor of Cardiology. SM Mostafa Zaman said that diet is a very important issue for diabetics. Many of us think that if we have diabetes, we will not be able to eat […]

7 ways to reduce hair loss

7 ways to reduce hair loss Almost everyone suffers from hair loss problems. Many people’s heads become empty at the age of. Hair can fall out for various reasons. If there is a problem of hair loss of close relatives in the family, this problem may also occur in the next generation. Again, this can […]

Aloe vera as highlighter

Aloe vera when used as a highlighter For a long time, the first choice of women to enhance the beauty of various cosmetics. The popularity of cosmetics is still the same. It is difficult to calculate how many types of cosmetics are available now. Highlighter is one of the most popular cosmetics for makeup. However, […]

Do you have a habit of wearing a bra for 24 hours?

Many people think that wearing a bra for 24 hours helps to keep their figure beautiful, while many people say that this habit is the cause of breast cancer! But which is actually true? Or in whose case the rule of wearing a bra applies? Learn about the benefits, disadvantages, and health risks. Why wear […]

ডায়াপার র‌্যাশ, সুরক্ষায় জেনে নিন করণীয়

শিশুর ত্বক থাকে কোমল। সংবেদনশীল এ ত্বক কিছু সময় ধরে অথবা বারবার প্রস্রাব ও পায়খানার সংস্পর্শে এলে আর্দ্রতার কারণে ত্বকের তৈলাক্ত প্রাকৃতিক স্তরের প্রতিরোধ ভেঙে যায়। এতে ত্বকে এক ধরনের লালাভ চাকার মতো হয়ে ফুলে ওঠে বা ফুসকুড়ির মতো দেখা যায়। এ ধরনের সমস্যাকে আমরা র‌্যাশ বলে থাকি। শিশুদের ক্ষেত্রে ডায়াপার ব্যবহারে কেন র‌্যাশ হয় […]