The danger of snoring and methods to reduce snoring


Nasal congestion is a common problem. However, in medicine it is not considered as an hazardous problem. But snoring is a very uncomfortable thing.  Let us see what causes it and how to reduce snoring.

According to research, 80 percent of men, over the age of forty, snore. The rate of snoring of women is much less than that. Children also sniff. Saliva falls through their noses. In children, the flesh on the back of the nose grows with the tonsils, called adenoids. Children snore because of adenoids and tonsils. In this case, water may fall through their ears. Surgery is the solution to this problem in children.


The soft palette behind the nose makes tremble violently while sleeping. From there the snoring is created. In some cases, many people stop breathing with a runny nose. This is called sleep apnea. Only if there is snoring, it is not considered a medical problem. Because it does not create any complications.


When dangerous

If sleep apnea occurs immediately after nasal congestion and snoring, it is a matter of concern. There are many patients who stop breathing with a snoring during sleep. Apnea means when the oxygen supply to the nose and mouth is completely shut off for 10 seconds. If one has one to 20 hours of apnea in seven hours of sleep, we call it mild, moderate if it is 20 to 40, and severe if it is above 40.

If you have a tendency to wake up suddenly in your sleep, headache after waking up in the morning, reluctance to work, sleepiness – these are the symptoms of sleep apnea. If sleep apnea is more, it can lead to complications like heart disease, stroke, heart attack, diabetes. For this, sleep apnea should be treated seriously.


Who is infected

People who are overweight, smokers, alcoholics are more likely to suffer from sleep apnea. In addition, people who have crooked noses, polyps and tumors in the nose, tonsils in the throat, can also have apnea.


The way to reduce snoring

To reduce snoring one should follow these healthy habits.

– Those who have shortness of breath, they have to lose weight at any cost. The doctor’s advice must be followed. Exercise should be done regularly.

– Eliminate fatty foods, fast food.

– Exclude smoking and alcohol.

– Sleeping pills should be eliminated.

– It is better to sleep on one side without lying down during sleep.

– Eat more vegetables.

– If all this does not work, you have to seek the help of a specialist doctor.