Learn how to make a mask like N95 masks


In a recent interview with Reuters, WHO epidemiologist Maria Van Kerkhov said that coronary infections in ordinary cloth masks could not be prevented in cases where it was not possible to maintain social distance in accordance with the rules. In this case, the risk of corona infection can be avoided by wearing only a three-layer mask.

But in this situation the demand for N95 masks has skyrocketed. This is because it is able to protect 95% of the dust and germs from getting into the nose and mouth. As the demand for N95 masks has increased, so has the price. In the last four months, the price of N95 mask has increased by about 250 percent. At present in the open market the price of one N95 mask is 250 to 300 rupees. The price of this mask is gradually going beyond the reach of ordinary people. As a result, ordinary people have to face problems. Even if you pay in many places, the mask does not match.
In this situation, a two-and-a-half minute YouTube video shows how to use a surgical mask and three rubber bands to easily protect against more than 80 percent of dust and germs. This video shows how to ensure the same protection as the N95 mask with a surgical mask and three rubber bands. About 3 lakh people have watched this video so far. The video has been shared a lot! Let’s see how the three rubber bands and the surgical mask can ensure the same protection as the N95 mask

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