Monday, February 17

The Woodcutter and the Magical Tree : Story for Kids

Once, there was a woodcutter. He cut trees and collects wood. One day he went into a deep forest full of shrubs. But there were no big trees left to cut.

The woodcutter was not getting any trees. The trees were all gone.

Meanwhile, it was noon and the woodcutter was very tired. While walking, the Woodcutter suddenly saw a big tree.

The tree was full of colorful leaves. The woodcutter thought I can rest under this tree first.

The leaves were really attractive with red, blue, and orange colors. A woodcutter has never seen such a strange tree in his life.

As soon as he went to the stump with his axe, the tree began to speak just like a human. The tree said, ‘don’t eat me oh brother! I want to live!’

The woodcutter was surprised. Even his grandfather never saw a talking tree. He, however, was not afraid. He was determined to cut the tree.

The tree then started waving its branches and leaves and said, ‘don’t cut me off. I will give you many things in the future.’

The Woodcutter said, ‘I will get wood now if I cut you. I will use it for fire to cook and then I can eat.’

The tree said, ‘look around, there are many dead branches and dry leaves. Will you get those for today?’

The woodcutter thought, letting the tree grow a little bigger. Then he can come again and cut it.

The woodcutter went to his house with some branches and leaves from his surroundings.

After a few days, he returned to the tree and attempted to stump it again. He was a little surprised to see that, the tree grew bigger than before.

The woodcutter thought, if I cut it now, I will get lots of wood. As soon as he was going to take his axe, the tree said, “Don’t cut me now! Wait for a few more days. Go to the nearby forest. There are many fruits there. You can spend a few days by those. Fruits are also good for your health.’

The Woodcutter went to the nearby forest and found bananas, pineapples, and jackfruit along with others. He went home with loads of fruits.

The Woodcutter happily spent a few days eating fruits. Then, again he went to the forest. Now, he saw there are many flowers blossoming on that tree. He was amazed by the beautiful scent of flowers!

Woodcutter never had such a beautiful aroma in his life. It must be a magic tree, he thought.

Woodcutter thought, anyway, I have to cut it. There will be no cooking without wood.

Then what happened? the woodcutter went to put the sharp edge of his axe into the tree, and he heard thousands of children shouting. The woodcutter was surprised and stopped.

Where did so many children come into this forest? Meanwhile, the children’s voice is saying, ‘don’t cut us. We are little flowers. let us live.’

The woodcutter realized that the flowers of the tree were talking. The flowers are the children of the tree. At that time, the tree said, “If you wait a little while, all your sufferings will be gone. For now, there are some carrots and bit roots in the nearby forest. You can eat those raw without cooking or any fire.

‘Well, so be it, thought the woodcutter. Then he went to harvest some carrots.


A few days later, the woodcutter came again to the tree. His eyes sparkled at what he saw. The tree is full of great fruits. The excellent fragrance coming out of the fruits! The tree said, now you can take my fruits as you wish. You can sell the fruits to buy more things. You can eat them.

The woodcutter then came every day and filled the basket with magical fruits. He decided not to cut trees anymore. Because trees can provide branches, dry leaves, shade, and a basket full of fruits.

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