Friday, March 14

How to do good in Math

how to do good in mathHere are some formula to do good in math. Especially when you are in high school or college.

Lots of Practice to do good in Math

Well, you know how to find the value of X. You know what is calculus really means, but thats not enough. You may fail to memorize some steps in exam hall if you had not done enough practices. Cricket and Math has that one in common- practice, practice and practice. Practice will loosen your mind and increase the fluidity of thinking process. You may be a genius like Einstein, but without practice, examinations will not give you a second chance.


Don’t Skip error

To do good in Math you must not skip literally anything which you were not able to comprehend. A small formula or constant is really important for greater understanding of complex things. If you simply take the Pi as a fixed number like 3.14, then you will not able to know how rocket flies, how to draw graph of circular motion. You first have to gain clear concept of small blocks.


Try to find real problems

You have a garden, find out the total area of it. You may need the help of integral calculus when you discover that, your garden is not a perfect rectangle. You have to know about plotting, graph and other stuffs to just calculate the are of a irregular shaped terrain. And, such practice will literally reshape your brain’s thinking process and you will find the true joy of mathematics. So, to do good in math find some apple tree and try to count how many apple there are, with a formula!


Just not the steps

To do good in math not means you know every steps of the solution of a problem. Success relies on having clear concept of what you are going to conquer. If you have a car and do not know how to drive it, then the car has no use at all. Even you can’t describe others what to do with that car. Mathematics is all about understanding and having clear concept regarding calculation, numbers and sets.




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