Wednesday, September 25

Author: abc

Reasons why dua is not accepted

Reasons why dua is not accepted

There are many of us who pray but are not accepted. He/She doesn't get what he/she wants. We have some wisdom from our Creator. God, the All-Knowing, knows the future of everything in the universe. So God knows what is good for us and what is bad for us. What we want for ourselves may not be good for us. And what we don't want is good for us. So not getting what is asked in dua does not mean that Allah did not give anything. The Beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Soon his dua is granted, it is reserved for the hereafter, or any similar misfortune is removed from his life. " People said, "Then we will pray more and more." He said, "Allah is the Most Generous." (Ahmad 3/17, Hakeem 1/493, Ja-Dul Masir 1/190) Praying for a sinful act or for breaking o...
Children diabetes : what are the risk and treatment?

Children diabetes : what are the risk and treatment?

Health, Health and Lifestyle, Kids Health
Let's know about Children diabetes and all about the risk factors and dos and don't. The incidence of diabetes is also increasing among children. Most children develop type 1 diabetes in childhood. However, the number of children with type 2 diabetes has started to increase. Doctors used to know that only children develop type 1 diabetes, and this has long been referred to as juvenile diabetes. Being overweight is the single leading cause of type 2 diabetes in children. When a child gains too much weight, their risk of developing diabetes doubles. In children with type 1 diabetes, there is a deficiency in the production of insulin in the body. In this case, insulin is needed to survive. Insulin deficiency is supplemented by insulin injection or pump. The pancreas loses its abi...
5 fruits will help reduce harmful cholesterol

5 fruits will help reduce harmful cholesterol

Health, Health and Lifestyle
There are two types of cholesterol in our blood. One is beneficial for the body and the other is harmful. If you keep some fruits in the leaves regularly, bad cholesterol will be removed from the body. Eat pears regularly to get rid of harmful cholesterol in the blood. Bad cholesterol is eliminated by eating apples. As well as helping to increase the level of beneficial cholesterol for the body. You can eat fiber-rich grapes to control cholesterol. Eating lemons rich in citric acid removes harmful cholesterol. The fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants in ripe papaya play a role in controlling cholesterol.
Travel to Bora Bora : A romantic travel destination

Travel to Bora Bora : A romantic travel destination

Travel Destinations
Travel to Bora Bora: Bora Bora is a small and beautiful island located in the northwest of Tahiti in French Polynesia. The flawless beauty of this island has the Power to embed you for a lifetime. This island is an internationally acclaimed honeymoon destination as this place offers a very romantic and private adventure tour. So, traveling to Bora Bora will give you an immersive experience.   By Nusrat Jahan Nisha Travel to Bora Bora - A romantic travel destination Among the nine islands of Tahiti, Bora Bora island is the most known island. Bora Bora was shaped approximately seven million years ago by a volcano. Most of the islands of French Polynesia including Bora Bora are surrounded by a ring of coral reefs. This is also known as an atoll. This eye-catching island could be ...
প্রেমের গল্প : তোমার অসীমে

প্রেমের গল্প : তোমার অসীমে

ধ্রুব নীলের প্রেমের গল্প : তোমার অসীমে রান্নাঘরে খুটখাট শব্দ। শব্দটা সাংসারিক। রবিউলের ঘুম কাটেনি। রাতে নিশ্চিত দরজা খোলা রেখেছিল। সাতসকালে আধা পরিচিত কেউ এসে হাজির। কে আসবে? রবিউলের তো পরিচিত কেই। খুটখাটের ধরন শুনে বোঝা যাচ্ছে কেউ খুব গোছালোভাবে কিছু রান্না করছে। সকালের নাস্তার সঙ্গে দুপুরের জন্য অ্যাডভান্স সবজি কাটাকুটি করলে যেমন হয়। উঠে বসে ভাবল রবিউল, চোর তো আসবে না। একটা আধা-নষ্ট টিভি আর একটা ছোট ফ্রিজ ছাড়া এই ঘুপচি ফ্ল্যাটে কিছু নেই। রান্নাঘরে উঁকি দিতেই রবিউল বুঝতে পারলো ডাক্তার দেখাতেই হবে। কারণ কোমরে টকটকে লাল শাড়ি গুঁজে শকুন্তলা টাইপের এক মায়াবতী রুটি বেলছে। চুলায় ভাজির গন্ধটাও স্পষ্ট। মাথা খারাপ হলে নাকেও সেটার প্রভাব পড়ে? ভাজিতে কালোজিরার গন্ধটা একদম পরিষ্কার। ‘দাঁড়িয়ে না থেকে বাজারে যাও।’ ‘জি।’ ‘জি জি মানে? আগে সবজি কিছু নিয়ে আসো। ফ্রিজে চিংড়ি ছাড়া কিছু নাই। এসে না...
6 foods to prevent dehydration

