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Health and Lifestyle

Easy hair care tips at home in lockdown

Easy hair care tips at home in lockdown

Cover Story, Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
You have not been able to leave the house for a long time. But does this mean that taking care of oneself will also be left out? 'I'm at home, who else will see', thinking that if you take care of hair, skin, etc., but then the problem may increase. So the dermatologist and hair wellness expert Dr. gave easy hair care tips to take care of hair while sitting at home in lockdown. easy hair care tips 1. Adhere to a normal hair care routine: Do not skip the daily or weekly routine of hair care routine. This includes regular oiling and shampooing, as well as eating, sleeping and exercising at the right time. easy hair care tips 2. Dry your hair naturally: You are at home, there are no stars to go out, so there is no need to dry your hair in the dryer with shampoo. The heat of the dryer re...
benefits of Okra : a super food you must know about

benefits of Okra : a super food you must know about

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
One of our most familiar vegetables is Okra also known as Lady’s finger. It is quite advanced in terms of nutrition. benefits of okra is tremendous and just One hundred grams of Okra provides 33 calories, 6 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber. In addition, manganese, vitamins A, C, K, B6 contains the same amount. Find out why you should eat Okra regularly.   Okras contain beneficial antioxidants Okras contain a lot of antioxidants, which can fight against free radicals in the body. It contains beneficial antioxidants like polyphenols, flavonoids, isoquercetin. Studies have shown that foods rich in polyphenols are quite beneficial in curing heart disease. Polyphenols also play a role in increasing the efficiency of the brain.   Reduces the risk...
কোভিড-১৯ নিয়ে অনলাইন সিম্পোজিয়াম করছে বিএসএম ও ডুমা

কোভিড-১৯ নিয়ে অনলাইন সিম্পোজিয়াম করছে বিএসএম ও ডুমা

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
বাংলাদেশ সোসাইটি অফ মাইক্রোবায়োলজিস্ট (বিএসএম) ও ঢাকা ইউনিভার্সিটি মাইক্রোবায়োলজি এলামনাই এসোসিয়েশন( ডুমা) এর যৌথ আয়োজনে ‘কোভিড-১৯ এর প্রতিরোধ, চিকিৎসা ও ব্যবস্থাপনা’ শীর্ষক একটি আন্তর্জাতিক অনলাইন সিম্পোজিয়ামের আয়োজন করা হয়েছে । এ আয়োজনে বাংলাদেশ ও যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের শীর্ষ পর্যায়ের বিশেষজ্ঞগণ তাদের মতামত তুলে ধরবেন। আগামী ৩০মে শনিবার বাংলাদেশ সময় রাত নটায় এ সেমিনারটি অনুষ্ঠিত হবে। মিটিংএ অংশগ্রহণের জন্য ( জুম লিংকটি ব্যবহার করা হবে। ইনফেকশাস ডিজিস বিষয়ক বিশেষজ্ঞ , অনুজীববিজ্ঞানী, চিকিৎসকগণ এ আলোচনায় অংশগ্রহণ করবেন। এমার্জিং প্যাথোজেন ইনস্টিটিউট (ইপিআই ) এর পরিচালক ড. গ্লেন মরিস জুনিয়র, প্রফেসর অফ মেডিসিন, ইউনিভার্সিটি অফ ফ্লোরিডা ; ড. ফেরদৌস কাদরি, ইমিরেটাস সায়েন্টিস্ট, আইসিডিডিআরবি; ড. মাইকেল লজার্ডো , চিফ এন্ড এসিস্ট্যান্ট প্রফেসর, ডিভিশন অফ ইনফেকশাস ডিজ...
Singapore economy could reopen quicker than planned : minister says

Singapore economy could reopen quicker than planned : minister says

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle, Singapore News, Travel Destinations
A full reopening of Singapore’s economy could happen before expected if there's not a spike in daily coronavirus infections after the town state begins a phased lifting of its “circuit breaker” lockdown measures from June 2. Phase one – which can see three-quarters of the economy, including hairdressers, chiropractors and physiotherapists reopening as residents are ready to visit their parents’ and grandparents’ homes – was initially alleged to last four weeks, but National Development Minister Lawrence Wong said at a virtual news conference on Thursday that the method might be expedited if the infection rate remains “low and stable” for the primary fortnight of the month. “If all goes well, phase two can indeed proceed before the top of June,” said Wong, who also heads a multi-ministry ...
Increasing back pain, neck and waist pain?

Increasing back pain, neck and waist pain?

