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New Jokes and Articles

New Jokes and Articles. Exciting news features, travel destinations, Brand new jokes, travel articles.

Biscuits and Gravy cat : two faced kitty born in USA

Biscuits and Gravy cat : two faced kitty born in USA

Cover Story, New Jokes and Articles, Pets
There is no end to the wonders of the Creator in this world. A kitten born to a family in the US state of Oregon has two faces. It is named Biscuits and Gravy cat . He is being affectionately called Biscuits. The family said they were also surprised to see two faces after the kitten was born. He can eat with both mouths. Even when he eats with one mouth, Mao can sound with the other mouth. He also has two noses and four eyes. This type of cat usually does not live very long, but the family is hopeful that their Biscuits and Gravy cat will live a long time. There is no end to the wonders of the Creator in this world. A kitten born to a family in the US state of Oregon has two faces. It is named Biscuits and Gravy cat . He is being affectionately called Biscuits. Biscuit and gravy cat...

Brand new hilarious jokes , Try to laugh moderately

Cover Story, New Jokes and Articles
Brand new hilarious jokes -1 . You should take an ECG before reading this. Try to laugh moderately. Oh Chocolate! A fat lady rushing through the cash counter of a supershop with her three year old boy. There is a chocolate counter near the cash counter as usual. The lady continuously murmuring, “Oh Jessica! Just hold on! It won’t take much time. We will shortly pay the bill and go out the shop. We will not look into the chocolate counter. I promise, I will not buy chocolate anymore. Sweets are bad for health! You have to believe it by heart.” Hearing this, the cashier was a bit surprised and asks the lady, “Hm, you named your boy Jessica, that’s quite different” “Oh no!” the lady replied, I was talking to myself!” Brand new hilarious jokes-2 How to get a Free Haircut A m...
ধ্রুব নীলের রম্য রচনা : বিজ্ঞানী মতিনের মহা আবিষ্কার

ধ্রুব নীলের রম্য রচনা : বিজ্ঞানী মতিনের মহা আবিষ্কার

Cover Story, New Jokes and Articles, Stories
ধ্রুব নীলের রম্য রচনা ১ বিজ্ঞানী মতিন ক্রয়োনপাধ্যায়ের হাত সচরাচর কাঁপে না। তবে বোতামটা চাপতে গিয়ে দেখলেন আঙুলের ডগায় রিখটার মাপনী বসানো উচিৎ ছিল। আবিষ্কারের উত্তেজনায় হাত কাঁপছে! দীর্ঘ দশ বছরের সাধনা আজ চালু হতে যাচ্ছে! বোতামে চাপ দিতেই চোখ পিট পিট করে তাকাল বয-১। বয মানে 'বাংলা যন্ত্রমানব'। পুরোপুরি বাংলা বলবে ও বুঝবে এ রোবট। ‘অভিবাদন গ্রহণ করুন মহান ক্রয়োনপাধ্যায়। বলুন আমি আপনার কী সেবায় আসতে পারি।’ রোবটের মুখে গায়কি ঢঙে বলা কথাগুলো শুনে বিজ্ঞানীর চোখে জল আসার উপক্রম। কোনোমতে পানি সামলে বললেন, ‘ওরে বযো, আমাকে এক গ্লাস পানি দে।’ ‘আপনার নির্দেশনা বুঝতে পারিনি জনাব। দয়া করে বাংলায় পুনরাবৃত্তি করুন।’ আবেগের কান্নাটা মাঝপথে আটকে হেঁচকি হয়ে গেল। বিজ্ঞানী বুঝতে পারলেন না ঘটনা কী। রোবটটা বুঝলো না কেন? আবার বললেন বিজ্ঞানী, ‘বযো-১ আমাকে এক গ্লাস পানি দাও। ঠাণ্ডা পানি।’ ‘আপনার নির্দেশনা ...

