Saturday, May 18

Tag: gene

Gene Editing Easy Explanation with Examples

Gene Editing Easy Explanation with Examples

Education, সাধারণ জ্ঞান
Have you ever played a game of "Whac-A-Mole?" You know, the one where you use a mallet to hit moles that pop up randomly from different holes? Well, imagine that each of those moles represents a gene in your body. And let's say that you could use a special tool, like a tiny little hammer, to edit those genes and make them do what you want. Let's have a look at Gene Editing Easy Explanation For example, let's say you have a gene that makes you really love broccoli (because, let's face it, not everyone loves broccoli). But your friend has a gene that makes them hate broccoli. With gene editing, you could use your little hammer to "whac" the gene that makes your friend hate broccoli, and replace it with the gene that makes you love it. Voila! Your friend now loves broccoli too! ...

What is gene-edited food?

Education, Question Bank, প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর, সাধারণ জ্ঞান
Gene-edited food is a type of genetically modified organism (GMO) that has been created using the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology. This technology allows scientists to make precise modifications to the DNA of an organism by cutting out or inserting specific genes. In the case of gene-edited food, this technology is used to make desirable changes to the DNA of crops, such as making them more resistant to pests or more tolerant to drought or extreme temperatures. This can potentially lead to crops that are more productive, nutritious, and sustainable. Unlike traditional GMOs, which typically involve the insertion of foreign genes from different organisms, gene-edited food does not involve the introduction of foreign genes, but rather the modification of existing genes within the o...

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