6 foods to prevent dehydration

Health, Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
By Nusrat Jahan Nisha Excessive sweating in the heat increases the body's need for water. At this time I want to drink enough water as well as eat water-rich food regularly. These foods will keep you away from heatstroke and dehydration in extreme heat. Cucumber You can eat cucumbers every day to keep your body cool. About 95 percent of water is in cucumbers. It also contains potassium. Potassium reduces the risk of heat stroke. Cucumber keeps the brain well as well.   Watermelon Juicy watermelon can keep you healthy in hot weather. Watermelon contains about 92 percent water. In addition, the nutrients in watermelon strengthen the immune system.   Apples 6 percent of apples are water. So eat apples every day to meet the body's need for extra water. ...
Class 8 English Seen Passages (21-24)

Class 8 English Seen Passages (21-24)

Education, অষ্টম শ্রেণি, ক্লাস এইট ইংরেজি, মাধ্যমিক
Class 8 English Seen Passages (21-24)   Read the text and answer questions 1, 2 and 3. (Unit–9, Lesson–06) Communication of ideas is at the center of civilization. It needs written records. Most of our records in the modern age are on paper. Though writing was invented very early paper is a more modern invention. For a long in history, people exchanged ideas through speaking and listening. Then there came the art of writing. But to record thoughts in writing was difficult. Writing materials were not available. People used the surface of stone, metal, wood, bark, leaves, etc. for writing. Those things were not easy to carry. Then for ages, people looked for easy writing materials. Finally, Paper was invented in China in 105 AD. Before the paper age, knowledge was very rest...
Class 8 English Seen Passages (15-20)

Class 8 English Seen Passages (15-20)

Education, অষ্টম শ্রেণি, ক্লাস এইট ইংরেজি, মাধ্যমিক
 Class 8 English Seen Passages (15-20) Read the text and answer questions 1, 2, and 3. (Unit–7, Lesson–03) River gypsies are an ethnic group of people in Bangladesh. They are known as bedey to local people. The gypsies have their own lifestyle and culture. They live in groups and do not own any land. Therefore, they live a nomadic life, traveling from one place to another. These people roam across our rivers and waters from May to December in small country boats. These boats are their houses and these people are a part of our waters. In winter, many water bodies dry up. At that time they return to the mainland and live in make-shift tarpaulin tents on open river banks. You can see their men relaxing in the tents. Toddlers play with dogs or other pets in the dust. Women often idle...
Class 8 English Seen Passages (12-15)

Class 8 English Seen Passages (12-15)

Education, অষ্টম শ্রেণি, ক্লাস এইট ইংরেজি, মাধ্যমিক
Class 8 English Seen Passages Read the text and answer questions 1, 2 and 3. (Unit–6, Lesson–01) Zara lives with her parents in London. They have come to Bangladesh to visit Zara's aunt and uncle. She is very close to her cousin Mita. Both the families have visited many interesting places together in Bangladesh. It was great fun. Then they decided that they would visit some places outside Bangladesh too. They decided to go to Thailand. But Mita's parents were too busy with their work, so they could not go. However, Mita was going with them. Mita, Zara and her parents are at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport. They are waiting in the lounge. Mita is very excited. This is her first time boarding a plane. They are flying by Bangladesh Biman. Mita is hoping to have a great time i...
Looking for Book Illustration, Graphic Design, and Content Development Service?

Looking for Book Illustration, Graphic Design, and Content Development Service?

Are you looking for Book Illustration, Graphic Design, and Content Development Service? We are providing world-class Book Illustration, Graphic Design, and Content Development Services. 2D infographic animation and stop-motion animation are also our domains of expertise. So, if you are looking for a professional in these regards, feel free to contact us at or inbox here Our Services Book Development and Illustrations with an array of renowned artists of Bangladesh. Flipbook development with corresponding illustrations, characters, and other designs. Our artists are well concerned about the present Rohingya context, and also experts in inclusion (gender, disability, equality, and others) The cost is market competitive We can also assist you in finding ...
Class 8 English 1st paper Seen Passages (10-11)

Class 8 English 1st paper Seen Passages (10-11)