10 Brand New political Jokes

New Jokes and Articles
Here are some Brand New political Jokes. These thread will be regularly updated. So come again and get some more laugh. The pink rat Once, there was a city with severe rat problem. Everybody was desperate to get rid of this situation. Then, a man arrived. He offered the people that, if they pay him 1 million dollar he can kill all the rats. People agreed. Then the people bring out a pink rat from his box. After a while, magic happened. The pink rat called all of the rats of the city and tell them to follow him. Then the pink rat jumped into the river. Rest of the rats followed him and died as well. The owner of the pink rat got his million dollar and tends to leave the town. But the people told him to wait for a moment asked him politely, "Sir, do you have any pink politician?" &nb...
Doctors’ advice about various diseases

Doctors’ advice about various diseases

Cover Story, Health and Lifestyle, New Jokes and Articles
Here are some specialists doctors advice for some common diseases. These are just some advice, not prescriptions. In can of severity of your problem, you must consult with an specialists. Doctors’ advice for Blood in the urine If there is blood in the urine, it is a clear sign of bladder cancer. The Flexible Cyst scope is a good test for early detection of the disease. Cancer can be diagnosed within five minutes without any anesthesia to the patient. It can also be detected whether there is any tumor in the bladder. Advice given by Professor Dr. Shoran Hossain Sourav, the Chairman of the Advanced Center of Kidney and Urology, Dhaka   Doctors’ advice for Wifi and health hazard If you are in the radiation zone of Wi-fi for longer period, you may develop insomnia. In addition t...
London to Bristol and Dubai to Sharjah

London to Bristol and Dubai to Sharjah

Cover Story, New Jokes and Articles, Travel Destinations
Three excellent travel destinations for your leisure, London to Bristol, Dubai to Sharjah and Doha to Amman. Surely you can enjoy these much more.. London to Bristol Foodie capital of the West Country, Bristol has got it all. From cheesecake at Hart’s Bakery to modern British plates in a shipping container at Box-E, you could easily spend two days here doing nothing but eating. When done, go around the waterways and see the city from the water. Bristol Ferry Boats operates waterbus services 364 days a year, letting you jump on and off as you choose from Bristol Temple Meads train station to the SS Great Britain. Make time to visit the Clifton Suspension Bridge, first opened in 1864, the grade I-listed structure is widely considered to be Brunel’s greatest work and is an international...
Mystery Story Riddle : The Case of the Arctic Explorer

Mystery Story Riddle : The Case of the Arctic Explorer

Cover Story, New Jokes and Articles
Mystery Story Riddle : The Case of the Arctic Explorer : Sir James Harvey, aged bachelor and famed explorer of the North Pole, was found murdered in his bedroom. The $400,000 in thousand-dollar bills, which he was known to keep in his wall safe, was missing. The police concluded that the criminal or criminals had concealed the money in the house, perhaps in something brought along for the purpose, expecting to recover it later. This surmise was founded upon Sir James's eccentric precautions. A visitor might gain admission to his estate unchallenged. But no one, including the servants, could leave without being challenged by a series of private guards. On the day Sir James's possessions were put on auction, Dr. Haledjian joined Sheriff Monahan in the explorer's museum. "The s...
Mystery Story Riddle 1 : The Case of the Arrowless Bow

Mystery Story Riddle 1 : The Case of the Arrowless Bow

New Jokes and Articles
Mystery Story Riddle 1 : The Case of the Arrowless Bow. The chief clue in the death of Bart Weaver was an archery bow, lying on the carpet. at the top of a narrow twisting flight of stairs his home. "Weaver was found at the bottom of the stairs, his neck broken," Inspector Winters told Dr. Haledjian. "Had be fallen, his momentum would not have carried him around the twists in the stairs. He was pushed, and hard. As far as we can determine, the only thing missing from the house is Weaver's famous Lu-zon diamond. My theory is that Weaver heard burglars. Fearing for the diamond, he tied it to an arrow and shot it out this open window, expecting to reclaim it later." An exotic theory, but perhaps true," said Haledjian. Our prime suspect is Hugh Tiff. He's been trying to buy the dia...

Cat Jokes : Online Chatting between two cats

New Jokes and Articles, Pets
Brand New cat jokes for cat lovers. Two cats were chatting First Cat : Meao Second Cat : Meao Meao. First Cat : Meao Meao Meao! Second Cat : Meao! Meao! Meao! Meao! First Cat : Meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaooo!! Second Cat : Meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoooo!! First Cat : Woof! Woof! Woof! Second Cat : I knew it was a fake ID!   Cat Jokes 2 A black cat is crossing the road. That does not necessarily means that something bad will happen. May be the cat really want to go somewhere.   Cat Joke 3 If a fish bone stuck in throat... European : call a doctor Indian : Bring me a cat, I will ask for forgiveness!     Hey Cat lovers! for more cat jokes please subscribe this channel and we will bring more.. Now here are some top kitche...
Homemade Mosquito Repellent | How to make mosquito repellent at home

