Class 8 English Seen Passages 8-9
Class 8 English 1st paper Seen Passages
Read the text and answer questions 1, 2 and 3. (Unit–5, Lesson–02)
Shamima started to tell us her story. Listening to her, we were stunned and at the same time, our hearts were filled with admiration for her. It was 1995. Shamima was 15 years old. She got promoted to class 8. Shamima had all the dreams of an adolescent. She wanted to bring about a change in her life. She wanted to see happiness in her family too. She knew she could fulfill her dream by completing her education and getting a good job. Fifteen-year-old Shamima’s dreams were nipped in the bud. Her father wanted to marry her off against her will. Marrying off a girl under 18 is against the law in Bangladesh. Shamima did not want to get married. But nobody paid any heed to her. They arranged her marriage with a man much older than her. All her tears and protests went in vain. Shamima was married off to Kamal Uddin Joarder.
Set 1
- Guess the meaning of the following words and choose the correct meaning closest to the text.
(a) stunned
- shocked ii. charmed iii. overwhelmed iv. amused
(b) admiration
- love ii. wonder iii. hatred iv. abhorrence
(c) bring out
- fetch ii. get iii. cause to happen iv. procure
(d) fulfill
- realize ii. pay iii. do partially iv. produce
(e) arranged
- put ii. kept iii. preserved iv. put in order
- Give short answer to the following questions.
(a) What was the reaction of the reporters to Shamima’s story?
(b) Did Shamima have any dream? If yes, what was it?
(c) What is the prevailing law in respect of marriage of a girl in our country?
(d) How were Shamima’s dreams nipped in the bud?
(e) Who was Shamima married off to?
- Summarize the above text in around 85 words.
- (a) (iii) overwhelmed; (b) (i) love; (c) (iii) cause to happen; (d) (i) realize; (e) (iv) put in order.
- (a) The reporters were stunned and at the same time, their hearts were filled with admiration for shamima. And this to hear her story.
(b) Yes, she had. She wanted to bring about a change both in her life and in her family.
(c) The prevailing law in respect of marriage of a girl in our country is a girl’s age must be 18 and below 18 is punishable.
(d) Shamima’s dreams were nipped in the bud when her father married her off against her will.
(e) Shamima was married off to Kamal Uddin Joarder who was much older than her.
- In 1995, Shamima was 15 years old. She got promoted to class 8. She had all the dreams of an adolescent. She wanted to bring about a change in her life. But all her dreams were nipped in the bud when she was married off to a man much older than she.
Set 2
- Guess the meaning of the following words and choose the correct meaning closest to the text.
(i) admiration
(a) satire (b) ridicule (c) criticize (d) praise
(ii) promote
(a) elemote (b) lower (c) upgrade (d) come down
(iii) adolescent
(a) youth (b) aged (c) old (d) middle aged
(iv) stunned
(a) perplexed (b) glad (c) cheerful (d) jovial
(v) arrange
(a) form (b) organize (c) involve (d) engage
- Answer the following questions.
(a) Why was the writer’s heart filled with admiration?
(b) How were Shamima’s dreams nipped in the bud?
(c) What is against the law in Bangladesh?
(d) Did Shamima have any dreams? If yes, what was it?
(e) What made the writer stunned?
- Summarize the above text in around 85 words.
- (i) (d) praise; (ii) (c) upgrade; (iii) (a) youth; (iv) (a) perplexed; (v) (b) organize.
- (a) The writer’s heart was filled with admiration for Shamima.
(b) Shamima’s dreams were nipped in the bud when her father wanted to marry her off against her will at the age of fifteen.
(c) Marrying off a girl under 18 is against the law in Bangladesh.
(d) Yes, she had all the dreams of an adolescent.
(e) Shamima’s story made the writer stunned.
- Same as Set 1
Set 3
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives.
(a) Shamima’s story ¾ everyone.
- fascinated ii. astonished iii. shocked iv. worried
(b) Shamima thought about the welfare of her ¾.
- family ii. friends iii. cousins iv. neighbours
(c) Shamima did not want to get married because she wanted to complete her education but nobody¾ her.