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Working at home is quite comfortable but there are some complications. Now there is no walking like before, the use of stairs is less. It affects every muscle in the body. Illnesses like neck and back pain are increasing day by day from home. Indian orthopedic specialist Kunal Sengupta said it was important to keep the computer at a certain distance and keep the neck straight in the right chair. But from home we are mostly working in such a way that every muscle in the body is going wrong for quite some time. The sun is not shining on him day after day. As a result, vitamin D is reduced. That's why the pain may increase. ' Things to do Do the same as you used to do while sitting at a chair table in the office. Occasionally while working on the bed or sofa, make sure that the neck ...
করোনা দুর্যোগে টাকা বাঁচাবেন কিভাবে

করোনা দুর্যোগে টাকা বাঁচাবেন কিভাবে

Cover Story, Health and Lifestyle, Op-ed
অনেকেই এখন ভাবছেন, আহা! ওই দিন যদি ফ্রায়েড চিকেনটা না খেতাম, তো ঘরে আজ এক কেজি চাল থাকত, সঙ্গে আড়াইশ গ্রাম ডালও। আবার সেদিন যদি বড় আপার সঙ্গে ফোনে এক ঘণ্টা কথা না বলে মেসেঞ্জার ব্যবহার করতাম, ফোনের ৭০টা টাকা বেঁচে যেত। ৭০ টাকায় তো এখন একদিনের বাজার হয়! হিসাব করতে গেলে দেখা যাবে এমন হাজারটা আইটেম বের হবে যেটা আপনার না করলেও চলত, না খেলেও চলত না কিনলেও চলত। সময় চলে গেছে। সামনে যে দিন পড়ে আছে, প্রস্তুতি নিন সেই দিনের। আপনি টাকা জমাতে শুরু করলে শুধু যে আপনি সমস্যামুক্ত থাকবেন তা নয়, আপনার প্রয়োজনীয় খরচের কারণে টিকে থাকবে প্রয়োজনীয় লোকগুলোও। তো সময় আর নষ্ট না হোক। সরাসরি চলে যাই টাকা বাঁচাবেন কিভাবে সে আলোচনায়। ফোনে কথা কমান কথায় চিড়ে ভিজে না। আর কথা কম বলতে পারলে উল্টো চিড়ে কিনতে পারবেন। একটা কিছু হলেই একশ জনকে মেসেজ আর ফোন করাটা আমাদের শুধু টাকাই নষ্ট করে না, সময়ও করে। সময়ের দাম আছে। সম...
Respiratory physiotherapy in strengthening the respiratory system

Respiratory physiotherapy in strengthening the respiratory system

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Respiratory physiotherapy is a specialized part of physiotherapy treatment that can reduce the complications of various lung diseases and reduce breathing difficulties. It includes various positioning techniques, chest pain management techniques, airway clearance techniques, breathing exercises, controlled breathing exercises etc. Respiratory physiotherapists in different countries are providing treatment, counseling on various obstructive and restrictive (COPD, bronchiectasis, asthma) diseases and informing patients about the disease status. Respiratory physiotherapy Benefits Since the coronavirus enters the human body and infects the respiratory tract, the disease is accompanied by respiratory complications such as pneumonia, severe shortness of breath and other symptoms. To reduce ...

Symptoms of sudden heart attack and tips to avoid

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Here are Some symptoms of sudden heart attack and tips to avoid. These are just symptoms and not necessarily means the alarming sign. Many are not paying attention to minor illnesses at this time of lockdown. Going to the hospital is considered an additional hassle. But in the case of heart problems, momentary negligence can bring great danger. Indian heart surgeon Kunal Sarkar has given some symptoms of sudden heart attack and tips to avoid this. Some symptoms of sudden heart attack If the heart rate increases with walking or a little effort. If you feel extra tired. When the body begins to gain weight by accumulating water. Swelling of the feet, ankles and feet can also be caused by heart failure. If this is the case, you need to see a doctor immediately. Be aware of...
Complete guide on taking care of cat | How to take care of your cat

Complete guide on taking care of cat | How to take care of your cat

Cover Story, Health and Lifestyle, Pets
How to take care of your cat? worried about taking care of your beloved kitty? here is a complete guide on taking care of cat. Give the cat time. Play with him. Give me toys too. It is better to keep a specific place for scratching. Give it a chance to hide, anything to climb if possible. If you take the cat to the roof or outside every day, his mind stays good, he also exercises, the risk of obesity decreases. If you keep cats indoors and work outdoors, provide adequate water and food. Homemade food is spoiled if left outside for more than four to five hours in hot weather. That's why cats need to be made to eat dry cat food. complete guide on taking care of cat : Let them be safe For those who keep cats, make their home catproof or cat-friendly, especially in multi-storey buildings....
Singaporean chef is now chef-owner at successful Middle Rd omakase bar

Singaporean chef is now chef-owner at successful Middle Rd omakase bar

Health and Lifestyle, New Jokes and Articles, Recipe, Singapore News
Tucked away during a corner of the second floor of Middle Road’s Fortune Centre is Kappou Japanese Sushi Tapas Bar. Despite its unassuming surroundings — neighboured by various vegetarian eateries and sharing a skinny partition with a Korean restaurant — browsing a glass door brings you into a small world of high-quality authentic Japanese cuisine. The restaurant’s interior is sparse. 12 seats face the kitchen, separated only by a counter, giving diners front row seats to the preparation of their food. Spectating would be an appropriate analogy for anyone who eats at the restaurant. On the opposite side of the counter, 26-year-old owner and chef Aeron Choo dazzles her customers with both her cooking and her showmanship. "Kappou", the primary word within the restaurant’s name, lite...
Duties and rights in case of flight delay

