Tuesday, March 18

Dry skin in winter? follow these 6 rules

The frosty wind conveys the message of winter. During the winter, the body also changes with nature. With the cold weather, the skin also started to become dry. Those who have naturally dry skin have no more words. This dry skin is later wrinkled. Therefore, it is important to take extra care of yourself at this time.

Caution in using soap and facewash:

Use a mild face cleanser and soap. In winter, when the skin is dry, using a deep face wash reduces the amount of natural oil in the face. This causes various skin problems.


Moisturizer must be used after washing face in winter. Any cream or lotion that hydrates the skin. In this case, it would be better to use glycerin and buttercream.

Serum use:

If your face is extremely dry, using a serum before moisturizer will keep your skin smooth. You can apply it twice a day for best results.


Scrub at least once a week. Use a mild scrubber that suits your skin. This will remove the dead cells from the skin.

Use moisturizer at night:

Scrubbing everywhere if you feel very dry starting from your mouth to hands and feet. Choose creams rich in hyaluronic acid and olive extract that keep the skin soft and not sticky.

Excluding hot water bath:

Instead of taking a bath with hot water, take a bath with very warm water which is tolerable to the body. Frequent hot water baths can dry out your skin and even cause itching.

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