Prevent hair loss with this 7 magical ingredients
Here are the top ingredients to prevent hair loss. These are easy to find and easy to apply.
If you want to stop hair loss and increase hair growth, you can take the help of home pack. With regular use, these will strengthen the hair follicles as well as increase the beauty of the hair.
To Prevent hair loss ... use
The white part of the egg
Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of honey with the white part of an egg. Apply the mixture from the ends of the hair to the roots. After 20 minutes, wash off with herbal shampoo.
Onion juice
Soak cotton in onion juice and apply it on the hair roots. Wait half an hour and wash off using a mild shampoo. You can mix a few drops of essential oil to remove the pungent smell of onion.
Green tea
Cool the green tea liqueur and wash your ...