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চীনের আবিষ্কার: ম্যালেরিয়ার ওষুধ আর্টিমিসিনিন

চীনের আবিষ্কার: ম্যালেরিয়ার ওষুধ আর্টিমিসিনিন


পৃথিবীতে যে প্রাণীটার কারণে এখনও সবচেয়ে বেশি মানুষ মারা যাচ্ছে সেটি হলো মশা। এর মধ্যে মশাবাহিত সবচেয়ে ভয়াবহ রোগটি হলো ম্যালেরিয়া। যার কারণে পৃথিবীতে প্রতি বছর মারা যাচ্ছে ছয় লাখেরও বেশি মানুষ। তবে সংখ্যাটা আরও অনেক বাড়তো, যদি না আবিষ্কার হতো আর্টিমিসিনিন নামের একটি অব্যর্থ ওষুধ। ১৯৭২ সালের নভেম্বরে যে ওষুধটি তৈরি করেন চীনা চিকিৎসাবিজ্ঞানী […]

Understanding Fistula: Causes and Solutions

Understanding Fistula: Causes and Solutions


By Dr. Muhammad Mahtab Hossain Majed IntroductionFistula, is a complex rectal disease characterized by the discharge of pus from boils near the anus due to infection. This article delves into the causes, types, symptoms, diagnostic procedures, and effective solutions for managing fistula.Types of FistulaFistulas vary in complexity, ranging from simple to complicated, depending on the […]

Health benefits of jackfruit

Health benefits of jackfruit

Juicy fruit jackfruit is available now. There are plenty health benefits of jackfruit. You can eat unique jackfruit in terms of nutrition to stay healthy. It contains fiber, protein, anti-oxidants, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, vitamin A, vitamin C, carbs and many more nutrients. Learn about the benefits of jackfruit.Health Benefits of JackfruitThe protein and anti-oxidants […]

Exercises for lung : Follow These to fight against corona

There is no cure for coronavirus yet, so everyone needs to know about Covid-19 disease and its prevention. In addition to following hygiene rules, a balanced diet, Exercises for lung , and aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of developing the disease by increasing the body’s resistance to disease. In developed countries, respiratory physiotherapists are […]

Must follow these steps to avoid coronavirus

The Corona situation is becoming increasingly worrying. Although there is lockdown to avoid coronavirus infection, the situation is still not under control. Although the situation in European countries has improved somewhat, the overall corona situation in the world is gradually deteriorating. In Bangladesh and India, the number of corona cases is increasing by leaps and […]

The importance of respiratory physiotherapy in treating coronavirus

The number of patients infected with Covid-19 is increasing every day. Adherence to hygiene as well as a balanced diet and aerobic exercise can reduce the chances of contracting the disease by boosting the body’s immune system. Respiratory physiotherapy combined with oxygen therapy will reduce the patient’s respiratory complications and mortality.In developed countries, and even […]

Tremendous Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd

Although bitter in taste, health benefits of bitter gourd is wonderful. It is a nutritious vegetable. It contains Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Folate, Potassium, Zinc, Iron, Magnesium and many more. It is very important to eat bitter gourd regularly to increase immunity during this time of virus panic.Health benefits of bitter gourd A very crucial benefits […]

কোভিড-১৯ নিয়ে অনলাইন সিম্পোজিয়াম করছে বিএসএম ও ডুমা

বাংলাদেশ সোসাইটি অফ মাইক্রোবায়োলজিস্ট (বিএসএম) ও ঢাকা ইউনিভার্সিটি মাইক্রোবায়োলজি এলামনাই এসোসিয়েশন( ডুমা) এর যৌথ আয়োজনে ‘কোভিড-১৯ এর প্রতিরোধ, চিকিৎসা ও ব্যবস্থাপনা’ শীর্ষক একটি আন্তর্জাতিক অনলাইন সিম্পোজিয়ামের আয়োজন করা হয়েছে । এ আয়োজনে বাংলাদেশ ও যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের শীর্ষ পর্যায়ের বিশেষজ্ঞগণ তাদের মতামত তুলে ধরবেন। আগামী ৩০মে শনিবার বাংলাদেশ সময় রাত নটায় এ সেমিনারটি অনুষ্ঠিত হবে। মিটিংএ অংশগ্রহণের […]

Increasing back pain, neck and waist pain?

Working at home is quite comfortable but there are some complications. Now there is no walking like before, the use of stairs is less. It affects every muscle in the body. Illnesses like neck and back pain are increasing day by day from home.Indian orthopedic specialist Kunal Sengupta said it was important to keep the […]

Respiratory physiotherapy in strengthening the respiratory system

Respiratory physiotherapy is a specialized part of physiotherapy treatment that can reduce the complications of various lung diseases and reduce breathing difficulties. It includes various positioning techniques, chest pain management techniques, airway clearance techniques, breathing exercises, controlled breathing exercises etc. Respiratory physiotherapists in different countries are providing treatment, counseling on various obstructive and restrictive (COPD, […]

Symptoms of sudden heart attack and tips to avoid

Here are Some symptoms of sudden heart attack and tips to avoid. These are just symptoms and not necessarily means the alarming sign.Many are not paying attention to minor illnesses at this time of lockdown. Going to the hospital is considered an additional hassle. But in the case of heart problems, momentary negligence can bring […]