Exercises for lung : Follow These to fight against corona


There is no cure for coronavirus yet, so everyone needs to know about Covid-19 disease and its prevention. In addition to following hygiene rules, a balanced diet, Exercises for lung , and aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of developing the disease by increasing the body’s resistance to disease. In developed countries, respiratory physiotherapists are helping patients with Covid-19 to reduce shortness of breath and heal by removing phlegm that has accumulated in the chest, and there are benefits to this.
Elderly patients (50-60 years) increase the risk of blood clotting by increasing the amount of bad hormone-cortisol, PAI in the blood as a result of not doing physical activity. This can lead to heart disease and brain disease. Also those who are busy with business and job can keep pulse oximeter at home. If you see that the oxygen saturation rate is 92 or 93, then do breathing exercises from the prone position. Oxygen rate will return to normal.

Exercises for lung

People who have excess body fat have lower abdominal fat which reduces the efficiency of the lower part of the lungs. From home you can do abdominal exercises, breathing exercises, free hand exercises, aerobic exercises (walking, jogging, stair climbing), stretching exercises, resistance exercises (with dumbbells or theraband). This will help in weight control and increase immunity. At this time, for breathing exercises, hold it inhale through the nose for 5 seconds and exhale slowly through the mouth. After 5 times you will cough for the 6th time. This will cause the phlegm in the distant small pores of the lungs to come out through the cough.

In many cases, the elderly suffer from a variety of heart and respiratory diseases, including diabetes and high blood pressure. The role of medicine as well as therapeutic exercises in controlling these diseases is immense.
Since the heart is a muscle, it is possible to control high blood pressure and heart rate through contraction and expansion as well as medication. According to research, at least 30 minutes per day (60% to 75% heart rate) aerobic exercise, stretching exercises, resistance exercises, etc. increase the body’s resistance to disease. If you have stairs, you can take 10 steps up and down the stairs 2-3 times a day after wearing a face mask. This will improve blood circulation to the lungs and heart. The longer you breathe through the nose, the longer you breathe through the mouth. Suppose 1: 2 seconds. In this way the volume of the patient’s lungs will also increase, there will be peace of mind and the patient will feel comfortable.

Author: Physiotherapy Specialist

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