Duties and rights in case of flight delay

Cover Story, Health and Lifestyle, Travel Destinations
Duties and rights in case of flight delay : About 250 passengers boarded a United Air flight from New York Airport to Hong Kong last weekend. It was a nightmare for New Jersey travelers. After the plane landed at a Canadian airport without any plans for emergencies, passengers were stranded in the aircraft parking area for about 14 hours. Sanjay Daterson, a professional wrestler and passenger on the flight, was horrified by the extreme flight delay at the time. "Please help us," he tweeted. "It's an emergency and they're in a food crisis," he tweeted. At this point the passengers were transferred to another plane and eventually they returned to New York Airport again. Soon after, United's management arranged for food and hotels, including passenger compensation. If you ever fall into...
There are Two good news from Canada

There are Two good news from Canada

Cover Story, Health
Two good news from Canada : the mobile phone is ringing with strange sounds. No, the phone is not a problem. I took the phone in my hand and saw two urgent text messages. In French and English. This is an urgent message to warn Canadians returning from abroad to comply with quarantine. For so many days, the issue was just a request. The state of Ontario announced the emergency message on March 26, and from now on it will be the law. From now on, it will be considered a crime not to go back from the country for the mandatory 14-day quarantine. During these two weeks, even going to the store or meeting relatives or friends is forbidden. The facts are fairly clear. Canada is tougher this time around to deal with the difficult situation. Sophie Trudeau of Canada recovered This is a time o...
Tips to clean hairbrush with easy steps

Tips to clean hairbrush with easy steps

Health and Lifestyle
How to clean your hair brush? follow these effective tips. After brushing our hair, most of the time we do not clean the hair that has accumulated inside the brush. As a result, the brush became dirty after a while. In addition, if you do not clean the hair regularly, dirt accumulates inside the brush. Learn how to clean hair brush instantly. First, insert something thin into the brush and push the curly hair upwards. Then cut the hair with scissors. You can use toothpick, comb or pen for this purpose Take lukewarm water in a bowl. Mix a little shampoo and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. oak the brush in pot water for 20 minutes. Clean the brush by applying shampoo on the old toothbrush. How to make donut hair bun (with photo) Try these, The age will not aging skin Are you...
বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তারদের টিপস : অবশ্যই মেনে চলবেন

বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তারদের টিপস : অবশ্যই মেনে চলবেন

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
এগুলো গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তারদের টিপস । এগুলো যথাসম্ভব মেনে চলার চেষ্টা করবেন। তাহলেই থাকবেন সুস্থ ও সবল। বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তারদের টিপস টানা ৪০ থেকে ৪৫ মিনিট হাঁটলে রক্তে চলমান চর্বি ফুরিয়ে আসে। তাই অফিস থেকে বাড়িতে ফেরার পথে খানিকটা পথ হেঁটেই ফিরুন। শারীরিক সক্ষমতা থাকলে অফিস কিংবা বাড়িতে লিফট ব্যবহার না করে সিঁড়িতেই চড়ুন। অধ্যাপক ডা. মোহাম্মদ সাইফউল্লাহ ************ প্রতিদিন ৩০ মিনিট করে সপ্তাহে পাঁচ দিন হাঁটুন। সপ্তাহে মোট ১৫০ মিনিট হাঁটলে শরীরে ওজন সাত শতাংশ কমবে। এতে টাইপ টু ডায়াবেটিস হওয়ার আশঙ্কা কমে ৫৮ ভাগ। দিনে এক ঘণ্টা করে সপ্তাহে পাঁচ দিন হাঁটলে স্ট্রোকের ঝুঁকি ৫০ শতাংশ।-অধ্যাপক ডা. মোহাম্মদ সাইফউল্লাহ ******* যারা দিনে আধা ঘণ্টা হাঁটেন, তাদের হৃদরোগের ঝুঁকি ৪০ শতাংশ কমে। হাটলে ভালো কোলেস্টেরল বা হাই ডেনসিটি লাইপো প্রোটিন বাড়ে। এতে রক্তনালীতে সহজে ব্লক হয় না। না...
How to make donut hair bun (with photo)

How to make donut hair bun (with photo)

Glamour, Health and Lifestyle
Can't decide how to tie hair at the party? You can easily decorate your hair with gorgeous hair donut bun. This donut hair bun can be easily removed. For this you will need a comb, long comb, rubber band, a thick band, bobby pin and hair spray. donut hair bun Step 1 Raise your hair and tie a ponytail. Tie tightly. donut hair bun Step-2 Put the thick band on the rubber band. Step-3 Bring the hanging ponytail hairs all over the head.   Step-4 Spread the top part of the hair and pull the tail part into the thick band by inserting the finger. The upper band should cover the hair.   Step-5 Now spread the bottom part and put the finger inside the thick band again and pull the rest of the hair from the middle.   Step-6 Turn the t...

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