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What to do to enhance metabolism

In medical terms, what is called metabolism, we easily understand it as digestion. And a large part of it depends on this metabolism whether the body will be all right. If there is a disturbance in misery, the day is over. Follow some rules to get the matter under control permanently. Protein at all times […]

সাদা ফাঙ্গাস কেন বেশি বিপজ্জনক ব্ল্যাক ফাঙ্গাসের তুলনায়?

করোনাভাইরাসে বিপর্যস্ত ভারতে ব্ল্যাক ফাঙ্গাসকে নতুন মহামারি ঘোষণা করা হয়েছে। তবে এর মধ্যে সাদা ফাঙ্গাস নামে নতুন আরেকটি ছত্রাকে আক্রান্ত হতে শুরু করেছে দেশটির বহু মানুষ। দেশটির পাটনা, বিহারে সাদা ফাঙ্গাসের সংক্রমণ দেখা গেছে। আর এই সংক্রমণ ব্ল্যাক ফাঙ্গাসের চেয়ে বেশি বিপজ্জনক বলে মনে করছেন বিশেষজ্ঞরা। ভারতের পরস হাসপাতালের সিনিয়র কনসালটেন্ট এবং রেসপাইরেটরি মেডিসিনের প্রধান […]

7 ways to reduce hair loss

7 ways to reduce hair loss Almost everyone suffers from hair loss problems. Many people’s heads become empty at the age of. Hair can fall out for various reasons. If there is a problem of hair loss of close relatives in the family, this problem may also occur in the next generation. Again, this can […]

Is it good to drink hot milk for sleep?

Many people recommend to drink hot milk at night to eliminate the problem of insomnia. Is it really good to drink hot milk for sleeping? The answer is yes. Indian nutritionist Arundhati said that milk contains an amino acid called tryptophan. This increases the amount of the hormone serotonin in the body. This hormone calms […]

Foods that will keep your eyesight good

Time is spent on the screen of laptop, television or mobile phone. Put on the food list some foods that will help maintain good eyesight. Carrots Almost all orange vegetables and fruits contain beta-carotene. This beta-carotene is an extremely powerful anti-oxidant, which helps prevent the problem of cataracts, dimming of the eyes due to age. […]

Health benefits of jackfruit

Juicy fruit jackfruit is available now. There are plenty health benefits of jackfruit. You can eat unique jackfruit in terms of nutrition to stay healthy. It contains fiber, protein, anti-oxidants, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, vitamin A, vitamin C, carbs and many more nutrients. Learn about the benefits of jackfruit. Health Benefits of Jackfruit The protein […]

Exercises for lung : Follow These to fight against corona

There is no cure for coronavirus yet, so everyone needs to know about Covid-19 disease and its prevention. In addition to following hygiene rules, a balanced diet, Exercises for lung , and aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of developing the disease by increasing the body’s resistance to disease. In developed countries, respiratory physiotherapists are […]