Education, অষ্টম শ্রেণি, ক্লাস এইট ইংরেজি, মাধ্যমিক
Class 8 English Seen Passages Part -4 (10-11) Read the text and answer questions 1, 2, and 3. (Unit–5, Lesson–04) At the farthest corner of Bangladesh, there is a village called Tarapur. In this village, there lives a man named Kartik Poramanik. He is a hairdresser by profession, but a nature lover at heart. His passion is to plant saplings, which grow into gigantic trees. He started planting trees when he was only 10 years old. He remembers what his father once told him, "My son, you can earn the blessings of God by planting trees." He has never forgotten what his father told him. At present, he is 63 years old. He has planted hundreds of trees in his village. Many of the trees are now 35-40 years old. Once there were hardly any trees in this village. Kartik used to go to ...
Class 8 English 1st paper Seen Passages (8-9)

Class 8 English 1st paper Seen Passages (8-9)

Education, অষ্টম শ্রেণি, ক্লাস এইট ইংরেজি, মাধ্যমিক
Class 8 English Seen Passages 8-9 Class 8 English 1st paper Seen Passages Read the text and answer questions 1, 2 and 3. (Unit–5, Lesson–02) Shamima started to tell us her story. Listening to her, we were stunned and at the same time, our hearts were filled with admiration for her. It was 1995.  Shamima was 15 years old. She got promoted to class 8. Shamima had all the dreams of an adolescent. She wanted to bring about a change in her life. She wanted to see happiness in her family too. She knew she could fulfill her dream by completing her education and getting a good job. Fifteen-year-old Shamima's dreams were nipped in the bud. Her father wanted to marry her off against her will. Marrying off a girl under 18  is against the law in Bangladesh. Shamima did not want to get mar...
Class 8 English Seen Passages (6-7)

Class 8 English Seen Passages (6-7)

Education, অষ্টম শ্রেণি, ক্লাস এইট ইংরেজি, মাধ্যমিক
Class 8 English Seen Passages Part 6-7 6 Read the text and answer the questions 1, 2 and 3. (Unit–3, Lesson–03) The word 'hygiene' means the practice of keeping ourselves clean. It also means to keep our home and work places clean. It is important for our good health. Hygiene is thought to be next to godliness. It is because we cannot achieve anything physically, mentally or spiritually if we are unclean in our body, mind and soul. Nobody likes an unclean person either. So we must follow the rules of hygiene. First, we must keep our body clean. We should have a bath every day and wash our hair regularly. This will keep the body and hair free from dirt and bacteria. Secondly, we should always wash our clothes regularly. Dirty clothes give off bad smell and invite germs. W...
Class 8 English Seen Passages Reading Test (2-5)

Class 8 English Seen Passages Reading Test (2-5)

Education, অষ্টম শ্রেণি, ক্লাস এইট ইংরেজি
Class 8 English 1st Paper Seen Passage Reading Test: Part-2-5   2. Class 8 English Seen Passages  Read the text and answer the questions 1, 2 and 3. (Unit–1, Lesson–03) The ethnic people in Bangladesh hold a very important place in the culture of the country. The majority of these people live in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The others live in the regions of Mymensingh, Rajshahi and Sylhet. They live in forest areas, in the hills and in the rural areas.They practise Jhum cultivation. They clear a piece of land in the forest, prepare it and sow seeds in it. They are mostly farmers. By religion they are Hindus, Christians or Buddhists.They speak their own mother tongues.Some of them are the Chakmas, the Marmans, the Tipperas and the Moorangs who live in the Hill Tracts.The Sa...
Class 8 English 1st Paper : Reading Test : Seen Passage (Part-1)

Class 8 English 1st Paper : Reading Test : Seen Passage (Part-1)

Education, অষ্টম শ্রেণি, ক্লাস এইট ইংরেজি, মাধ্যমিক
Class 8 English 1st Paper : Reading Test : Seen Passage (Part-1)   Read the text and answer the questions 1, 2 and 3. (Unit–1, Lesson–02) Nakshi Kantha is a kind of embroidered quilt. The name was taken from the Bengali word, 'naksha' which means artistic pattern. It is a kind of traditional craft and is said to be indigenous to Bangladesh and West Bengal in India. The art has been practised in rural Bengal for centuries. The name ‘Nakshi Kantha’ became popular after the poet Jasimuddin's poem ‘Nakshi Kanthar Math’ was published in 1929. Traditional kanthas are made for family use. Old or new cloth and thread are used to make these quilts. Mymensingh, Jamalpur, Rajshahi, Faridpur, Bogra and Jessore are most famous for this craft. Now it is produced commercially. You can fin...

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