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Health and Lifestyle

Diabetes patient’s foot care

The number of diabetic patients is constantly increasing in the country. These patients need to take special care in their lifestyle. Regular exercise, walking, and a balanced diet, as well as foot care, should be taken properly. This is because diabetic patients often suffer from leg cramps. They have a much higher risk of infection […]

How much do you walk every day to lose weight?

Everyone should walk every day to get rid of excess fat from the body. However, many of us do not know how much walking is important for weight loss. Those who have just started walking to lose weight should walk at least five miles a day. Holy Family Hospital cardiology and medicine specialist. Uttam Kumar […]

The benefits of eating oily fish

There is a lot of oil in all types of marine fish including hilsa. Oily fish contains omega-three fatty acids. In addition to the various marine fish will get oil. Fish oil is very beneficial for the body. Fish oil does not contain any harmful ingredients. There are plenty of omega-three fatty acids, which prevent […]

At this time, the lungs should be kept well

The lungs are the most affected by the epidemic of coronavirus. At this time it is most important to take care of the lungs. The virus enters the lungs from the throat through the airways and gradually destroys its function. This results in severe shortness of breath, cough and fatigue. In this regard, the National […]

চিনি ছাড়া শীতের পিঠা বানাবেন কীভাবে

ঝাল ভাপা পিঠা যা লাগবে : সিদ্ধ চালের গুঁড়া ৩ কাপ, ধনিয়াপাতা কুচি আধা কাপ, পেঁয়াজ কুচি আধা কাপ, গাজর কুচি আধা কাপ, কাঁচামরিচ কুচি ১ টেবিল চামচ, লবণ স্বাদমতো, পানি আধা কাপের একটু বেশি। যেভাবে করবেন : চালের গুঁড়ায় আধা চা চামচ লবণ মিশিয়ে আধা কাপ পানি দিয়ে ঝুরঝুরে করে মেখে নিন। এবার মোটা […]

Do you need to exercise if you have a cold?

Many people get colds at this time of the season. Many people do not know whether it is possible to exercise with a cold. Whether to exercise in the common cold depends on the condition of the patient’s body and the severity of the disease. A health website recently suggested this. Whether you exercise with […]

The mother’s first milk is beneficial for the baby

It is very important to make the newborn drink mother’s milk after birth. This milk must be fed to keep the newborn safe and disease-free. Up to six months after birth, the baby does not need to be fed anything other than breast milk. At this time mother’s milk is enough for the baby. However, […]

5 Ways to Keep Your Baby Safe from Covid-19

Children are also being affected by the novel coronavirus epidemic. So they need special care at this time. In this regard, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Pediatrician and Associate Professor. Manik Kumar Talukder told Jugantar that children need to develop the habit of wearing masks and hand washing to keep them safe from corona. And […]

Ways to reduce the child’s anger

Children get excited for a variety of reasons. If the child cries or insists a little, the parents try to calm them down by sitting in front of their mobile phone, computer or TV. This makes the child attracted to the ‘screen’, which can have a detrimental effect on his physical and mental growth. However, […]

Bottle plastic going into baby’s stomach: research

Every day millions of tiny particles of plastic from food packets, bottles, tea bags and other materials are unknowingly entering the human stomach. These plastic particles are harmful to the health of the baby. An Irish study claims that an average of 1.7 million plastic particles enter a baby’s stomach every day through the bottle […]

Which oil you should apply on newborn baby?

The weather is drier in winter. At this time, mothers use different types of moisturizing lotions and oils to keep the skin of the newborn beautiful. Many mothers do not know which oil is better for the baby. There are several oils that are beneficial for newborn skin. Let’s find out which oil is best […]

ওজন কমছে না? জেনে নিন কারণগুলো

ডায়েট চার্টে পুষ্টি উপাদান ঠিকঠাক আছে কিনা সেটা যাচাই করে নিন। না খেয়ে থাকা মানেই কিন্তু ওজন কমে যাওয়া নয়! এতে বরং উল্টো ফল হতে পারে। একজন পুষ্টিবিদের কাছ থেকে ওজন, বয়স ও উচ্চতা অনুযায়ী নিন ডায়েট চার্ট। ভুল ব্যায়াম করছেন না তো? পেটের মেদ কমাতে চাইলে নির্দিষ্ট শরীরচর্চা প্রয়োজন। যেমন পুশ আপ বা পেটে […]