Homemade Mosquito Repellent | How to make mosquito repellent at home

Cover Story, Health and Lifestyle, New Jokes and Articles
There are some homemade mosquito repellent , which you can make easily. Thus, you do not have to use harmful pesticides or bug spray. Homemade Mosquito Repellent Holy Basil: Holy Basil (Tulsi) plant has many medicinal benefits. Yet, it is a good natural bug repellent. Plant some Hole Basil near your open windows or balcony. Mosquitoes will be discouraged to enter your residence. Holy Basil is also useful treating common cold and cough.   Camphor: Mosquitoes abhor the smell of camphor. Put a 50 gram size camphor pill in a box and pour water in it. Then, place the box in a corner of the house. Change the water every two days. Camphor are also used in wardrobe to repel cockroaches and other bugs from fabrics.   Neem Oil: Neem has numerous benefits. The essential oil or...

Brand New Jokes : Hello Microphone Testing

New Jokes and Articles
Brand New Jokes : Microphone testing Normal people test their microphone before giving a speech like this "Hello Mic test hello.. 1..2.. 3.." But if you are a math genius and suddenly asked to give a speech in the auditorium, how you test the mic?.. "Hello, 0 1 2 3 3.14 .. 3.1415... 3.141592... and going on and on..." An Engineer will test the mic "Hello 1 ..2... approximately 3... just to be sure 4.. confirming 5..." A businessman? "Hello mic test $100 $200 $300 $250"  

brand new Husband wife jokes

Cover Story, New Jokes and Articles
There are some new and oven baked husband wife jokes for you   Husband was in a drinking party with his friends and it was late night. He called his wife while drunk but in a little sense. Husband: Hey dear, what is the menu for tonight? Angry wife : Poison! only poison! Husband : Ok, have your dinner and go to bed, I may be late.   Lost Wife Husband to an unknown lady in a market : Excuse me madam, can I have a little chat with you? The woman: Why ? Husband : I just lost my wife and her phone is also switched off. Woman : so, why you want to talk with me instead of finding your wife? Husband : Whenever I talked with some unknown lady, my wife always caught me.   another Husband wife jokes Wife :  Where are you! Husband : Do yo...

Brand New Jokes on animal

New Jokes and Articles, Pets
Brand New Jokes on Lion A group adventurer went into a jungle. Suddenly there is a lion just a few meters away from the people. The team leader said, "Shhhh all quiet! Don't make a sudden move and try to keep your eyes on the lion's eyes.' One of the team members whispered, "What will happen if we keep staring at the lion?' Team Leader : It will not attack us, I read this trick in a book. The man : well, how can you be so sure, that the lion also read that book?

Home remedies for Digestive problems

Cover Story, Health and Lifestyle, New Jokes and Articles
There are some simple ways to solve digestive problems. If you follow few rules, you will be free from all such problems. Digestive power can be easily increased by making a few changes in daily habits. Just follow the rules daily and this will make you much more healthier too. Try to chew any food well. Many of us chew and swallow food quickly. It increases the digestive problems. Therefore, the better you chew the food, the easier it will digest. Try to eat vegetables every day. The digestive problems will go away soon. Try to avoid processed foods as much as you can. Processed foods contains many chemical which may cause different types of digestive problems. Try to take green tea on a regular basis. It will work like a magic for you body. This anti-oxidant rich drink will...

Home Remedies for Dust Allergy problem

Health and Lifestyle, New Jokes and Articles
Those who have a problem with dust allergies have to take very y carefully. Dust allergy can be the cause of sneezing, coughing and eye-watering problem. There may be shortness of breath or skin rashes. In one word, the body will go completely wrong by allergy. So, to fight against dust allergy, these homemade tips can be useful as an alternative to anti-allergy medicines.   Eat more greens. The green vegetables help to reduce the tendency of allergies to increase immunity. The greens provide the vitamins and minerals needed for the body to fight against dust allergy. Green tea is also a good fighter against dust allergy. It is a very good resource of anti-oxygen. Eat clarified butter! Yes, this will work like magic against allergies. You can also use clarified butter...

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