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Here you will get Health related tips and Doctors’ advice.

4 Amazing health benefits of Mango

4 Amazing health benefits of Mango

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Mango is called the king of fruits. This juicy and sweet fruit is not only delicious, but it also contains essential nutrients for the body. Mango season is going on. Lots of mangoes are available in the market. Find out the amazing health benefits of mango.   Here are 4 health benefits of mango Mango contains vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants. Vitamin K in mango helps in stopping bleeding quickly and coagulates the blood. This yellow color has a lot of iron which eliminates anemia. Mango also helps to strengthen bones. Ame has all the food ingredients that prevent rapid weight gain. Studies have shown that the bioactive ingredients and phytochemicals in mango prevent fat cells and fat-related genes from growing, which helps in weight control. Besides controlling weigh...
Oil therapy for beautiful back and removing spots

Oil therapy for beautiful back and removing spots

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Here are some authentic oil therapy for your back. These will rejuvenate your back with the power of nature.  When black spots appear on the back, mix 1 teaspoon of almond oil and 1 teaspoon of sesame oil together. Wipe the back well with a wet towel and gently massage with this oil mixture. There are certain rules of massage. Learn to massage your back with a little effort or you can take professional help. Now massage it by pressing it well for 10 minutes. In these 10 minutes the skin on the back will become soft, then massage in a circular motion with castor sugar or plain sugar. Remove with clean water for 3-4 minutes. Make a pack with one teaspoon of sandalwood, one teaspoon of multani soil one teaspoon of cornflower and a few drops of almond oil. When mixing, mix the pack...
Bollywood actresses’ diet : that keeps them evergreen

Bollywood actresses’ diet : that keeps them evergreen

Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many people are surprised to see the fitness of Bollywood heroines. Even after 40-45 years, they are still acting as regular heroines. Their beauty did not fade. So, what is in the Bollywood actresses' diet?   Bollywood Actresses' diet Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Madhuri Dixit, Kajal, Shilpa Sethi, Sushmita Sen, Karisma Kapoor to Malaika Aurora, When all of them are over 40 years old. However, there is no sign of age in their faces. Bollywood actresses' diet to keep body slim even after 40 years of age? Let's take a look: Madhuri is 54 years old. Still acting. Crazy fans of her dance. She does a lot to keep his weight under control. He likes to eat on time and drink plenty of water to keep his weight right. She also regularly drinks coconut water.   Aishwarya Rai is 48 y...
Knee and waist pain : 6 ways to relieve

Knee and waist pain : 6 ways to relieve

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many people suffer from knee and waist pain when they are a little older. It is very difficult to find a long-term solution even if the pain is temporarily reduced by taking medicine on the advice of a doctor. This painful pain comes back after a few days. But with a little practice every day, you can get rid of this problem. All you have to do is bring some simple changes in your life. What to do to get rid of knee and waist pain: 1. Currently the biggest reason for this problem is the lack of adequate physical activity. Many people spend the whole day lying down without doing any work. The painful pain is to get as a result. So do at least 30 minutes of physical exercise every day. This will strengthen the muscles and bones and increase flexibility. 2. Never sit still for long....
Sore throats in kids : reasons and remedies

Sore throats in kids : reasons and remedies

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many children may develop sore throats with fever. Many are afraid of Covid-19 also. But, tonsils and oral cavity are mainly caused by sore throats in kids. Children between five and eight years old usually suffer from this problem. Sore throat in kids may increase at the end of monsoon or in winter. Inflammation is caused by bacterial or viral infections. The bacteria is responsible for 30 percent of cases is group A beta hemolytic Streptococcus. It is contagious. Spreads through saliva or mucus. Doctors said that the operation on the tonsils is the first choice. Tonsillitis is usually caused by a bacterial infection called Streptococcus. Tonsillitis can also be caused by some other bacterial infections. Sore throat or sore throat are early signs of tonsillitis.   Why sor...
Home remedy for fatty liver problem

Home remedy for fatty liver problem

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Fatty liver is the accumulation of fat in the liver. It can lead to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. But don’t worry, there is a home remedy for fatty liver problem. According to experts, if you have fatty liver problems, you need to be careful about eating. Many people take various medicines to reduce this problem. But taking medicine will not eliminate the problem entirely. However, there is a natural food to reduce the problem of fatty liver- tamarind. Tamarind is the most beneficial ingredient for any liver problem. It helps to flush out harmful substances from the body and keep the digestion process in order. In addition it destroys bad cholesterol in the body.   How to prepare tamarind juice as home remedy for fatty liver Peel it and grate it and squeeze the juic...
7 Amazing Health benefits of okra!

