Tagore’s song : In tune with monsoon


tagore songWith the onset of monsoon, it is not only the rain that Bengalis look forward to. It is yet another season when they like to drench in Rabindra Sangeet aka Tagore’s song


My heart dances like a peacock
Rejoicing, reeling in the monsoo


starry blossoms spewed adrift,
Resonating to the drumbeats of rain

(Translation of Rabindra Sangeet)


Rains have inspired so many writers. After all it inspires life. But many would argue that all Rabindranath Tagore’s songs sound the same after a point of time. So what’s so unique about his rain songs? Where is “the magic”?

I could not find the magic till the time I kept floating on the surface of his literary ocean. As I delved deeper, I realised it has more than what you just hear. Rabindra Sangeet is something that steeps down to your heart and touches your soul. At every age, Tagore’s music impacts you differently. Apart from the six different categories of Rabindra Sangeet i.e., Puja (Worship), Prem (Love), Prakriti (Nature), Bichitra (Diverse), Swadesh (Patriotism) and  Anusthaanik (Festivals or celebrations), his songs have significance for all ages, moods and every possible emotion.

Consider Purano sheyi diner katha, for instance. A song that brings alive good old days of love, togetherness and nostalgia. As a kid, I loved it for its melodious music and simple words, which were easy to learn. And today, while listening it during monsoon, I go back to my good old rainy days. After all these years, now when I listen to it, the song brings tears to my eyes. That’s the power of Rabindra Sangeet. Where every word is dipped in emotion and every single note is an expression that never fails to move you.

Influencing souls

Once after a concert in the US, Suchitra Mitra, a renowned Rabindra Sangeet singer, met an American listener. She told her, “I did not understand a word you sang of Tagore’s song , but while you were singing, I could not hold back my tears… I don’t know why!” To that, Mitra said, that’s what Tagore’s music is like. It was indeed a sad song and so it did touch the heart of the listener transcending the barriers of land and language.

This is the magic of Rabindra Sangeet. Be it any season, occasion or situation, it embodies every emotion in its truest sense. And, more you listen to the songs, the more you start connecting it to your life.


Rain and Tagore’s song

Let me share one of my favourite Tagore’s song , which is Esho Shyamalo Shundoro. Based on Raag Desh, the song is about welcoming the monsoons to the lush green fields of Bengal. Try to listen to this song on a rainy day. I believe you cannot stop yourself from going out and dancing in the rain! Even if you do not understand the language, the music enchants your heart.

Last year, when India, Bangladesh and the United Kingdom joined hands to honour this legendary poet as one of the greatest poets of the Commonwealth, at the mother of parliaments the House of Commons in London, it became a proud moment for all of us. He remains an integral part of all those who love music, like me, and will continue to mesmerise all with every song of his.

So the next time, when you see thick clouds blanketing the sky and hear intense thunders rolling in, put on some ‘rain-themed Rabindra Sangeet’ on your music system and wait for the magic to work on you as well. You are surely going to enjoy the high tides of emotions making you asking for more.