Monday, April 29

Tag: entertainment

5 types of science fiction movies we love to watch repeatedly

5 types of science fiction movies we love to watch repeatedly

Cover Story, Entertainment
With respect, we can put aside Sir Christopher Nolan from this list. He has no single type, he is creating a whole new genre of 'types'. So, what are the other types of science fiction movies we love to watch repeatedly?   Time loop 12:01 (1993), ARQ, Before I fall, Groundhog Day (oh! it is THE Movie!), Christmas every day, The Endless, Game Over, Edge of Tomorrow, Happy death day... and the list goes on. This type of movie will happen again because this type of sci-fi movie somehow falls in the loop of time too (and our fondness). We can't question ourselves, what happened to other people's brain? Why they can't remember except the main character? AI apocalypse From the Terminator to NEXT, from Ex-Machina to Westworld, we have the utmost reason to believe that,...
প্রেম নিয়ে লুকোচুরি করেন না নাদিয়া মীম

প্রেম নিয়ে লুকোচুরি করেন না নাদিয়া মীম

Cover Story, Entertainment, Glamour
তারকারা প্রেম করেন লুকিয়ে, নাদিয়া মীম অকপট। অভিসারের সাহসী ছবিতে সয়লাব তাঁর ছবির নেটওয়ার্ক। প্রেমিকের সঙ্গে কখনো সৈকতে, কখনো পাহাড়ে। আট মাসের প্রেম নিয়ে লুকোচুরি না থাকলেও প্রেমিকের পরিচয় কাউকে জানাতে নারাজ এই অভিনেত্রী। টেলিভিশন নাটকের মাধ্যমে বিনোদন অঙ্গনে পরিচিতি পেয়েছেন নাদিয়া মীম । বর্তমানে ‘হাওয়াই মিঠাই’ নামের একটি ধারাবাহিকে কাজ করছেন তিনি। ইতিমধ্যে প্রচার শুরু হওয়া ‘জমিদার বাড়ী’ ধারাবাহিকেও দেখা যাবে তাঁকে। প্রেম নিয়ে জানতে চাইলে তিনি বলেন, ‘তারকাদের প্রেমকে অনেকেই অন্যভাবে নেয়। আমাদের কি প্রেম-ভালোবাসা থাকতে নেই? সারা দিন তো প্রেম-ভালোবাসার গল্পের ভেতর থাকি। মনের ভেতরে প্রেম থাকতেই পারে।’ প্রেমিকের পরিচয় কী আর প্রেম কবে বিয়েতে গড়াবে? এমন প্রশ্নে মীম বলেন, ‘এখনই বিস্তারিত বলা যাবে না। শুধু বলি, তিনি একজন গিটারিস্ট। বাদবাকি সব জানাব বিয়ের পর।’ জানালেন, তাঁদের সম্পর্ক ন...
30 best tv series in the ranking

30 best tv series in the ranking

Cover Story, Entertainment
In this article we will talk about the best tv series that changed the experience of watching television series. We will mention some of the series that have given us joy, ever or floated in insanity. 30. Saturday Night Live (1985-present) The American television show, which has been running for more than four decades, has been winning the hearts of the viewers through various funny scenes including satires and cartoons. Various sketches of this show, episodes often go viral the next morning. 29. Ki O Pile (2012-2015) Newcomers Keegan Michael and Jordan Peel starred in the 30-minute American sketch comedy series. The show has seemed a bit unfocused in recent episodes. 28. Thirteen Reasons Why (2016-present) This popular series has been created by taking advantage of the v...
Who is N-13 of The Blacklist?

Who is N-13 of The Blacklist?

Cover Story, Entertainment
What could be the possible explanation of a father-daughter dilemma to such an extent where one is much willing to torture another or even kill? Who is N-13 ? The answer is obviously some sort of global pandemic or nuclear catastrophe. We saw these before, plenty of times. So, who or what could possible the N-13 of The Blacklist tv series which has already created enough buzz in the first two episode of season 8? Obviously, we have to wait for a concrete answer until the mid-season. But before that, isn’t it obvious that, Reddington is not the N-13. Because we heard it from the confused lady Katarina Rostova. So, my guess (almost sure) is, N-13 is no one but Agent Keen. And, it is not a ‘he’ as referred by Katarina in the second episode of season 8 of The Blacklist. I know, li...
Jennifer Aniston beauty tips : advice on skincare

Jennifer Aniston beauty tips : advice on skincare

Cover Story, Glamour, Modeling, Teen
Jennifer Aniston has the most expensive and high-tech skincare treatment. But don't forget the basics of skincare: maintaining skin moisture and drinking plenty of water. There is, of course, one more thing that keeps his skin fresh. That is collagen. According to Aniston, collagen peptide is her favorite. She did not hesitate to say that she would benefit from using it. Rather, she says, ‘My nails are healthier than before. Because it works from the inside. ’That’s why she drinks this collagen peptide mixed in his smoothie. That's why she tied the knot with a brand called Vital Proteins. The Hollywood star said to provide nutrition from inside her body. And she is also working for vital proteins. She has come down to the campaign to make her fans as well as others aware. Sharing...

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