Friday, March 14

Benefits of turmeric for skin

হলুদের benefits of turmaric

Turmeric is not only used for cooking. Benefits of turmeric has usage for skin also. Through out the ages, turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine. Nowadays many doctors advise us to eat Turmeric as a diet. Turmeric is very effective in the treatment of ulcerative colitis, osteoarthritis, psoriasis, perkinsons, dementia, alzheimer’s disease and even cancer treatment. According to experts, 400-600 milligramscan be eaten in a day to get the benefits of turmeric . Turmeric is quite beneficial to solve various skin problems. Let’s know about this time, the various beneficial aspects of the Turmeric.

1) Turmeric is very effective for broken lips. Mix one spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of turmeric and 1 spoon of honey in a bowl. After this, keep the mixture in the lips and leave it for 5 minutes and wash it.

2) Turmeric is a very effective element to whiten the teeth. When brushing your teeth, take a little Turmeric powder with paste. If you brush your teeth regularly in this way, you will be able to reduce the yelowish in your teeth.

3) Turmeric can be used to care for oily skin. Mix 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder, 2 spoons lemon juice and little Turmeric powder in a bowl. At this time, keep the mixture in the mouth for at least 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it. This face pack helps to increase the skin’s brightness by reducing the oily skin of the skin.

4) Turmeric is very beneficial to eliminate dirty skin problems and dark spots under the eye. Mix 2 spoons of sugar in a bowl, 1 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1 spoon flour, 1 spoon of honey. Pour the mixture thoroughly in the mouth and keep it at least for 20 minutes, then wash. This method has been used to treat pale skin and to remove dark spots under the eye.

5) Turmeric is very beneficial to remove the dark spots in the face or skin. Mix one cup of milk in a bowl and add 1 spoon turmeric powder and 1 spoon salt into it. Put the mixture on the black spots in the skin and keep at least 15 minutes.

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