Sunday, May 12

Tag: tips for girls

Shampoo every day ? Don’t ruin your hair

Shampoo every day ? Don’t ruin your hair

Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Every day you have to go out on the streets, and going out on the streets means pollution, sweat on your head, almost all the hair is waking up! . And to save your hair from this misery, surely you want to shampoo every day ? But no matter how much you shampoo, and no matter how expensive shampoo you use, shampooing every day means playing twelve of your favorite haircuts. You have to go out on the streets every day, and going out on the streets means pollution, sweat on your head, all the hair is almost waking up! Is that so? And surely you want to shampoo your hair daily to save your hair from this misfortune? But no matter how much you shampoo, and no matter how expensive the shampoo you use, shampooing every day means playing twelve of your favorite haircuts. You must be wondering, ...
Get rid of skin problems in ten steps!

Get rid of skin problems in ten steps!

Cover Story, Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Seeing the perfect skin of Korean girls is bound to dazzle the eyes. The secret to this flawless, pelvic skin is a special 10-step skincare routine. Follow these and say no to skin problems ! Make-up removal: Every day when we go out, we come in contact with sun, dust and smoke. Its net fruit? The skin becomes dirty. So when you come from outside, first you have to wipe your face well with an oil based cleanser. There is no substitute for oil-based cleansers for make-up, and dust removal. You can use essential oils or oil based cleansers like grape seed or jojoba. Water-based cleansers for skin problems : They are good at removing sweat and dirt from the face. You can use green tea based cleanser or rice water. Exfoliation: If the dead cells of the mouth are frozen, the age of the...
Lip tips to make your lips look more attractive

Lip tips to make your lips look more attractive

Glamour, Health and Lifestyle
Here are some lip tips to make your lips look more attractive. Lip tips lip tips 1 : If the lips are a little thick, apply a light shade of lipstick. First, outline and shape the area around the lip with a lip liner. Then fill the rest with lipstick. tips 2 : Bright or dark shaded lipstick will work well on the lips if the lips are thin. You can also use lip-gloss. The lip-liner shade needs to be one shade lighter than the lipstick shade. tips 3 : To keep the lipstick on the lips for a long time and the lips are moisturized, apply a little powder on the lips before applying the lipstick. After applying lipstick, apply a little Vaseline on the lips. The lips will look light glossy. To get rid of chapped lips, mix lemon juice with a little milk cream and apply it for a while. ...
Easy hair care tips at home in lockdown

Easy hair care tips at home in lockdown

Cover Story, Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
You have not been able to leave the house for a long time. But does this mean that taking care of oneself will also be left out? 'I'm at home, who else will see', thinking that if you take care of hair, skin, etc., but then the problem may increase. So the dermatologist and hair wellness expert Dr. gave easy hair care tips to take care of hair while sitting at home in lockdown. easy hair care tips 1. Adhere to a normal hair care routine: Do not skip the daily or weekly routine of hair care routine. This includes regular oiling and shampooing, as well as eating, sleeping and exercising at the right time. easy hair care tips 2. Dry your hair naturally: You are at home, there are no stars to go out, so there is no need to dry your hair in the dryer with shampoo. The heat of the dryer re...

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