- talked to ii. listened to iii. took care of iv. looked after
(d) What does ‘heed’ mean?
- Pay attention to ii. Attention iii. Interest iv. Patient
(e) Which is the correct meaning of the word “promoted” closest to the text?
- Developed ii. Upgraded iii. Overthrown iv. Predicted
- Answer the following questions in your own words.
(a) When did Shamima get married off?
(b) Did Shamima’s dream come true? What happened?
(c) Why did she fail to fulfil her dream?
(d) How old is Shamima now?
(e) As an adolescent what are your dreams?
- Summarize the above text in around 85 words.
- (a) (ii) astonished; (b) (i) family; (c) (ii) listened to; (c) (ii) Attention; (e) (ii) Upgraded.
- (a) Shamima got married at the age of 15.
(b) No, Shamima’s dream did not come true. She got married and her dreams were nipped in the bud.
(c) She failed to fulfil her dream because of her untimely marriage.
(d) Shamima is now 32 years old.
(e) As an adolescent my dreams are to be highly educated, get a good job, be respectable in society and above all bring about a great change in my family.
- Same as Set 1
Set 4
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives.
(a) stunned
- shocked ii. charmed iii. amused iv. overwhelmed
(b) admiration
- appreciation ii. love iii. wonder iv. approval
(c) adolescent
- a young boy ii. those of 13 to 18 years old
iii. those of 19 to 25 years old iv. a girl
(d) nipped in the bud
- started to bloom ii. started to dream iii. lost at the beginning iv. spoiled at first
(e) will
- an auxiliary verb ii. determination iii. wish iv. gut
- Answer the following questions in your own words.
(a) Why were the reporters stunned?
(b) What was Shamima’s dream?
(c) How were her dreams nipped in the bud?
(d) At what age did she get married?
(e) Shamima did not want to get married. Why?
- Summarize the passage in around 85 words.
- (a) (i) shocked; (b) (i) appreciation; (c) (ii) those of 13 to 18 years old; (d) (iii) lost at the beginning; (e) (iii) wish.
- (a) The reporters were stunned hearing the sad stories of Shamima’s life.
(b) Her dream was to bring about a change in her life.
(c) Her dreams were nipped in the bud when her father married her off against her will.
(d) She got married at fifteen.
(e) Shamima did not want to get married because she wanted to bring about a change in her life. she also wanted to see happiness in her family.
- Same as Set 1
- Class 8 English Seen Passages
Read the text and answer the questions 1, 2 and 3. (Unit–5, Lesson–03)
Shamima’s misery started the day she was married. Her husband was a greedy person and he used to abuse her verbally and physically. Within a few months into her marriage she had to leave her husband Kamal Uddin Joardar. Now Shamima vows to work with women, who are ill-fated like her. She has 43 female members in her organisation working for her. She herself trains the members and then provides them with work. She designs fabrics, makes block-print, brush-paint and hand-embroidered saris. She also makes three-piece dresses for women, and fatuas for men.
She sells these products in her shop and supplies them outside. Shamima has a dream now, a dream to do something for the helpless people. She wants them to feel useful. They can live with self-respect and dignity. With this in view, she goes out looking for such people. Shamima finished her story with a smile. Shamima has no complaints, no regrets, no grudges. Her husband could destroy her outward beauty but not the beauty of her mind. All she wants to do is to bring a smile on the faces of those women who are unfortunate. Shamima wants to become a famous designer.
Set 1
- Choose the best answer from the following alternatives :
- a) The word ‘Vow’ means ¾¾.
- adamant ii. stubbornness iii. obstinacy iv. promise
- b) Shamima’s misery started ¾¾.
- from childhood ii. after marriage
iii. from the day of her marriage iv. from infancy
- c) Her husband use to abuse her ¾¾.
- orally ii. physically and mentally iii. mentally iv. orally and mentally
- d) Shamima left her husband ¾¾.
- within a few months ii. within few days iii. within few weeks iv. within few years
- e) Shamima vows to work with ¾¾
- rich ii. dishonest iii. helpless iv. restless
- Answer the following questions :
- a) What does Shamima want to be?
