Wednesday, May 15

Kidney patients who have a higher risk of death in the corona

Kidney problems are not understood at first. However, when the problem is exacerbated, you have a variety of physical problems.

Diabetes, hypertension, overweight, smoking, low water intake, urinary tract infections, adulterated diet, lazy lifestyle, inflammation of the kidneys, congenital problems, taking drugs without a doctor’s advice can all cause this disease.

The risk of death in kidney patients is now much higher than at other times. This is because if a kidney patient is infected with corona, he will have various physical complications and may even die.

But now the question is – are all patients with kidney disease at high risk?

There are some kidney patients whose coronary heart disease risk increases a lot.

Whose risk is higher

1. Those who have been suffering from kidney disease for a long time. If they are not coronary, lung problems, blood clots and kidney complications increase.

2. Patients undergoing dialysis. They have high blood pressure and can have trouble breathing.

3. Kidney patients may have coronary heart disease. Water may accumulate in the body and shortness of breath may occur. As a result, the risk of death also increases.

4. Patients who have had a new kidney transplant.

5. Immunity is low and other diseases are more prevalent.

6. Those who have kidney problems have swollen eyes, nose and mouth. These kidney patients have a higher risk of death in corona.

What to do

Kidney patients must adhere to hygiene rules. If you want to do dialysis, you can travel in your own car. In addition, if you go to rent a car, spray disinfectant. Also wear PPE, masks and hand gloves.

Exercise and walk at least 5 days a week. Can eat vegetables, fruits, fish and meat. You can eat red rice and bread. However, do not eat extra sweet and fatty foods.

Get up regularly and drink two glasses of water. Do not drink soft drinks and quit smoking. Regular 8 hours of sleep.

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