Shampoo every day ? Don’t ruin your hair
Every day you have to go out on the streets, and going out on the streets means pollution, sweat on your head, almost all the hair is waking up! . And to save your hair from this misery, surely you want to shampoo every day ? But no matter how much you shampoo, and no matter how expensive shampoo you use, shampooing every day means playing twelve of your favorite haircuts.
You have to go out on the streets every day, and going out on the streets means pollution, sweat on your head, all the hair is almost waking up! Is that so? And surely you want to shampoo your hair daily to save your hair from this misfortune? But no matter how much you shampoo, and no matter how expensive the shampoo you use, shampooing every day means playing twelve of your favorite haircuts. You must be wondering, ...