- b) Why did Shamima leave her husband?
- c) Who does Shamima work with?
- d) Where does she sell her products?
- e) How did Shamima finish her story?
- Summarize the above text in around 85 words.
- (a) (iv) promise; (b) (iii) from the day of her marriage; (c) (ii) physically and mentally; (d) (i) within a few months; (e) (iii) helpless.
- (a) Shamima wants to be a famous designer.
(b) Shamima left her husband because he used to abuse her verbally and physically.
(c) Shamima works with ill-fated women.
(d) She sells her products in her shop and supplies them outside.
(e) Shamima finished her story smilingly by telling that she wanted to be a famous designer.
- Shamima was abused verbally and physically by her husband from the day of her marriage. So, she left her husband. Then she has established an organization. Now she has 43 women workers many as 43 women worked who are ill-fated like her. She makes various kinds of fabrics and dresses. She dreams to do something for the helpless. She wants to be a famous designer.
Set 2
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives :
(a) Shamima vows to work with women, who are ill-fated like her. Here the underlined word means ¾¾.
- desires ii. pledges iii. expects iv. wants
(b) The closest meaning of the word ‘dignity’ is ¾¾.
- passivity ii. submissiveness iii. design iv. status
(c) Shamima’s misery started ¾¾.
- from childhood ii. after marriage
iii. from the day of her marriage iv. when she left her husband
(d) Amirul Islam was ¾¾.
- an unemployed person ii. an avaricious person
iii. a dishonest person iv. a sympathetic man
(e) Shamima’s husband used to torture her ¾¾.
- physically ii. psychologically iii. verbally iv. all of these
- Give short answers to the following questions.
(a) Why did Shamima take decision to leave her husband?
(b) What did she do after leaving her husband?
(c) Why is she working for the helpless women?
(d) How does she help the unfortunate women?
(e) What do you understand by, “Her husband could destroy her outward beauty but not the beauty of her mind?”
- Summarize the above text in around 85 words.
- (a) (ii) pledges; (b) (iv) status; (c) (iii) from the day of her marriage; (d) (ii) an avaricious person; (e) (iv) all of these.
- (a) Shamima took decision to leave her husband because her husband used to abuse her verbally and physically.
(b) After leaving her husband, she started to work with ill-fated women.
(c) She is working for the hepless women so that they can live with self-respect and dignity.
(d) She helps the unfortunate women by giving training and providing them with work.
(e) By the line “Her husband could destroy her outward beauty but not the beauty of her mind.” I understand that Shamima’s husband destroyed her physical beauty but failed to destroy her will- power and inner beauty.
- Same as Set 1
Set 3
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives.
(a) Shamima’s husband’s ¾¾ made him abuse her.
- grudge ii. malice iii. avarice iv. despite
(b) Shamima is a woman of ¾¾ attitude.
- egoistic ii. malignant iii. conceited iv. benevolent
(c) The trainees are trained by ¾¾.
- Shamima ii. herself iii. themselves iv them
(d) Shamima wants to make the ill-fated women feel ¾¾.
- merciful ii. loathsome iii. helpful iv. wealthy
(e) Shamima is a ¾¾ woman now.
- self-centred ii. self-conscious iii. self-reliant iv. none
- Give short answers to the following questions.
(a) What made shamima leave her husband?
(b) Why does she vow to help the ill-fated women?
(c) How does she help the women to become useful?
(d) Why does she go out looking for the helpless people?
(e) Why doesn’t Shamima have any complaints, regrets or grudges?
- (a) (iii) avarice; (b) (iv) benevolent; (c) (i) Shamima; (d) (iii) helpful; (e) (iii) self-reliant.
- (a) The greediness and torture of her husband made Shamima him leave.
(b) She vows to help the ill-fated women so that they can live with self-respect and dignity.
(c) She helps the women to become useful by giving them training and providing them with work.
(d) She goes out looking for the helpless people because she has a dream to do something for the helpless people.
