Saturday, May 4

Tag: heath tips

20 medicinal plants can cure so many diseases

20 medicinal plants can cure so many diseases

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Medicines are made from plants. So, this is not a myth that there are lots of medicinal plants that can actually cure diseases. Here are 20 medicinal plants that can cure a wide range of diseases. 1. Menda/soft bollygum/bolly beech/Litsea glutinosa This tree is also known as bollywood, bollygum, brown bollygum. If there is a consistent stomach ache, blood-diarrhea, the leaves are mixed with water and eaten twice a day. It has an effective role against bacteria. Both the bark and the leaves of this tree are used. To treat broken bones, the bark mixture was used locally in plastering. For chest paint you can massage it. 2. Schoenoplectiella supina Effective in medicine for abdominal pain and diarrhea. In case of sores, a mixture of leaves is applied. 3. Volkameria inermis W...

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