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Health and Lifestyle

Increasing back pain, neck and waist pain?

Working at home is quite comfortable but there are some complications. Now there is no walking like before, the use of stairs is less. It affects every muscle in the body. Illnesses like neck and back pain are increasing day by day from home.Indian orthopedic specialist Kunal Sengupta said it was important to keep the […]

করোনা দুর্যোগে টাকা বাঁচাবেন কিভাবে

অনেকেই এখন ভাবছেন, আহা! ওই দিন যদি ফ্রায়েড চিকেনটা না খেতাম, তো ঘরে আজ এক কেজি চাল থাকত, সঙ্গে আড়াইশ গ্রাম ডালও। আবার সেদিন যদি বড় আপার সঙ্গে ফোনে এক ঘণ্টা কথা না বলে মেসেঞ্জার ব্যবহার করতাম, ফোনের ৭০টা টাকা বেঁচে যেত। ৭০ টাকায় তো এখন একদিনের বাজার হয়! হিসাব করতে গেলে দেখা যাবে এমন […]

Respiratory physiotherapy in strengthening the respiratory system

Respiratory physiotherapy is a specialized part of physiotherapy treatment that can reduce the complications of various lung diseases and reduce breathing difficulties. It includes various positioning techniques, chest pain management techniques, airway clearance techniques, breathing exercises, controlled breathing exercises etc. Respiratory physiotherapists in different countries are providing treatment, counseling on various obstructive and restrictive (COPD, […]

Symptoms of sudden heart attack and tips to avoid

Here are Some symptoms of sudden heart attack and tips to avoid. These are just symptoms and not necessarily means the alarming sign.Many are not paying attention to minor illnesses at this time of lockdown. Going to the hospital is considered an additional hassle. But in the case of heart problems, momentary negligence can bring […]

Singaporean chef is now chef-owner at successful Middle Rd omakase bar

Tucked away during a corner of the second floor of Middle Road’s Fortune Centre is Kappou Japanese Sushi Tapas Bar. Despite its unassuming surroundings — neighboured by various vegetarian eateries and sharing a skinny partition with a Korean restaurant — browsing a glass door brings you into a small world of high-quality authentic Japanese cuisine.The restaurant’s interior is sparse. 12 seats face the […]

There are Two good news from Canada

Two good news from Canada : the mobile phone is ringing with strange sounds. No, the phone is not a problem. I took the phone in my hand and saw two urgent text messages. In French and English. This is an urgent message to warn Canadians returning from abroad to comply with quarantine.For so many […]

Tips to clean hairbrush with easy steps

How to clean your hair brush? follow these effective tips.After brushing our hair, most of the time we do not clean the hair that has accumulated inside the brush. As a result, the brush became dirty after a while. In addition, if you do not clean the hair regularly, dirt accumulates inside the brush. Learn […]

বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তারদের টিপস : অবশ্যই মেনে চলবেন

এগুলো গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তারদের টিপস । এগুলো যথাসম্ভব মেনে চলার চেষ্টা করবেন। তাহলেই থাকবেন সুস্থ ও সবল।বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তারদের টিপসটানা ৪০ থেকে ৪৫ মিনিট হাঁটলে রক্তে চলমান চর্বি ফুরিয়ে আসে। তাই অফিস থেকে বাড়িতে ফেরার পথে খানিকটা পথ হেঁটেই ফিরুন। শারীরিক সক্ষমতা থাকলে অফিস কিংবা বাড়িতে লিফট ব্যবহার না করে সিঁড়িতেই চড়ুন। অধ্যাপক ডা. মোহাম্মদ […]

How to make donut hair bun (with photo)

Can’t decide how to tie hair at the party? You can easily decorate your hair with gorgeous hair donut bun. This donut hair bun can be easily removed. For this you will need a comb, long comb, rubber band, a thick band, bobby pin and hair spray.donut hair bun Step 1Raise your hair and tie […]

Try these, The age will not aging skin

Wrinkles begin to appear on the skin as it grows. As a result, the skin loses its natural beauty. You can rely on home and natural methods to prevent the aging skin.Tips to stop aging skin Vitamin C helps skin make collagen. As a result, include lemon, orange, mango, broccoli and other fruits and vegetables […]

Are you suffering from malnutrition?

An attack of any disease or virus occurs only when the immune system is weak and if you suffer from malnutrition. Just as it is important to have the right diet through calorie control, it is also important to make sure that you are getting enough nutrition. Some physical symptoms can tell if you are […]

Baking soda disinfects fruits and vegetables

It is very important to clean the fruits and vegetables brought from the market during this outbreak of coronavirus. Fruits and vegetables can be cleaned with baking soda. Baking soda disinfects capacity can also be used in many other ways.Baking soda disinfects Take water in a bowl. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda and soak […]