(e) Shamima doesn’t have any complaints, regrets or grudges because she is satisfied to work with women who are ill-fated like her.
- Same as Set 1
Set 4
- Guess the meaning of the following words and choose the correct meaning closest to the text.
(a) ill-fated
- unfavoured ii. unlucky iii. unpleasant iv. unfortunate
(b) verbally
- spoken ii. orally iii. written iv. unwritten
(c) vow
- determine ii. commit iii. compliment iv. promise
(d) self-respect
- dignity ii. respectful iii. confidence iv. desirous
(e) grudge
- complaint ii. hated iii. hatred iv. graduate
- Give short answers to the following questions.
(a) Why did Shamima separate herself from her husband?
(b) Who are the members of her organization?
(c) What does she do to make herself self-reliant?
(d) What are the things that she produces in her organization?
(e) What is the motto of Shamima’s life?
- Summarize the above text in around 85 words.
- (i) (d) unfortunate; (ii) (b) orally; (iii) (d) promise; (iv) (a) dignity; (v) (c) hatred.
- (a) Shamima separated herself from her husband because of physically and verbally.
(b) 43 ill-fated women are the members of her organiztion.
(c) The designs fabrics, makes block-print, brush-paint and hand-embroidered sarees so make herself self-reliant.
(d) In her organization she makes three-piece dresses for women and fatuas for men.
(e) The motto of Shamima’s life is to become a famous designer and to help ill-fated women.
- Same as Set 1
Set 5
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives :
(a) Shamima’s husband was a ¾¾ person.
- hard-working ii. cruel iii. covetous iv. indolent
(b) The word ‘ill-fated’ refers to ¾¾.
- fortunate ii. unfortunate iii. well-off iv. popular
(c) The word ‘vow’ means ¾¾.
- promise ii. adamant iii. obstinacy iv. cultured
(d) Shamima wants to be a famous ¾¾.
- deviser ii. plotter iii. innovator iv. pattern maker
(e) Shamima’s dream is to do something for the ¾¾ people.
- helpless ii. mediocre iii. rich iv. aristocrat
- Give short answers to the following questions.
(a) Why did Shamima leave her husband?
(b) What did Shamima do after leaving her husband?
(c) What does she make and where does she sell products?
(d) How did Shamima finish her story?
(e) Why does she go out?
- Summarize the above text in around 85 words.
- (a) (iii) covetous; (b) (ii) unfortunate; (c) (i) promise; (d) (iv) pattern maker; (e) (i) helpless.
- (a) Shamima left her husband because her husband used to abuse her both verbally and physically.
(b) After leaving her husband Shamima started to work with other helpless women.
(c) She makes block-print. She also makes three-piece dresses for women, and fatuas for men. She sells these products in her shop and supplies them outside.
(d) Shamima finished her story by telling that she wanted to become a famous designer.
(e) She goes out looking for the helpless people.
- Same as Set 1
Class 8 English 1st paper Seen Passages
Set 6
- Guess the meaning of the following words and choose the correct meaning closest to the text.
(a) misery
- happiness ii. accumulator iii. suffering iv. sad
(b) greedy
- generous ii. ambitions iii. eager iv. avarcious
(c) vow
- promise ii. pretend iii. feign iv. imagine
(d) dignity
- capability ii. magnificence iii. ability iv. formality
(e) grudge
- anger ii. objection iii. complaint iv. hatred
- answer to the following questions.
(a) Why did Shamima leave her husband?
(b) What did she do after leaving her husband?
(c) What does Shamima want to do?
(d) Why is Shamima working for the helpless women?
(e) What is Shamima’s present dream?
- Summarize the above text in around 85 words.
- (a) (iii) suffering; (b) (iv) avaricious; (c) (i) promise; (d) (ii) magnificence; (e) (iv) hatred.
- (a) Shamima left her husband because her husband used to abuse her both verbally and physically.
(b) After leaving her husband she started to work with other helpless women.
(c) Shamima wants to be a famous designer.
(d) Shamima is working for the helpless women so that they can live with self-respect and dignity.
