Saturday, March 15

Why irregular periods, what to do

It is normal for women to have regular and timely periods or menstruation. If you have irregular periods, you must understand that you have a physical problem.

Irregular periods are not good for women’s health at all. Polycystic ovary syndrome (POS) is caused by irregular periods or complete cessation of periods. However, there are many other reasons why periods are not regular. If this problem occurs, you must consult a doctor.

Irregular period key

The menstrual cycle is the change in the uterine cycle of girls who are affected by hormones every month and the blood and uterine secretions come out of the vagina. Abdominal pain, back pain, and nausea may occur during menstruation. And for those whose menstrual cycle does not occur every month or two months and sometimes 4 consecutive months, then it is called an irregular period. Irregular periods can cause various problems in women.

Why is that

Polycystic ovary syndrome (POS) is caused by irregular periods or complete cessation of periods. However, there are many other reasons why periods are not regular.
Such as – excessive anxiety, caffeinated foods such as excessive coffee drinking, stress, living in an unhealthy environment, being unclean, drinking or smoking, etc.

What to do

With regular periods, the body’s hormonal balance is fine. However, irregular periods can create various problems. So you must take the advice of a doctor in this regard.

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