7 Amazing Health benefits of okra!

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Okra fries is delicious. Most of us like this vegetable when deep fried. But boiling it is a good choice as there are numerous health benefits of okra.   Health benefits of okra Okra is a good source of fiber. It contains Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C and Folic Acid. In addition, the amount of carbohydrates in okra is low, so there is no fear of gaining weight.   Okra is a good antidote for diabetes. Okra helps lower blood sugar levels and inhibit cholesterol production.   Each 100 grams of okra contains 1.6 grams of meat, 18 milligrams of vitamin-C, 90 milligrams of calcium, 1 milligrams of iron and iodine. It also contains carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, oxalic acid and essential amino acids.   Okra a.k.a ladies finger contain solu...
If fish bone stuck in throat

If fish bone stuck in throat

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many people eat a lump of white rice pulp as an easy way to get rid of fish bone stuck in throat. If it is a soft small fish bone, it goes down easily. However, there are several home remedies that can be used to remove fish bone stuck in throat.   If you get a fish bone stuck in throat, drink a little olive oil. Olive oil is more slippery than other oils. So the fish bone will slip down from the throat easily. Mix a little lemon juice in lukewarm water and drink it slowly. The acidic power of lemon softens the bones and it will be diluted quickly. Mix vinegar with water. Vinegar has the ability to soften fish bone in throat. So when you mix vinegar with water, the bone goes down easily. Salt also softens fish bones. However, do not just eat salt and mix it with...
Are you giving the baby snacks in a plastic tiffin box?

Are you giving the baby snacks in a plastic tiffin box?

Health, Health and Lifestyle, Kidz
While sending children to school at home, mothers have to be very upset while giving them tiffins. Kids don’t want to take tiffin without a beautiful, colorful, colorful plastic tiffin box. But it is more important for mothers to keep food warm and germ-free for a long time than a tiffin box. So the mothers feed the baby only after wrapping the food well in aluminum foil in a plastic outer tiffin box. This keeps the food warm for a long time and also protects the baby from the harmful chemicals in the plastic tiffin box. But is your child completely safe? According to experts, the health hazard is inevitable if children are given tiffins wrapped in plastic tiffin boxes or wrapped in aluminum foil! Prolonged exposure to this method can lead to hormonal imbalances in children. Because,...
যেসব খাবার শরীরে শক্তি জোগায়

যেসব খাবার শরীরে শক্তি জোগায়

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
অসুস্থ হয়ে চিকিৎসা নেওয়ার চেয়ে অসুস্থ না হওয়ার চেষ্টা করাই বুদ্ধিমানের কাজ। শরীরের প্রতিরোধ ব্যবস্থা যত শক্তিশালী হবে ততই রোগ, সংক্রমণ, প্রদাহ থেকে শরীরকে রক্ষা করা সহজ হবে। আয়ুর্বেদ চিকিৎসা অনুযায়ী, ভেষজ এমন অনেক উপাদান আছে যেগুলি হজম ব্যবস্থা, বিপাক, পুষ্টির শোষণ এবং আরও অনেক কিছুর সাহায্যে শরীরকে পরিষ্কার রাখতে সহায়তা করে। বিশেষজ্ঞরা বলছেন, মানসিক চাপে থাকলে তা মনের পাশাপাশি শরীরের প্রতিরোধ ব্যবস্থার উপর উল্লেখযোগ্য প্রভাব ফেলে। যখন কেউ মানসিক চাপের মধ্য দিয়ে যায়, তার অ্যাড্রিনাল গ্রন্থি থেকে কর্টিসল এবং অ্যাড্রেনালিনসহ একাধিক হরমোন বের হয়, যা শরীরকে সেই চাপ মোকাবেলায় সহায়তা করে। মানসিক চাপ কমানোর বেশ কিছু পদ্ধতি রয়েছে। এর মধ্যে মেডিটেশন, যোগব্যায়াম, ব্যায়াম এবং স্বাস্থ্যকর খাবার খাওয়া উল্লেখযোগ্য। বিশেষজ্ঞদের মতে, শরীরের শক্তি বাড়াতে দৈনন্দিন খাদ্যতালিকায় কিছু খাবার য...
Wonderful Tea Tree Oil : Extraordinary benefits of tea tree oil