(e) Shamima’s present dream is to do something for the helpless people.
- Same as Set 1
Set 7
- Choose the best answer :
(a) Shamima’s husband abused her ¾¾.
- verbally ii. physically
iii. verbally and physically iv. mentally
(b) Shamima changed her condition by making and selling ¾¾ products.
- garment ii. saree
iii. block print iv. block-print, brush-paint and hand-embroidered sarees
(c) The word ‘grudge’ means ¾¾.
- feeling ii. liking iii. jealousy iv. hatred
(d) Shamima wants to become a ¾¾.
- famous doctor ii. famous designer iii. famous teacher iv. rich lady
(e) She inspires the helpless women ¾¾.
- to feel themselves independent ii. to sit idle and cry
iii. to blame others for their misfortune iv. to be obedient to their fates
- Give short answers to the following questions.
(a) Why did Shamima separate herself from her husband?
(b) Who are the members of her organization?
(c) What does Shamima want to do with the other ill-fated women?
(d) How does Shamima sell her product?
(e) What is the motto of Shamima’s life?
- Summarize the above text in around 85 words.
- (a) (iii) verbally and physically; (b) (iv) block-print, brush-paint and hand-embroidered sarees; (c) (iv) hatred; (d) (ii) famous designer; (e) (i) to feel themselves independent.
- (a) Shamima separated herself from her husband because her husband abused her verbally and physically.
(b) 43 ill-fated females are the members of her organization.
(c) Shamima wants to train the ill-fated women herself and then provide them with work.
(d) Shamima sells her products in her shop and supplies them outside.
(e) The motto of Shamima’s life is to do something for the helpless people.
- Same as Set 1
Class 8 English 1st paper Seen Passages
Set 8
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives.
(a) greedy
- ambitious ii. desirous iii. covetous iv. eager
(b) abuse
- mistreat ii. curse iii. chile iv. rebuke
(c) verbally
- like a verb ii. of verbs iii. orally iv. adverbially
(d) dignity
- capacity ii. ability iii. respect iv. suitable
(e) grudge
- objection ii. anger iii. hatred iv. complaint
- Answer the following questions in your own words.
(a) Why did Shamima leave her husband?
(b) What did she do after leaving her husband?
(c) Why is Shamima working for the helpless women?
(d) Has Shamima any dream now? If yes, what is it?
(e) Is Shamima now a successful woman in society? If yes, how?
- Summarize the above text in around 85 words.
- (a) (iii) covetous; (b) (i) mistreat; (c) (iii) orally; (d) (iii) respect; (e) (iii) hatred.
- (a) Shamima left her husband because he used to abuse her both verbally and physically.
(b) After leaving her husband, she started to work with other helpless women.
(c) Shamima is working for the helpless women so that they can live with self-respect and dignity.
(d) Yes, she has. She now dreams to do something for the helpless people. She wants them to feel useful so that they can live with self-respect and dignity.
(e) Yes, She is. She herself is not only a self-reliant woman but also she has 43 female members in her organization who work for her and whom she herself trains.
- Same as Set 1
Set 9
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives.
(a) vow
- suggest ii. forbid iii. swear iv. hope
(b) ill-fated
- unfortunate ii. fortunate iii. lucky iv. rich
(c) grudge
- happiness ii. ill will iii. pleasure iv. hope
(d) abuse
- love ii. torture iii. misuse iv. help
(e) famous
- notorious ii. renowned iii. unpopular iv. unknown
- Answer the following questions in your own words.
(a) How was Shamima’s marriage life?
(b) How long did her marriage last?
(c) Why does Shamima want to work for the ill-fated?
(d) What is Shamima’s aim?
(e) What indicates that Shamima is now happy?
- Summarize the above text in around 85 words.
- (a) (iii) swear; (b) (i) unfortunate; (c) (ii) ill will; (d) (iii) misuse; (e) (ii) renowned.
- (a) Shamima’s marriage life was full of miseries and anxieties from the very beginning.
(b) Her marriage lasted for a few months.
(c) Shamima wants to work for the ill-fated women like her because she wants to train them by herself and provide them with a job.
