How to preserve breast milk


The number of working mothers in the country is constantly increasing. Women have to take more care of their families than their husbands due to their motherhood. After the birth of the child, he must be given time to nurture and breastfeed. However, this is not possible because many mothers spend time at work. However, you can preserve breast milk and feed it to the baby.

  • But now the question is how to preserve breast milk and how long it stays good?
  • What kind of container to store?
  • Store milk in glass bottles. The bottle must be covered. The bottle should be washed with hot water.

How to save

1. Store milk in small glass bottles. Milk can be refrigerated and kept at a normal ambient temperature.
2. When refrigerating, place it at the very end of the fridge against the wall. Because this place in the fridge is the coldest.
3. Keep the milk in the fridge where there will be no raw meat or cooked food. And before feeding, take the milk out of the fridge and keep it at normal temperature and then feed it.
4. Do not refrigerate frozen cold milk once it has been heated.
5. Do not use the microwave to heat the milk.

How long does stored milk last?

The mother can breastfeed the baby for 12 hours even if she is not at home. You can store the mother’s milk in a bottle or pan by squeezing it out by hand. This milk stays in the fridge for up to 12 hours. Besides, if you don’t keep it in the fridge, it will be good for up to 3 hours.