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Benefits of nigella seeds are numerous. It can cure various diseases. It has many medicinal properties of bioactive compounds called thymoquinone, nizeledin and alpha-heatherine. Nigella seed contain anti-inflammatory ingredients. It can relieve the discomfort of closing the nose. Black cumin oil also works in the case of inhalation allergies. Black nigella seed contains anti-asthmatic ingredients. […]
Listening to high volume on earphones can cause a variety of problems. Dr. Anup Talukder, a postgraduate trainee in the Department of Ear, Nose and Throat, Mitford Hospital, Dhaka, gave advice in this regard. How do we hear?Many people know the answer to this question. A sound wave enters our ear canal and hits the eardrum. […]
For natural bright and vibrant skin, you have to eat healthy food and get regular sleep. As well as drinking plenty of water. Find out which foods are on the diet menu and you will get bright and beautiful skin.You can eat pomegranate regularly for wrinkle-free skin. It contains vitamin C and anti-oxidants to prevent […]
Time is spent on the screen of laptop, television or mobile phone. Put on the food list some foods that will help maintain good eyesight.CarrotsAlmost all orange vegetables and fruits contain beta-carotene. This beta-carotene is an extremely powerful anti-oxidant, which helps prevent the problem of cataracts, dimming of the eyes due to age. Moreover, carrots […]
Loss of hair due to pollution, irregularities or carelessness. Homemade conditioner can be used to make hair shine in a natural way. Conditioners made from these materials at hand will make the hair shiny and soft.Homemade Conditioner with EggsEggs can be used on all types of hair. Use egg whites for oily hair. If the […]
Coffee is a source of powerful anti-oxidants. In addition, the vitamins and acidic ingredients in it are unique in skin care. There is no pair of coffee to keep the hair shiny. Learn about use of coffee in beauty treatment.Use of coffee in beauty treatment Mix equal amount of coffee powder and coarse granulated sugar. […]
Apple cider vinegar can brighten the skin as well as eliminate dandruff. Its acidic component also removes acne. Learn about the use of apple cider vinegar in beauty treatments. Clean the skin with facewash. Dip a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and rub it on the skin. It removes excess oiliness from the skin […]
স্বাস্থ্য টিপস ১কভিড-১৯ এ আক্রান্ত ব্যক্তি সুস্থ হওয়ার পর শরীরে কয়েকদিন কিছুটা ব্যথা অনুভব হতে পারে। খুব বেশি সমস্যা হলে ডাক্তারের পরামর্শে এসিটামিনোফেন বা আইবুপ্রোফেন সেবন করতে পারেন। তবে দিনে ৩০০০ মি.গ্রা. এর বেশি নয়।–ডা. মো. নুরুজ্জামান স্বাস্থ্য টিপস ২কভিড-১৯ বা জ্বর থেকে সেরে ওঠার পর সাধারণত মুখের রুচি থাকে না। রুচি ফেরাতে খেতে পারেন দুধ, […]
ঘর থেকে বের হলেই মাস্কের প্রয়োজন। করোনা ভাইরাস প্রতিরোধের পাশাপাশি নিরাপদ থাকা যায় অন্যান্য জীবাণু থেকেও। তবে গাড়ির ভিতরে মাস্ক ব্যবহার করার ব্যাপারে অনেকের অনেক মত। তাই জেনে নিন গাড়িতে মাস্ক ব্যবহার করার নিয়ম ।গাড়িতে একা থাকলে মাস্ক ব্যবহার করার দরকার হয় না। গাড়ি চালানোর সময় মাস্কটা এমনভাবে পরা উচিত যাতে নাক-মুখ ভালোভাবে ঢাকা থাকে।গাড়িতে মাস্ক […]
Just as herbal teas are effective in reducing sore throats and colds, they are also effective in boosting immunity. A cup of hot herbal tea can relieve work fatigue. Learn how to make tea with various herbal ingredients including basil, mint, ginger, cinnamon.Herbal tea : Basil teaBoil a handful of basil leaves in a bowl […]
Fear of coronavirus infection is now our daily routine. Many are infected for the second time after recovering from the first attack. However, this number is not very high. Again, after coronavirus recovery, various physical problems may remain. So even after recovering from a corona infection, certain health rules must be followed.Experts say that even […]