(d) Shamima’s aim is to do something for the helpless people.
(e) Shamima finished her story with a smile. She has no complaints, no regrets, no grudge. All these indicate that Shamima is now happy.
- Same as Set 1
Class 8 English 1st paper Seen Passages
Set 10
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives.
(a) misery
- curse ii. covetous iii. ambitions iv. depression
(b) dignity
- veneration ii. respect iii. honour iv. honesty
(c) dresses
- accessories ii. bank iii. cap iv. garments
(d) marriage
- connection ii. matrimony iii. relation iv. function
(e) grudge
- complaint ii. hatred iii. anger iv. graduate
- Answer the following questions in your own words.
(a) What does Shamima want to be?
(b) Who does Shamima work with?
(c) What is Shamima’s role in developing her products?
(d) What type of man was her husband?
(e) What did she do after leaving her husband?
- Summarize the above text in around 85 words.
- (a) (iv) depression; (b) (ii) respect; (c) (iv) garments; (d) (ii) matrimony; (e) (ii) hatred.
- (a) Shamima wants to be a famous designer.
(b) Shamima works with other ill-fated women.
(c) She designs fabrics, makes block-print, brush-paint and hand-embroidered sarees.
(d) Her husband was a greedy person.
(e) After leaving her husband, she started to work with other helpless women.
- Same as Set 1
Class 8 English 1st paper Seen Passages
Set 11
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives.
(a) Shamima wants to do something for ¾ people.
- wealthy ii. fortunate iii. ill-fated iv. foreign
(b) “Misery” refers to ¾.
- happiness ii. hardship iii. comfort iv. memory
(c) ¾ female members work for her organization.
- Thirty-four ii. Forty-three iii. Thirty-three iv. Forty-four
(d) What does the word “greedy” mean?
- Kind ii. Untidy iii. Covetouus iv. Gracious
(e) Shamima trains ¾.
- herself ii. her family
iii. her students iv. the members of the organization
- Answer the following questions in your own words.
(a) What kind of man was Shamima’s husband?
(b) How many members are there in her organization?
(c) What does Shamima do with the product readied in her organization?
(d) What does Shamima dream now?
(e) What does Shamima want to become?
- Summarize the above text in around 85 words.
- (a) (iii) ill-fated; (b) (ii) hardship; (c) (ii) Forty-three; (d) (iii) Covetous; (e) (iv) the members of the organization.
- (a) Shamima’s husband was a greedy man.
(b) In her organization there are 43 female members.
(c) She sells them in her shop and supplies them outside.
(d) Now Shamima dreams to do something for the helpless people.
(e) Shamima wants to become a famous designer.
- Same as Set 1
Class 8 English 1st paper Seen Passages
Set 12
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives.
(a) vow
- oath ii. constitute iii. covetous iv. adamant
(b) unfortunate
- ambitious ii. wretched iii. stringed iv. supernal
(c) famous
- notorious ii. tannery iii. known iv. eminent
(d) outside
- exterior ii. ground iii. extol iv. puncture
(e) abuse
- quaver ii. cultured iii. maltreat iv. avaricious
- Answer the following questions in your own words.
(a) Why is Shamima working for the helpless people?
(b) What did she do after leaving her husband?
(c) How did Shamima finish her story?
(d) What does she do for her members?
(e) Do you support Shamima’s decision of leaving her husband? If yes, Why?
- Summarize the above text in around 85 words.
- (a) (i) oath; (b) (ii) wretched; (c) (iv) eminent; (d) (i) exterior; (e) (iii) maltreat.
- (a) Shamima is working for the helpless people so that they can live with self respect and dignity.
(b) After leaving her husband, Shamima began to work with women who were ill-fated like her. She designed fabrics, made block-prints, brush-paint and hand embroidered sarees.
(c) Shamima finished her story with a smile and self-satisfaction and with the aims of working for the unfortunate being a famous designer.
(d) She trains the members herself and then provides them with work.
