Saturday, May 4

The wood which is more expensive than diamonds!

There are some plants that are used to make natural perfume. The species is better known as agarwood. This tree is also planted commercially. This type of tree is made of dark-brown ‘agar wood’ by infecting the fungus in a special process. If such ‘agarwood’ is found in the wild, its price increases manifold. Even in terms of price, it can surpass diamonds. One such type of agarwood is the Japanese ‘Kinam’. One gram has been sold for $10000!

Kinam is basically not the name of a tree. ‘Kinam wood’ can be made in a natural way from 15 species of trees of the genus Aquilaria. Finding that wood in the forest means finding hidden treasure. This is because the essential oil that is collected from Kinam is considered to be the rarest and most expensive of all the perfumes in the world. In Shanghai, China, three years ago, two kilograms were sold for 16 million dollars. In other words, the price per gram was 9 thousand dollars.

Wild aquilaria was once found in the forests of Japan, but is no longer found in the country due to agar wood hunters. A Cambodian temple has a 200-year-old aquilaria tree. Kinam was found there a few years ago. Upon receiving the news, Japanese buyers wanted to buy the tree for ৩০ 23 million. But the temple authorities turned down their offer. On the contrary, the country’s government has set up a military checkpost to protect the tree, which has been dubbed the ‘most expensive tree in the world’.

Another reason why Kinam wood is scarce is that it cannot be identified with the naked eye. In order to understand exactly which tree can be bought, the fungus-infected part of that tree has to be tested by burning it in the fire. Kinam wood does not spread any fragrance before burning.

This is the reason why the wild and ancient Aquilaria species in the forests of many other Asian countries, including Japan, have become extinct. Many locals have cut down many trees in the lure of buying. That is why the purchase is becoming more expensive day by day.

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