Soft Drinks : Why you should stop this right now!


soft drinksThere are lots of reason to avoid carbonated soft drinks right now. The health hazard is tremendous. So, as it sounds, soft drinks are not soft as you think they are. It is time to quite them for good. It will not just save your health, will save a huge amount of money (which includes your doctor’s bill as well).


Here are some of the most dangerous health hazard of soft drinks

Allergy and Asthma

Soft drinks contain sodium benzoyt. Sodium benzoyt used as a preservative in foods. It increases the level of sodium in the body. It also create obstacles in absorption of potassium. That will induce allergy, rash, enzyme and breathing-problems.


Kidney stone

Soft drink contains phosphoric acid, which is directly linked into formation of kidney stone and various kidney diseases.



Studies confirmed that, soft drinks increased the risk of obesity, which also increase the risk of getting heart diseases and stroke by almost 70%. Increased the risk of colon cancer by 42% and increased the risk of formation of stone in bile.


Damage of Dental Enamel

Soft drink contains lots of sugar and acid. These will damage the enamel of tooth. This will also cause lump or pile on the bottom the gum. You can also loose your teeth for drinking too much soft drinks.


Heart diseases and diabetes

Such carbonated drinks contain high dose of fructose and corn syrup. These two may cause heart diseases and diabetes.



Another feather in the dangerous crown of carbonated suger mixed drinks is Osteoporosis. The culprit is too much phosphoric acid. Phosporic acid discharge calcium from the body through urine.


So, don’t you think that it’s really the proper time to curb your cravings for that sugary poison? Your brain may different things, but trust your gut. Brain can be fooled easily when the question of sugar came. So, close your eyes and say three times every day that, I will not drink those carbonated water. Just some herbal Sharbat/drinks will be fine enough.