(e) Yes, I support Shamim’s decision of leaving her husband, because he was a greedy person and greed made him cruel. So he used to abuse her verbally and physically. And this might have led to her critical state. So, Shamima was right in her decision.
- Same as Set 1
Class 8 English 1st paper Seen Passages
Set 13
- Guess the meaning of the following words and choose the correct meaning closest to the text.
(a) dignity
- digress ii. diligence iii. diminish iv. respectability
(b) abuse
- assault ii. insult iii. default iv. defy
(c) organization
- ostentation ii. mitigation iii. occasion iv. institution
(d) vow
- voyage ii. voluntary iii. promise iv. guarantee
(e) regret
- grieve ii. rejoice iii. celebrate iv. regard
- Read the passage ‘A’ again. Now, answer the following questions.
(a) Why did Shamima organize the distressed women?
(b) How many female members were in her organization?
(c) How does Shamima sell her products?
(d) How did Shamima’s husband behave towards Shamima?
(e) What is the noble dream that now Shamima dreams?
- Summarize the above text in around 85 words.
- (a) (iv) respectability; (b) (ii) insult; (c) (iv) institution; (d) (iii) promise; (e) (i) grieve.
- (a) Shamima organized the distressed women because she wants to do something for the helpless people so that they can live with self-respect and dignity.
(b) She has 43 female members in her organization.
(c) Shamima sells her products in her shop and supplies them outside.
(d) Being a greedy person, Shamima’s husband used to abuse her verbally and physically.
(e) Shamima has a noble dream to do something for the helpless people.
- Same as Set 1
Class 8 English 1st paper Seen Passages
Set 14
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives.
(a) Shamima vows to work with ¾¾ women.
- ill ii. fated iii. unlucky iv. luckiless
(b) Shamima wants to make the unfortunate women ¾¾.
- happy ii. smile iii. fortune iv. pitiable
(c) The word ‘grudge’ means ¾¾.
- grumpy ii. bitterness iii. glimpse iv. witness
(d) Shamima’s conjugal life ¾¾ for a few months.
- lasted ii. left iii. married iv. continue
(e) The products are sold in her ¾¾.
- dresses ii. designs iii. supplies iv. shops
- Answer the following questions.
(a) What does Shamima design?
(b) Why did she leave her husband?
(c) What does she want about the unfortunate women?
(d) What does Shamima promise?
(e) Why doesn’t she have any complaints?
- Summarize the above text in around 85 words.
- (a) (iii) unlucky; (b) (i) happy; (c) (ii) bitterness; (d) (i) lasted; (e) (iv) shops.
- (a) Shamima designs fabrice.
(b) She left her husband for his greediness and his verbal as well as physical abuses on her.
(c) She wants to change the luck of the unfortunate women.
(d) Shamima promises to work with women who are ill-fated like her.
(e) She doesn’t have any complaints because she is self-reliant now.
- Same as Set 1
Set 15
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives.
(a) Shamima’s misery started ¾¾.
- from the childhood ii. after marriage
iii. from the day of her marriage iv from infancy
(b) Her husband was ¾¾.
- honest ii. greedy iii. dishonest iv. kind
(c) He used to abuse her ¾¾.
- orally ii. physically and mentally iii. mentally iv. orally and physically
(d) Shamima left her husband ¾¾.
- within a few months ii. within few days iii. within few weeks iv. within few years
(e) Shamima vows to work with ¾¾ women.
- rich ii. dishonest iii. helpless iv. restless
- Answer the following questions.
(a) When did the misery of Shamima start?
(b) How was her husband?
(c) How long did her marriage last?
(d) When did she leave her husband?
(e) What does she vow?
- Summarize the above text in around in your own words (85 words).
- (a) (iii) from the day of her marriage; (b) (ii) greedy; (c) (iv) orally and physically; (d) (i) within a few months; (e) (iii) helpless.
- (a) The misery of Shamima started from the day of her marriage.
(b) Her husband was a greedy person.
(c) Her marriage lasted a few months.
(d) When her husband abused her verbally and physically, she left her husband.
(e) Shamima vows to work with ill-fated women.
- Same as Set 1