Wonderful Tea Tree Oil : Extraordinary benefits of tea tree oil

Cover Story, Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many people think tea-tree oil is extracted from the original tea tree. Not really. However, thanks to Mr. James Cook, the name has remained. But whatever the name, the Benefits of tea tree oil is amazing. Tea tree oil is a very popular ingredient in today's beauty treatments. Over the years, it has become very popular among the beauty-conscious people of Bangladesh. But the funny thing is, many people here don't really know the source of this oil. Most people think of it as oil collected from tea plants. Tea tree oil literally means 'tea tree oil' but it has nothing to do with tea at all. Another name for this oil is Melaluka Oil. Because it is produced from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia tree. The plant originates in the northeast coast of Queensland and New South Wales, Aust...
Cycling can cure these diseases

Cycling can cure these diseases

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Everyone has a good idea about the health benefits of regular cycling. Cycling can cure many difficult diseases. Cycling every day will save you money; Just like that, the body will be healthy. According to experts, cycling is a great workout, which keeps you active. It helps to lead a healthy life and stay fit both physically and mentally. Cycling can cure There is no substitute for cycling to reduce excess body weight. In addition, it has some special benefits. Such cycling increases your metabolism and builds muscle. Even when you rest the body will be busy burning calories. Also, learn how to keep your body healthy while cycling. Cycling also increases the strength of the legs. This strengthens your leg muscles. Practice weightlifting such as squats, leg presses and lung...
Why smoking while drinking tea is dangerous?

Why smoking while drinking tea is dangerous?

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many people have the habit of smoking while drinking tea. There is no benefit in this, but it is bringing danger to one's own, experts said a lot, smoking is bad for your health. On top of that, smoking with tea again doubles the damage. Maybe you are unknowingly calling for the destruction of your body. Most people carry a cup of hot tea in their hand and a burning cigarette on their lips. Research shows that this type of habit can increase the risk of cancer. Various studies have shown that people who drink at least one glass of alcohol a day, as well as extra hot tea a day; they have the highest risk of esophageal cancer. Smoking while drinking tea In addition, in the case of smokers, drinking extra hot tea every day greatly increases the risk of cancer. In a recent report pu...

Don’t eat these while going to sleep

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many people go to bed after dinner. However, you should be careful about eating before going to bed. This is because eating certain foods before going to bed can bring serious health risks. Know what not to eat before going to bed. Dont eat while going to sleep (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Chocolate Chocolate should not be eaten before going to bed. The high levels of caffeine in chocolate do not cause uninterrupted sleep. As a result, you may suffer from depression after waking up. Ice cream Ice cream has a lot of sugar. And everyone knows that excess sugar is harmful for our body. However, sugar also has a negative effect on our sleep. Eating ice cream before going to bed at night increases cortisol levels and produces stress hormones, which...
What to do to enhance metabolism

What to do to enhance metabolism

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
In medical terms, what is called metabolism, we easily understand it as digestion. And a large part of it depends on this metabolism whether the body will be all right. If there is a disturbance in misery, the day is over. Follow some rules to get the matter under control permanently. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Protein at all times Try to eat some protein or meat at all times. In the language of medicine, meat is called thermal food. It increases the speed of metabolism by 15-30 percent. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Look at the muscles When you start exercising for muscle building, the body burns more calories. It is also seen that the speed of digestion is increasing while resting. Don't be thirst...

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